A train wreck? An honest exchange of ideas? Awkward as all get out? Check it out in Pastorino's first biweekly column with USSoccerplayers.com.
It would be a lot more interesting to know what the "off the record" stuff was, especially the part about talking about their boss.
While the article itself was extremely vanilla in both on-field and off-field soccer content I do have to say it is pretty impressive how SP has handled himself in reference to RSL since his resignation. Not everybody could do what he has done and continued to 'stick with' the team that fired them.
I think it shows that these are real people with real careers and families on the line. As in many industries, people shift jobs/companies within the same sector - you get to know each other and it's silly to burn bridges and build grudges. Just as John Ellinger, Steve P, Lagerway, and Jason Kries - they all will likely cross paths again within the realm of US soccer... it's a small industry (relatively speaking). As fans we have relatively little on the line (other than emotions) - for the people who work in that business and have made it their chosen field/career, it's different.