I've been trying to find a pick-up game of soccer in the area I live (southeast delco). I'd venture out as far as Media, but haven't been able to come across any. Does anyone know of any? I've been playing in the PSSC leagues, but would like to do something more frequent, or on weekends.
If you want to make the drive, we have pickup games every Sunday night at 7 pm at 4th and Dauphin Streets in Philadelphia. I know it's a bit out of the way, but I try to make the drive every Sunday. It's a good time, and a good mix. It's friendly, but pretty competitive. We usually play till it gets dark. We don't discriminate, either. Women, old men, whatever. Come on out and have a good time.
I've been playing in a Sunday pickup at Chamounix Field in Fairmount Park on Sunday mornings. starts at about 930-10 and goes to about noon. Group of people from the PSSC Tuesday night league.
I'm thinking of joining a PSSC league for casual fun (as I haven't played competitively in about 18 years).
PSSC is good for that. It's 7v7, short field, the games are competitive but the rec leagues aren't ridiculously cutthroat or anything. I played CASA for half a year but it wasn't for me--playing 11v11 on a full field when the teams aren't in shape basically means a lot of kick-and-run. If I were 24 and had played with the same group of guys for years I'm sure it'd be great, but at this point the short sided games are more for me.
Thanks for the input. I'm in the middle of a move, but after I finish with that it's definitely something I want to look into.
Anyone here play in the Monday PSSC @ Navy Yard league? Noticed the ref in our game last night had a Union hat on...
I've started playing pickup with the West Chester United soccer club folks Sunday night. Played CASA with the sobs and pickup at swarthmore and penn but living in WC now. Looking to join a team in the wcusc league for the fall. Turned 35 this year so I don't know if 35+ or open league is for me. Anyone know the league?