im pretty sure everyone else heard our favorite PA guy say that, was that some kind of joke or something? what was with that?
Well, I hope they enjoyed "F-bomb musak" chant. I'm not proud of chanting f-bombs (only the second time we've done that in 6.5 years) and especially on Girl Scout night. But if they insist on making the Rapids stadium atmosphere a Chucky Cheese event, they sure as hell aren't going to attract ages 20-35. While I'm not in this age range, it is the desire of MLS (as I understand it) to win over fans in the age group. Bring it out again on August 24th and see what happens then...
It was a shame. It killed me inside. It killed my purchase of future tickets. And was it just me or did the entire "f"ing stadium just get severly quiet? Just sad! Congrats to the brillant mind that came up with this idea. You shot yourselves in the foot.
I second Zar's sentiments on this one. A lot of us aren't necessarily looking for Invesco to turn into The Kop, just a little liveliness in the atmosphere on match day. It's a soccer match, not a library picnic, and too many people in the stadium don't understand this. Which is a shame.
Yeah, that f-musak chant wasn't so good. There are definitely better ways to get them to stop doing that horrible, horrible PB & J thing. I'm still trying to figure out who would be sadistic enough to come up with that wretched thing. That was my last Rapids game for this season, unless they get to MLS Cup (leaving for college) and I'm not going to miss that dance at all.
Down where I sit, I can't hear anything--the music or the PA announcements or anything. So I don't even recognize the PB&J song. Is it a song that anybody would know? I think part of the problem with it (aside from everyone else's gripes that it's childish and silly) is that nobody knows what to do. Do we just jiggle like that goofy banana? Or is there a specific dance to go along with it, like the chicken dance? Or what? What would be funny would be to have everyone do a "dance" like the 30-foot-tall paper balloon men that they inflate after every Rapids score.
The problem with it is it's contrived and a distraction. It's an attempt to create as Zar put it, a Chuck E. Cheese atmosphere, instead of a real soccer/sporting one.
Ahhh!! I get it! Everyone else is pissed so it's ok. I rant a little and I'm called out for abusive language yet it's ok to sling the F-word around on Girl scout night. I guess if you're the one that goes out on a limb, you're the first to get hung. My guess is some people inside the office are petty and have fragile egos.
I hope they don't play it again, ugh! I go to football matches to watch football not to watch PB&J or Rapid man entertain the crowd five minutes from time. It seems to me there is a certain lack of respect for the game. I will contnue to go to matches and I will most likely buy a season ticket next year. If we don't support it now it won't have a chance to get any better later. davidfooty
You guys are missing the most important point, which is: every time the Rapids play that PB&J time, the other team scores! It happened the last 2 games in a row.
Personally I'm a bit more concerned about the play on the field than anything that happens over the PA and video screens.
But Mr. Legend has pointed out that PB&J gives the Rapids bad mojo. I remember the announcer saying, "It's 2-0 and it's time for the Rapids to jam in a victory, so let's do the peanut butter & jelly dance!!!" Then they score.
It must be canned. Of course the field happenings are the #1 priority, but presentation of the product comes into play too. If I want a contrived, forced, Chuck E Cheese/Kiddie Park atmosphere, I'll go to one of those. Bottom Line, it's an embarrasing distraction that takes away from the on field product.
I really wish we non-premium users could still have sig lines, cause this would go on mine. For some reason it just cracked me up. Anyway, sorry to be lurking on your board, but what the hell is the PB&J dance? I'm curious, yet slightly afraid to ask.
well the PB&J dance, is the Peanut Butter and Jelly dance. this creepy looking banana comes on the big screen and this weird techno like song plays and it dances. i'm not sure i know what it has to do with peanut butter and jelly (or the Rapids and soccer in general), but it is very strange and extremely annoying. especially sense they play it during the game! be very glad that you've never seen it...
Here is a link to it the dance. Be patient it takes a little while to load the first time and there is no preloader. Unfortunately, this is exactly what it looks like! I didn't realize that they keep talking about a baseball bat. I didn't get it before, but now I'm really confused!
PB&J I just went to the hotlink and watched that "beyond annoying" song and dance. Tell me please, what does it have to do with anything? Why are the Rapids playing it? I never look anywhere except on the field, and haven't paid any attention to it. The last match, I had an injured knee, and watched from home on MLS Shootout. Is it something that the little ones and moms are supposed to look forward to? Does it hawk some product? For the life of me, I can't figure out why they have it. Maybe I don't want to know. Go Raps!!!!!!
It has nothing to do with anything. It's just the same kind of frivolous on-screen entertainment that every other professional sports team in this town has to incite enthusiasm in the crowd. And which certain people, apparently, are incapable of ignoring. Instead of blaming some stupid banana for late scores, why don't we ask why the team loses concentration late in the games and lets the other team have an opportunity to get back into it?
I have been to rockies, Avs and nuggets games and i have yet to see something as stupid as the PB & J dance, i have nothing against frivolous on-screen entertainment, alot of times its pretty entertaining but other pro sports teams do not do it while the game is in play they do them during stoppages, i wouldnt have a problem with it if it was done during halftime, plus i have yet to see anyone actually do the dance, most people just look at it like what the hell!!
I still continue to have these continuous nightmares of a dancing peanut or banana. However, I think after last nights horrible dream that the figure is actually a plantain.
pepper vs. banana OK, not only does the song keep mentioning a baseball bat--it also mentions tic-tac-toe. I have to admit, I am oddly intrigued by it all, so since it's after 2 a.m., I did a bit of research on the net. Here's my favorite thing I found: