Marselha send scouts to the game Benfica vs Setubal, his named on the list of possible players FRANCESES VIRAM JOGO COM V. SETÚBAL Marselha tem Petit debaixo de olho O Olympique de Marselha está a seguir Petit. Os responsáveis do clube francês estiveram, na Luz, no passado domingo, a observar o jogador no encontro com o V. Setúbal. Antes de se lesionar, o médio dos encarnados já tinha sido o alvo preferencial dos "espiões" gauleses, em diversos encontros da SuperLiga. Ao que apurámos, os responsáveis do Marselha vão prosseguir as observações ao médio, admitindo a possibilidade de apresentar uma proposta para garantir o respectivo concurso no final da temporada. Antes disso, nem pensar. O Benfica não pretende desfazer-se de nenhum dos titulares em Janeiro e os franceses também não vão efectuar volumosos investimentos na próxima reabertura do mercado de transferências. Outros interesses Mesmo elegendo Petit como o principal alvo das sucessivas viagens a Portugal, os marselheses têm também concentrado atenções em outros jogadores de Benfica, FC Porto e Sporting, nomeadamente médios-centro e pontas-de-lança. O jornal francês "Foot Transferts" deu conta, recentemente, do interesse em Sokota, mas, até ao momento, não houve propostas concretas pelo croata em final de contrato. Data: Quinta-Feira, 11 de Novembro de 2004 02:45:00 imprimir comentar enviar
Benfica can't sell Petit now, he is too valuable to the team and they have no one to replace him with.
You're abolutely right. We all saw how crappy our midfield plays without him. We sell him now and we can wave goodbye to any chance of winning the title.
i'm pretty sure that Benfica wont sell him for less that 12 millions, like Tiago, he's one of benfica's jewels this seasons
I agree. He's probably been their best player this season, they're a different team without him. Rather than selling off guys to make money, let's concentrate on winning the league. Then the Champions League money will come.
Yeah, let's get rid of our most influential player, it's not like we need him or anything, we got Paulo Almeida.
This would be a huge blow to say the least. Believe me when I say that despite being a Porto fan, I do not like to see quality players like Petit leaving the Superliga.
Biggy can you move these thread to the under the Portuguese clubs, also we should change Portuguese clubs and Portuguese players
I can't understand how teams that are in contention..are looking to sell their top players. Setubal will drop in the standings if they sell Jorginho and Benfica's midfield will be considerably weaker without Petit (especially in UEFA). Fans have to take a stand eventually or every Portuguese team will be in a constant 'rebuilding phase'.
Benfica won't sell Petit. I don't believe V&V are stupid enough to sell him. (Although it wouldn't surprise me if they do) They are a top contender for the title and they can kiss any chance goodbuy without him. Setubal, however, is a different case. They know they have no chance to hang on to the top spots and with all the Jorginho hype going around, they can't afford to keep him. Besides, the player himself has said he will not re-sign with Vitoria.
Benfica can't sell Petit. They only have 50% of his passe. They would have to sell him for like 24 million Euros to get 12 for him. That's just not going to happen. That's why LFV & JV are trying to extend his current contract that would give him a 100% raise. Grande Petit, we need you!
Benfica reach a agreement with Petit until 2010, stopping rumors the player was going to Marselha