pagelle for milan

Discussion in 'AC Milan' started by jpick, Aug 26, 2007.

  1. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Serie A: le pagelle di Milan-Lazio
    dom, 28 mar 23:33:00 2010

    Le pagelle di Milan-Lazio, terminata 1-1.


    Dida 6.5 Attento ed efficace in parecchie occasioni, non risulta colpevole in occasione della rete di Lichtsteiner al 32'.

    Jankulovski s.v. Non giudicabile.

    Thiago Silva 7 Ottima la sua gara sia nel reparto difensivo sia in quello d'attacco dove non appena ne ha la possibilità dona il suo prezioso supporto.

    Favalli 6.5 Tiene a bada le punte laziali lottando con grinta ed esperienza.

    Zambrotta 5 Oltremodo macchinoso, soffre eccessivamente in fase di marcatura sul velocissimo Zarate.

    Seedorf 5.5 Solo a sprazzi. Ora illumina il gioco con aperture che lasciano gli avversari a bocca aperta, ed ora si auto esclude dalla manovra rossonera scomparendo per tratti dal vivo della gara.

    Ambrosini 7 Lotta come sempre come un leone mettendo in campo grinta, rabbia ed orgoglio. Interdisce gli avversari e trova sempre la forza di sospingere la squadra in avanti. Condottiero.

    Antonini 6 Lento e prevedibile nel primo tempo. Al 32' una sua leggerezza difensiva permette a Lichtsteiner di trafiggere Dida e realizzare la rete dell'1-1. Nella ripresa si trasforma alimentando spesso le azioni offensive rossonere. Si mette soprattutto in luce al 54' quando scarica un violento destro verso la porta avversaria ma la traversa gli nega la gioia del gol.

    Abate 6 Su e giù come un pendolino sulla fascia non si esime mai dal combattimento. All'82' ha una grande occasione dopo aver rubato palla a Muslera e Radu ma non riesce ad indirizzare verso la porta ormai sguarnita.

    Flamini 6 Combattivo e determinato si sacrifica con generosità in fase d'interdizione.

    Zigoni s.v. Non giudicabile.

    Borriello 6.5 Pressa parecchio la difesa laziale ma in fase conclusiva spreca un po' troppo. Fatta salva l'occasione del rigore realizzato al 18' nonostante Muslera riesca addirittura a sfiorare la palla.

    Inzaghi 6 Lotta e pressa con spirito combattivo ma è davvero troppo poco assistito dai compagni. Serve anche una palla d'oro a Borriello che sciupa clamorosamente mandando fuori in girata.
  2. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Serie A: le pagelle di Cagliari-Milan
    sab, 03 apr 18:05:00 2010

    Le pagelle di Cagliari-Milan, terminata 2-3.


    Dida 7.5 Compie un autentico miracolo su un colpo di testa di Larrivey. Non può evitare i due gol subiti, esegue altri interventi decisivi, magari non in bello stile, ma efficaci.

    Oddo s.v. Entra a tre minuti dalla fine.

    Favalli 5 Perde un paio di palloni da brivido, spesso sbaglia il posizionamento, troppo distratto.

    Zambrotta 6.5 Entra nell'ultima mezz'ora, la sua esperienza è utile per fronteggiare il forcing cagliaritano.

    Thiago Silva 5.5 Sbanda in un paio di circostanze, gli avversari non ne approfittano.

    Antonini 6 Presidia la fascia senza soffrire, ogni tanto si sgancia.

    Abate 6 Scende con continuità sulla fascia.

    Seedorf 6,5 Buon primo tempo: serve a Borriello la palla dell'1-0, nella ripresa dà una mano anche in fase di ripiegamento.

    Gattuso 6 Venti minuti a chiudere buchi a centrocampo.

    Pirlo 5.5 Crea poco, non si propone come al solito, poi si scopre che era debilitato da problemi fisici che lo costringono a lasciare il campo.

    Ambrosini 5.5 Non è fresco atleticamente, commette qualche fallo di troppo anche dopo il cartellino giallo.

    Borriello 7 Gran bella gara. Gol a parte, è l'unico che prova a muoversi senza palla, si defila molto sulla sinistra, poi va a chiudere anche al centro. Ogni tanto va via in dribbling, si fa anche sentire sul piano fisico.

    Huntelaar 7 Si muove bene come attaccante esterno, realizza un gol straordinario.

    Ronaldinho 5 Oggi rimane spento.
  3. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Serie A: le pagelle di Sampdoria-Milan
    dom, 18 apr 18:17:00 2010

    Le pagelle di Sampdoria-Milan, terminata 2-1.


    Storari 7 Sull'1-1 è decisivo con una parata strepitosa su Gattuso.

    Lucchini 5.5 Borriello lo impegna e lo mette in notevole difficoltà, lui si arrangia come può.

    Rossi 6 Tiene la linea con intelligenza senza commettere errori.

    Guberti 6.5 Spinge con continuità costringendo Abate a una gara difensiva.

    Poli 6 Regia lucida e precisa, non sfrutta a dovere il tiro da lontano.

    Ziegler 6.5 Chiude bene le diagonali, si alza con continuità sulla sinistra.

    Tissone 6 Entra a dieci minuti dalla fine ad arginare la vivacità di Ronaldinho.

    Palombo 7 Sostanza e abnegazione al servizio della squadra.

    Mannini 6 Entra al 66', si vede poco fino all'assist per Pazzini.

    Zauri 6.5 Dietro gestisce bene Ronaldinho, davanti si fa vedere con continuità.

    Semioli 7 Gioca molto alto sulla fascia, si fa sempre trovare pronto, ottimo in fase di corsa, scodella diversi palloni in mezzo.

    Cassano 6 Molto più presente e pericoloso in area che non nella costruzione della manovra.

    Pazzini 5.5 Il voto è una media tra una prestazione da 4, completamente anonima e incolore, e un gran bel gol da 7 al secondo minuto di recupero.


    Dida 6 Un paio di ottimi interventi nel finale del primo tempo bilanciano alcune indecisioni nella ripresa.

    Bonera 4.5 Non stava giocando bene, diversi disimpegni errati e la sensazione di insicurezza. Poi è arrivata l'espulsione.

    Zambrotta 5 Entra al 47', sale poco e dietro è poco reattivo.

    Oddo 6.5 Dopo l'espulsione viene mandato in campo a fare il centrale. Non sfigura, è attento e concentrato.

    Thiago Silva 6.5 Annulla senza grosse difficoltà Pazzini, è il padrone dell'area fino al gol dello stesso Pazzini nel recupero.

    Mancini 6 Pur non facendo cose straordinarie, è presente e produce gioco.

    Abate 5.5 Soffre l'accoppiata Ziegler-Guberti, meglio quando si sposta a centrocampo.

    Ambrosini 6.5 Costretto a uscire a inizio ripresa. Nel primo tempo aveva tenuto corti i reparti e recuperato diversi palloni.

    Seedorf 5.5 Nel primo tempo è irritante, trotterella e non combina nulla di buono. Nella ripresa, con la squadra in dieci, si sacrifica a fare il mediano. Si impegna, ma non è il suo ruolo.

    Gattuso 6 Qualche buon recupero, tanta corsa, ma anche poca lucidità col pallone tra i piedi.

    Antonini 5 Troppo timido, si fa schiacciare da Zauri e Palombo.

    Ronaldinho 6 Nel primo tempo è l'uomo in meno del Milan. Nella ripresa sale in cattedra allargando il suo raggio d'azione e provando a trascinare la squadra.

    Borriello 7 Fa reparto da solo. Non solo ha il merito del gol, ma svaria su tutto il fronte offensivo, difendendo palla e facendo salire la squadra. Un duro lavoro che lo rende poco lucido nelle altre due importanti occasioni che ha.
  4. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Serie A: le pagelle di Palermo-Milan
    sab, 24 apr 23:28:00 2010

    Le pagelle di Palermo-Milan, terminata 3-1.


    Sirigu 6.5 Attento sia tra i pali che nelle uscite, sul gol di Seedorf non può nulla.

    Balzaretti 7 Scende con continuità, mette diversi palloni interessanti in mezzo, dietro non soffre.

    Bovo 7 Annulla un impalpabile Huntelaar ed è bravo a farsi trovare pronto nell'occasione che sblocca il risultato.

    Cassani 6 Presidia la sua fascia di competenza, non sale molto, controlla con tranquillità.

    Kjaer 6.5 Pulito, semplice, preciso. Nel finale tiene d'occhio Inzaghi.

    Bertolo 6 Entra al 65', si mette a far legna in mezzo al campo con buona intensità.

    Pastore 6 Qualche bel numero, ma non una grande continuità.

    Nocerino 7 Grande intensità, si muove a tutto campo, difende con caparbietà e anche in proiezione offensiva costruisce azioni importanti.

    Blasi s.v. Entra a un minuto dal 90'.

    Liverani 7 Dirige il gioco a testa alta e con il suo sinistro fa un po' quello che vuole.

    Migliaccio 6 Non sta bene, va in campo debilitato e si vede. Meno pressing del solito, ma non affonda, esce al 65'.

    Cavani 6.5 Al 57' sostituisce Hernandez, si fa notare per un paio di belle conclusioni.

    Miccoli 7.5 Il migliore in campo e non solo perché decide la partita nel momento in cui la squadra stava soffrendo. E' sempre pericoloso, sta benissimo sul piano atletico, trascina i compagni. Da nazionale.

    Hernandez 6.5 Parte fortissimo, realizza un gol da fuoriclasse, poi però soffre un po' in fase di pressing. Esce al 57'.


    Dida 5.5 Blocca un paio di tiri di Cavani, sui gol potrebbe fare di più. Insicuro nelle uscite.

    Jankulovski 5.5 Rispolverato a centrocampo a causa dell'emergenza, in fase di ripiegamento soffre, in quella propulsiva cerca di combinare qualcosa.

    Zambrotta 6 Uno dei più propositivi, sale sulla destra, si fa trovare alto, poi però sbaglia i cross e perde palla.

    Thiago Silva 6.5 L'unico baluardo difensivo, accorcia, anticipa, salta di testa.

    De Vito 6 Esordio in Serie A all'80', è ordinato e diligente, gioca bene i palloni che tocca.

    Oddo 4.5 Alcune buone chiusure nelle diagonali, ma commette errori decisivi nel non tenere la linea. Perde sciaguratamente il pallone nell'occasione del gol di Hernandez.

    Mancini s.v. Entra all'87', ingiudicabile.

    Seedorf 6 Si accende a tratti alternando banali errori a ottime giocate.

    Gattuso 4.5 Sembra un altro giocatore rispetto al centrocampista volte campione d'Europa 2007. Corre male, non riesce a coprire e col pallone tra i piedi commette troppi errori.

    Pirlo 6.5 Prova a trascinare i suoi con la sua classe, viene dietro a prendere palla e la porta su cercando di costruire gioco con lucidità.

    Antonini 5.5 A sinistra spinge pochissimo, quando Leonardo lo mette a destra va un po' meglio, ma ha perso la brillantezza di inizio stagione.

    Ronaldinho 6.5 Nel secondo tempo si mette a giocare a tutto campo, assist d'oro per il gol di Seedorf.

    Inzaghi 5 Ha una palla d'oro per riaprire la partita sul 3-1, ma la sbaglia clamorosamente. Si fa trovare sempre in fuorigioco.

    Huntelaar 4 Immobile, invisibile, impalpabile, inutile.

    a cura di Generoso Simeone
  5. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Serie A: le pagelle di Milan-Fiorentina
    dom, 02 mag 00:09:00 2010

    Le pagelle di Milan-Fiorentinam terminata 1-0.


    Dida 6.5 La Fiorentina non si fa vedere spesso dalle sue parti, ma quando è chiamato in causa risponde con sicurezza.

    Zambrotta 6 Discreto primo tempo, qualche difficoltà in più nella ripresa quando entra Vargas.

    Favalli 6 Tiene duro come può, aiutandosi con il mestiere. Di più non gli si può chiedere.

    Thiago Silva 7 Un solo rischio nel primo tempo, quando si lascia sfuggire Gilardino, per il resto gara attenta in difesa, e pericoloso in avanti nel primo tempo.

    Antonini 6 Svolge il compitino con ordine ma senza guizzi.

    Mancini s.v. senza voto

    Flamini s.v. senza voto

    Ambrosini 5 Fa a gara a chi mena di più con Zanetti, finisce col rimediare due gialli evitabili.

    Pirlo 5.5 Gara opaca, poche giocate di classe, e una conclusione storta nel finale.

    Seedorf 6 Tanto movimento, e due conclusioni imbeccate da Ronaldinho che meritavano miglior sorte.

    Borriello 6 Pericoloso di testa nel primo tempo, fatica a superare la guardia di Kroldrup e Natali. Astuto a procurarsi il rigore.

    Inzaghi s.v. senza voto

    Huntelaar 6 Molto mobile, va a caccia del pallone anche a centrocampo, e perde lucidità negli ultimi 16 metri. Dà tutto quello che ha.

    Ronaldinho 7.5 Ottima partita, da autentico dominatore del match. Tante giocate di gran classe, a volte non del tutto comprese dai compagni. Le azioni più pericolose partono sempre dai suoi piedi. Compreso il rigore che decide la gara.
  6. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Serie A: le pagelle di Genoa-Milan
    dom, 09 mag 18:11:00 2010

    Le pagelle di Genoa-Milan, terminata 1-0.


    Amelia 6.5 Chiamato poche volte in causa, ma quando deve intervenire è sempre attento.

    Mesto 5.5 Più interdizione che discese sulla destra e spesso è impreciso, rischiando di regalare delle buone ripartenze al Milan.

    Criscito 7 Messo a giocare come difensore puro e non come esterno regala una prestazione ottima, nella quale annulla praticamente Pato.

    Bocchetti 6 Ogni tanto è un po' rude nelle sue entrate e viene graziato da Damato, ma si rivela efficace.

    Papastathopoulos 6 Partita diligente, non commette grosse sbavature. Esce all'intervallo per Fatic.

    Fatic 6.5 Entra all'intervallo e si fa trovare pronto. Buone sgroppate sulla sinistra e buone iniziative col suo mancino.

    Tomovic 6 Parte come esterno alto a sinistra trovandosi a suo agio, poi viene spostato dietro con l'entrata di Tomovic e non commette sbavature.

    Juric 6 Onesta gara del centrocampista croato, bravo soprattutto quando si tratta di distruggere il gioco milanista.

    Zapater 6.5 Sostituisce bene Milanetto, dimostra un buon piede soprattutto quando ci sono da battere palle inattive.

    Acquafresca 6 Partita caratterizzata da pochi spunti, salvata solo dalla traversa colpita al 63' dopo una bella azione personale.

    Palacio 7 Non segna, ma tiene in costante apprensione la difesa rossonera. A destra o a sinistra per lui non c'è differenza, dribbling funambolici che seminano gli avversari. Fa espellere Flamini proprio nel finale, dimostrando di avere ancora forza.

    Sculli 7 Match winner. Tanto lavoro per la squadra nel primo tempo, nella ripresa si toglie lo sfizio di segnare ancora al Milan, così come aveva fatto all'andata. Sesto sigillo stagionale.

    Suazo 6 Aveva segnato all'andata, questa volta non si ripete perché gioca solo 25 minuti. Mette in difficoltà i difensori milanisti negli spazi lasciati nel finale.

    Palladino s.v. Solo gli ultimi minuti.


    Dida 6.5 Non commette grossi errori. Sul gol di Sculli può poco, ma per il resto si fa trovare sempre pronto.

    Zambrotta 5 Entra e sembra giocare col freno a mano tirato. Forse però questo è il massimo che riesce ad offrire in questo momento. Assolutamente fuori condizione.

    Thiago Silva 7 Autentico dominatore su tutti i palloni che arrivano dalle sue parti. Acquafresca non la vede praticamente mai e quando qualcuno prova a sfidarlo esce sempre vincitore.

    Favalli 6 Gioca titolare per mancanza di alternative e si fa rispettare grazie alla sua grande esperienza. Alla sua età non si può chiedere di più.

    Antonini 6 Ogni tanto viene ignorato quando scende sulla sinistra oppure viene servito in malo modo, così non può mettere cross interessanti. Esce zoppicando.

    Pirlo 5 Certi errori commessi in fase di appoggio al limite dell'area rossonera denotano il suo stato di forma. Si fa vedere in positivo solo con una punizione dalla distanza bloccata da Amelia.

    Seedorf 4.5 Come nelle partite peggiori entra con un'indolenza e una sufficienza capaci di far arrabbiare anche il tifoso più tranquillo. Mai uno spunto o un'intuizione vincente.

    Gattuso 5.5 Tanta grinta, ma anche molte ingenuità. Esce per Seedorf nella ripresa.

    Abate 6 Buona volontà, ma niente di più. Quando scende sul fondo azzecca poche volte un cross degno di questo nome. Fa le cose migliori quando si tratta di recuperare in velocità.

    Flamini 5 Sembra il più in forma del centrocampo milanista, ma commette una sciocchezza clamorosa quando entra in quella maniera su Palacio, sapendo di essere già ammonito.

    Huntelaar 5 Entra per regalare un po' più di vivacità allo spento attacco rossonero. Quello che sbaglia all'84' però è veramente clamoroso.

    Pato 5.5 Ha la chiara attenuante dei quasi due mesi di inattività, ma si fa vedere proprio poco. Uno spunto all'inizio e poco altro. Esce per Huntelaar.

    Borriello 5 Sciagurato davanti quando ha l'opportunità di andare in gol sempre imbeccato da Ronaldinho, ma commette un errore decisivo pure in chiusura facendosi scappare Sculli in occasione del gol del calabrese.

    Ronaldinho 6 Poco movimento e pochi guizzi, ma se il Milan si rende pericoloso è soprattutto merito della sua fantasia. Offre almeno quattro palloni buoni a Borriello, ma l'attaccante napoletano non riesce mai a concretizzare. Cala alla distanza.
  7. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:

    Serie A: le pagelle di Milan-Juventus
    sab, 15 mag 23:53:00 2010

    Di seguito le pagelle di Milan-Juventus, terminata 3-0.


    Abbiati s.v. Non giudicabile.

    Dida 6.5 Viene impegnato col contagocce ma è sempre attento a non lasciarsi sorprendere dalle sterili offensive degli ospiti. All'87' esce in favore di Abbiati e raccoglie il caloroso saluto del riconoscente popolo milanista.

    Zambrotta 7 Roccioso in fase difensiva e propulsivo sulla fascia di destra dove si sgancia con buona frequenza. Suo il cross-assist per la terza rete rossonera siglata da Ronaldinho. Fluidificante.

    Favalli 7 Nonostante l'età avanzata e gli acciacchi il vecchio leone quando ruggisce mette ancora paura. Esce al 61' in favore di Nesta raccogliendo gli applausi e la standing ovation di San Siro. Stoico.

    Nesta 6.5 Rientra al 61' dopo un lungo stop al posto di Favalli e riprende immediatamente il comando della difesa. Come il suo predecessore non concede nulla alle evanescenti punte bianconere.

    Thiago Silva 7 Il reparto difensivo è il suo regno e gli avversari di fronte a lui appaiono sempre in evidente imbarazzo. Diga insuperabile.

    Antonini 7.5 Spinge tantissimo sulla corsia di sinistra dove si trova a suo agio in sistematico supporto di Ronaldinho. Al 14', lanciato da Seedorf, va in percussione centrale e dopo aver resistito all'intervento di Cannavaro batte di destro e fulmina Buffon siglando l'1-0. Superlativo.

    Pirlo 7 Il metronomo rossonero non perde un colpo regalando una prestazione praticamente perfetta.

    Seedorf 7 Quando è in serata inventa giocate degne della sua indiscutibile classe. Geniale il suo assist nel primo tempo che regala ad Antonini la possibilità di siglare l'1-0.

    Gattuso 7 Grinta e determinazione allo stato puro. Lotta con il cuore a metà campo senza mollare mai. Rabbioso.

    Borriello 7 Ha grande voglia e lotta con coraggio contro la agguerrita retroguardia bianconera. Carro armato.

    Inzaghi 6 Entra al 70' al posto di Ronaldinho e passa una ventina di minuti a fare il suo mestiere: cercare con tutto se stesso il gol. Immarcescibile guerriero.

    Ronaldinho 8 Regala giocate d'alta scuola ed al 29' realizza la rete del 2-0 dopo un'azione insistita sulla destra in tandem con Pato. Poi al 69' si ripete siglando la sua personale doppietta con un colpo da biliardo che non lascia scampo a Manninger. Al 70' visibilmente emozionato esce in favore di Inzaghi e saluta Leonardo con un sentito abbraccio. Favoloso.

    Pato 7 Mobile e reattivo. Si da parecchio da fare mettendo in costante apprensione la difesa juventina che per fermarlo deve spesso ricorrere ad interventi fallosi. Spina nel fianco.
  8. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:

    32Christian Abbiati
    -25 Daniele Bonera
    6.5 13 Alessandro Nesta
    6.5 33 Thiago Silva
    7.0 77 Luca Antonini

    6.5 23 Massimo Ambrosini
    6.5 21 Andrea Pirlo
    7.0 10 Clarence Seedorf
    6.5 80 Ronaldinho

    7.5 7 Alexandre Pato
    8.0 22Marco Borriello

    6.0 22 Antonio Rosati
    5.5 2 Giulio Donati
    5.0 5 Simone Sini
    5.0 13 Stefano Ferrario
    4.5 3 Alberto Giuliatto
    5.0 20 Giuseppe Vives
    5.0 8 Gianni Munari
    5.5 18 Guillermo Gonzalo Giacomazzi
    6.5 21 Carlos Grossmüller
    6.0 11 Djamel Mesbah
    5.0 9 Daniele Corvia
    A disposizione1Marco Amelia
    -15 Sokratis Papastathopoulos
    -20 Ignazio Abate
    -90 Nnamdi Oduamadi
    -9 Filippo Inzaghi
    7.0 8 Gennaro Ivan Gattuso
    7.0 27 Kevin-Prince Boateng
    6.5 A disposizione-81Massimiliano Benassi
    -6 Tore Reginiussen
    -91 Andrea Bertolacci
    6.0 23 Ernesto Javier Chevantón
    -4 Gustavo
    6.0 19 Ignacio Piatti
    -28 Davide Brivio
    Allenatore-Massimiliano Allegri

    8.0 Allenatore 5.0-Luigi De Canio

    Le Pagelle di Cesena-Milan - Giaccherini è il vero fenomeno. Papastathopoulos fa tutto malissimo
    Molto bene tutto il Cesena. Nel Milan si salvano solo Pato ed Inzaghi.
    di Stefano De Martino

    Francesco Antonioli 6.5 Sempre sicuro, certo non gli manca esperienza. Un grande intervento in avvio su Ronaldinho e poi rende semplice qualsiasi intervento.

    Luca Ceccarelli 6.5 Bellissimo il suo assist al volo in occasione del primo gol. Conferma le buone cose fatte vedere contro la Roma. Bene in difesa, bravo in avanti.

    Steve von Bergen 7.0 Come il suo compagno Pellegrino non sbaglia praticamente nulla. Benissimo in chiusura è sempre attento e preciso.

    Maximiliano Pellegrino 7.0 Doveva essere una serata da incubo ed invece ha dominato. Bravissimo con Von Bergen a controllare la zona centrale in cui il Milan non riesce mai a passare.

    Yuto Nagatomo 6.5 Reduce dal viaggio per la Nazionale in Giappone parte un po’ contratto. Migliora con il passare del tempo quando sconfigge il Jet Lag.

    Stephen Appiah 6.0 Meno bene dei suoi compagni riesce comunque a non sfigurare. Da lui si pretende qualcosa di più. Parolo e Colucci sopperiscono alle sue mancanze.

    Giuseppe Colucci 6.5 Tutto bene. Fa diga in mezzo al campo ed ha anche la classe giusta per poter impostare e fare gioco.

    Marco Parolo 7.0 Una grandissima prestazione. Fa tutto benissimo sia quando va in pressione sulla difesa rossonera, sia quando deve fare muro davanti all’area, sia quando si inserisce.

    Ezequiel Matias Schelotto 7.5 Nel primo tempo è un cavallo che corre senza redini sulla fascia. Nel secondo tempo rimane più coperto e aiuta tantissimo in difesa.

    Erjon Bogdani 7.5 Papastathopoulos se lo sognerà per molte notti. Fa tutto benissimo. Protegge palla, va via al difensore, fa gioco e segna un grande goal.

    Emanuele Giaccherini Migliore in campo 8.0 Una serata magnifica. Ci si aspettavano i numeri dei fantastici quattro rossoneri ed invece si è assistito al Giaccherini Show. Imprendibile e bravissimo in occasione del goal.

    • Sostituzioni
    Dominique Malonga S.V. Entra per dare respiro a Bogdani e per dare ancora maggiore velocità all’attacco. Troppo poco per un voto.

    Christian Abbiati 5.5 In entrambi i gol non riesce, in allungo, ad arrivare sulla palla. Forse avrebbe potuto fare qualcosa di più.

    Daniele Bonera 5.5 Bonera Nel primo tempo soffre la velocità di Giaccherini che lo punta in continuazione. Meglio nel secondo tempo da centrale.

    Sokratis Papastathopoulos Peggiore in campo 4.5 Bruttissima prestazione. Cerca l’anticipo ma sbaglia quasi sempre. Colpevole sul gol di Giaccherini fa fatica a tenere Bogdani e lo perde sul primo goal.

    Thiago Silva 5.5 Non è sicuro come nelle partite migliori. Non si trova con Papastathopoulos ed ha un paio di indecisioni. Si fa male ed esce a fine primo tempo.

    Luca Antonini 5.5 Non riesce a spingere come al solito e va un po’ in difficoltà contro Schelotto. Ha l’alibi di dover giocare sempre uno contro uno.

    Massimo Ambrosini 5.0 Non è il solito muro a centrocampo e quando si inserisce non riesce mai ad essere incisivo.

    Andrea Pirlo 5.5 Controllato bene soprattutto da Parolo fa fatica a fare gioco. Prova qualche lancio ma con poca fortuna.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 5.5 Corre e lotta ma non sempre è lucido. Il Cesena lo lascia abbastanza libero, ha spazio per venire avanti ma mostra i suoi limiti tecnici.

    Ronaldinho 5.0 Gioca da fermo e non riesce mai a rendersi pericoloso. Rimane sempre molto largo e non entra mai nel vivo del gioco.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 5.0 Il fisico c’è e lo sfrutta alla grande riuscendo sempre a proteggere palla. Fa però troppo poco in avanti. Qualche tocchetto interessante ma troppo fumoso. Sbaglia anche il rigore.

    Alexandre Pato 6.0 E’ lui il migliore dei suoi. Segna un gol che gli viene annullato e, con la sua velocità, mette in difficoltà Nagatomo. Non trova sostegno dai compagni.

    • Sostituzioni
    Ignazio Abate 5.5 Con la sua velocità riesce parzialmente a tenere Giaccherini. Discreto in difesa non riesce però mai a lanciarsi in avanti.

    Robinho 5.0 Pochi minuti per far sorgere dubbi sulla sua adattabilità al calcio italiano. Contro difese schierate e chiuse saprà essere decisivo ? Stasera non c’è certamente riuscito.

    Filippo Inzaghi 6.0 Il vecchio leone fa sempre sentire il suo ruggito. E’ il quinto attaccante, lo sa, ha 37 anni ma gioca come un ragazzino. Ci mette l’anima ma non basta per risollevare le sorti della partita.

    Le Pagelle di Milan-Catania - Ronaldinho è l'uomo del match, Capuano goleador
    Pirlo non incide, gran lavoro nell'attacco rossazzurro di Maxi Lopez.
    di Antonio Longo

    Christian Abbiati 6.0 Si salva in corner su Potenza, nulla da togliere ai meriti di Capuano ma sul goal poteva fare meglio.

    Daniele Bonera Peggiore in campo 5.5 Dalle sue parti e' scatenato Capuano, cerca di limitare i danni.

    Thiago Silva 6.5 Accorto tatticamente, nella ripresa cerca anche la via del goal personale.

    Alessandro Nesta2466.0Ingaggia un bel duello con Lopez, si mette in mostra per un paio di recuperi da "vecchi tempi".

    Luca Antonini 5.5 Si propone spesso sull'out sinistro ma senza mai incidere.

    Clarence Seedorf 5.5 Cerca di mettere ordine nel centrocampo rossonero non sempre con lucidità, manda alto dal limite dell'area, non sfrutta l'illuminante colpo di tacco di Ibra. Ci si attendeva qualcosina in più.

    Andrea Pirlo 5.5 Alcuni suoi lampi illuminano la manovra dei padroni di casa, ma manca la continuità.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 7.0 Giallo per fallo su Lopez, lotta su ogni pallone, non tira mai la gamba indietro. Grinta e qualità garantite.

    Filippo Inzaghi 6.0 Clamoroso errore su assist di Ibra, si fa perdonare mettendo dentro il goal del pareggio ben servito da Ronaldinho.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 6.0 Assist d'oro per Inzaghi che incredibilmente manda a lato, spunto personale concluso a lato, un colpo di tacco strappa applausi che smarca Seedorf. Ma manca il goal.

    Ronaldinho Migliore in campo 7.0 Millimetrici i suoi suggerimenti, Izco lo neutralizza in alcune occasioni, poi inventa da campione il passaggio decisivo per Inzaghi.

    • Sostituzioni
    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso S.V. Entra in campo allo scadere.

    Nnamdi Oduamadi S.V. Entra in campo a 5' dal termine.

    Mariano Gonzalo Andújar 6.0 Nulla da fare sul tocco ravvicinato di Inzaghi, si distingue per una tempestiva uscita sul bomber milanista.

    Alessandro Potenza 6.0 Bello scambio con Ricchiuti poi di sinistro impegna il numero uno rossonero. Svolge con diligenza il compito assegnatogli sulla fascia destra.

    Nicolás Federico Spolli 6.5 Tiene bene la posizione, sempre preciso negli interventi.

    Matías Silvestre 6.0 Sfiora il goal di testa, per il resto non subisce più di tanto la quota tecnica degli attaccanti rossoneri.

    Ciro Capuano 6.5 Eurogoal di sinistro, decisivo in diverse chiusure, prestazione macchiata dal cartellino giallo nel finale.

    Marco Biagianti 6.0 Discreto in fase di interdizione nei primi 45', nella ripresa alcuni passaggi a vuoto.

    Adrian Ricchiuti 6.0 Un suo sinistro in avvio e' bloccato da Abbiati, poi mette in difficoltà il portiere rossonero con un tiro cross e spreca una ghiotta occasione. La sua presenza in campo si nota comunque.

    Ezequiel Carboni 5.5 Il suo lavoro "oscuro" in mezzo al campo e' a corrente alternata, lascia spazio a Del Vecchio nella ripresa.

    Mariano Julio Izco6.0 Non soffre il maggior tasso tecnico degli avversari, in diverse occasioni si oppone con esiti favorevoli a Dinho.

    Giuseppe Mascara 6.0 Non da' punti di riferimento agli avversari, moto continuo anche nelle retrovie, tenta alcuni colpi ad effetto.

    Maxi López 6.5 Azione personale conclusa sul fondo nel primo tempo, cerca di aprire dei varchi ma sono troppo pochi i palloni giocabili che gli arrivano. Tiene comunque in apprensione la retroguardia rossonera.

    • Sostituzioni
    Pablo Sebastián Álvarez80S.V.In campo solo nel finale.

    Gennaro Delvecchio 6.0 Non si limita solo alla fase di interdizione ma tenta alcune sortite in avanti.

    Pablo Ledesma 6.0 Si piazza in cabina di regia e detta i tempi della manovra.
  9. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: Milan 2-0 Cesena rates the performances of the players involved in tonight's exciting game at the Giuseppe Meazza...
    By Vasil Kotsev


    Christian Abbiati 6.5 Barely had to intervene tonight, barring his superb block on Schelotto in the 17th minute. Look assured in goal.

    Ignazio Abate 6.5 Solid defensively and put in some good crosses as well. All in all a decent performance.

    Alessandro Nesta 6.0 Left the pitch with a shoulder injury early in the game.

    Mario Alberto Yepes 7.0 Very stable at the back and left nothing to chance tonight. Read the game well and even took his time to charge forward.

    Luca Antonini 6.5 Horrible mistake in the 17th minute nearly cost his team a goal. Improved after that both in defensive and offensive sense.

    Massimo Ambrosini 7.0 The captain covered a lot of ground tonight and even had a few shots at goal. Showed great tackling and work-rate.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Did well in midfield tonight, chasing every ball and spraying it around comfortably.

    Alexander Merkel 6.5 The youngster is still too raw for first-team football and it showed tonight as evidenced in the 37th minute when he panicked and scrambled a great chance. Showed great passing, though and tried to keep things simple.

    Robinho 7.0 Compensated the lack of luck tonight with much effort. Showed great technique and assisted the second goal. His pass for Ibrahimovic's chance in the 43rd minute is worth seeing. Only black spot in his performance tonight was his misses in the 77th and 92nd minute.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic Top of the Match 8.5 Man of the match hands down. Best striker in the world? Probably. Delivered when needed as he forced Pellegrino to put the ball into his own net for the first and popped up with an unstoppable finish for the second. Worked hard upfront tonight. Unlucky to be denied in the 43rd minute when he saw a header blocked by Antoniolli

    Antonio Cassano 7.5 Assisted the first goal and was very dangerous with his exquisite passing. Put in a few dangerous balls and was very involved in attack.

    • Substitutions
    Sokratis Papastathopoulos 7.0 Replaced Alessandro Nesta in the 23rd minute and did not disappoint tonight. Made a wonderful clearance just ahead of Erjon Bogdani in the 77th minute.

    Alexandre Pato 5.0 N/A
  10. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:

    Christian Abbiati 6.5 Resolute to everything thrown at him, though in all truth, Catania should have asked more of him when a man to the good.

    Daniele Bonera 6.0 Caught out a couple of times in the first half but it was an improved display compared to recent outings.

    Mario Alberto Yepes 7.0 A towering performance at times from the big centre-half. Vital in helping to keep Catania at bay in the second half.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Milan just look so much better with him at the back. Continues to perform his 'Marcel Desailly' duties with a stint just in front of the back four as the Rossoneri held on with a bit to spare in the second half.

    Luca Antonini 6.5 Did well enough to suggest he might keep his place for Lazio on Tuesday night despite the increased competition provided by January's new signings.

    Massimo Ambrosini 7.0 Put in a captain's shift in the first half and made up some of the ground left behind by Van Bommel before being forced off with a knock late on.

    Mark van Bommel 4.5 He fitted in well in midweek, but tonight showed that he still has to curb his enthusiasm off the ball. First he brought down Spolli after Merkel and Ambrosini had both had a nibble at the defender’s legs, then he clipped Ledesma to earn a second booking, leaving his team a man short for the final 36 minutes.

    Alexander Merkel Flop of the Match 6.0 Not only looked good on the ball, but also carried out a good tracking role and foiled Mascara more than once. Might have scored had Ibrahimovic fed a better ball his way, but he was then replaced at the break by Emanuelson.

    Robinho 8.0 Could have scored as early as the first minute but eventually got his goal when following up Ibrahimovic's free-kick and later returned the favour to finish the contest.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic Top of the Match 8.0 It may well not have been a vintage Ibrahimovic performance, but the Swede once again proved himself to be a winner. Shrugged off the loss of team-mate Van Bommel to fire a free-kick which Andujar could only parry towards Robinho before sliding home the Brazilian's cross late on.

    Antonio Cassano 6.0 Snatched at a shot on the edge from Ibrahimovic’s knock-down and stumbled when the Swede put him in at the near post late in the first half. Sacrificed when Milan needed defensive numbers for the last half hour.

    • Substitutions
    Marek Jankulovski N/A Late replacement for Ambrosini as Milan held on.

    Massimo Oddo 6.5 Brought on to reinforce the defensive effort after Van Bommel's red and did exactly the job Allegri asked of him. His increased exposure of late reflects his improved form.

    Urby Emanuelson 6.5 Came on for Merkel at the break and proved to be a capable body when needed to help keep Catania out after Van Bommel's red.
  11. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: Milan 0-0 Lazio rates the players on show at the San Siro...
    By David Schiavone

    Christian Abbiati 6.0 Made a good save to deny Kozak, but was a spectator for the majority of the game.

    Massimo Oddo 6.5 Almost scored from a cross, though was barely tested defensively by Sculli or Radu. Supported well in an attacking sense, but his final ball was a little suspect.

    Daniele Bonera 6.5 Was the weaker of the two centre backs, but handled himself well. Brought the ball out of defence expertly too. Taken off at half-time due to injury.

    Mario Alberto Yepes Top of the Match 7.5 An absolute rock. Won almost every header he challenged for, perfect timing in the tackle and covered Antonini when the full-back bombed forward.

    Luca Antonini 6.5 Bombing forward as you would expect, and thus leaving gaps which Lazio did exploit on their rare forays forward. Hernanes got in behind him and an early mistake could have cost his team if not for Yepes.

    Mathieu Flamini 7.0 A few shots that were ballooned off target, but found himself supporting the front players a lot and his dynamism was evident tonight. Battled well with Gonzalez and Ledesma.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Suffered from poor distribution tonight, but his anticipation and tackling were very much in evidence. Silenced Hernanes and proved once more his adaptability when playing in midfield.

    Urby Emanuelson 6.5 Spurned a great chance early on and had a number of other pot shots which were almost always blocked. Clearly still finding his feet but was often found in space.

    Robinho 6.0 One of those nights when the ball wouldn't go in for the Brazilian, one cleared off the line and a couple of others blasted into orbit. A little composure wouldn't go amiss.

    Alexandre Pato Flop of the Match 5.5 A quiet evening for the youngster. Dias and Biava dealt with him perfectly, getting close and not allowing him any room at all. Taken off for Cassano on the hour.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 6.5 Some delightful balls from the Swede, but his finishing was woeful tonight, encapsulated by the last minute effort that was blasted high and wide. Hit both posts with one shot, and always a danger as he drifted left.

    • Substitutions
    Nicola Legrottaglie 6.0 His Milan debut didn't last too long as he was taken off five minutes from the end after a clash of heads with Kozak.

    Sokratis Papastathopoulos115496.0N/A

    Antonio Cassano 6.0 Couldn't find the key to unlock a stubborn Lazio defence. Gave Radu something to think about in the last half hour.
  12. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: Genoa 1-1 Milan


    Christian Abbiati 6.5 Didn't have to make too many outstanding saves, but was forced to be on his toes rather often, as Floro Flores, Paloschi and Rossi all troubled.

    Massimo Oddo 6.5 Got down the right pretty well, but his crosses were too hit and miss, and he was often exposed in behind, particularly by Palacio.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Back in his rightful spot of centre-back he looked at ease when pulling across to snuff out dangers, particularly in the second half when his side gambled more and more.

    Mario Alberto Yepes 6.5 Continues his decent run, though he did allow Floro Flores to drop off him once too often.

    Daniele Bonera 6.0 Something of a liability still at times, and Milan continue to come up short in the search for a long-term solution at left back.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 6.0 When does he not get his job done in midfield? Provided the brawn behind the attacking brains, but seemed to run out of energy on his return to action.

    Mark van Bommel 6.5 Played the pivot role as well as you'd expect, and was forever directing the troops with great authority. He's yet to finish a Milan game anywhere but at the Marassi.

    Mathieu Flamini 6.0 Not as convincing on the left of the three as he is on the right, but got forward well in the channels to cause some real headaches at times.

    Robinho 6.0 It was probably easier to score than miss when he fired over early on, but he linked well with Pato thereafter without ever convincing in front of goal.

    Alexandre Pato 7.0 Fired home the opener during a spell in which he and Robinho looked like bagging four each. But he went missing a bit in the second half, and a Milan winner looked most likely to come from Ibrahimovic and Cassano.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 7.0 Just not his day, and it looked it towards the end as his head began to drop. So many near-killer passes went astray, he hit the wall with a decent free-kick chance, and Eduardo tipped away his header from his tip-toes.

    • Substitutions
    Urby Emanuelson 6.0 Played a bit part late on and failed to have the required decisive impact on the game.

    Antonio Cassano Flop of the Match 6.5 Created some headaches after coming on, but his afternoon was summed up when he ran the ball out in stoppage time... it was all about if onlys.
  13. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: Chievo 1-2 AC Milan rates the performances of the players involved in today's narrow in for Milan.

    Christian Abbiati 6.5 Nothing he could do about Gelson Fernandes' strike. Pulled off some very good saves in the first half to protect his team's lead.

    Luca Antonini 5.0 Hooked at half-time after miserably failing to contain Pellissier, Thereau and Constant down the flank and offering very little in attack. Replaced by Massimo Oddo and that says it all.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Slotted back at centre-back and did very well. Read the game superbly and showed good tackling.

    Alessandro Nesta 7.0 A very good game by the ex-Lazio man. Solid defensively and nearly scored in the 41st minute.

    Ignazio Abate 6.5 Had a relatively easy first half, but his unwillingness to close down Constant on the flank resulted in Chievo's first goal. Did well in attack.

    Alexander Merkel 7.0 Did well in midfield today and sprayed the ball comfortably. Had more freedom to go forward, give the fact that Mark Van Bommel and Gennaro Gattuso made sure AC Milan never gave away control of the centre of the pitch.

    Mark van Bommel 7.0 Showcased his ability to control the midfield without attracting the attention of the referee. Probably the only player who can cover a blatant foul and come out innocent in the end. Passed the ball around well.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 8.0 His performance today brings back memories of his best days. Covered a lot of ground, led by example, never let his nerves get the better of him and almost scored after a run in the box in the 86th minute. Milan need performances like this from all players if they are to overcome Tottenham...

    Robinho 7.0 Looked somewhat confused in the early minutes of the game, but did well to tuck away the only clear opportunity that came his way. His decisions with the ball at his feet let him down at times.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 7.0 Not his game today, and this having in mind the fact that he provided the assist for Robinho's opener. Tried hard, but was not given any clear chances. Still, he sprayed the ball well and created good chances for his team mates.

    Antonio Cassano 5.5 'Peter Pan' was probably in Neverland today, but surely not on the pitch. He was predictable, slow and Chievo's physical approach was not to his taste, either. Replaced by Pato in the 65th minute.

    • Substitutions
    Massimo Oddo 5.0 Milan's faithful will hope this was his last performance in Rossoneri shirt. Nowhere to be seen as Gaston Fernandes headed in the equaliser and looked very rusty on the flank. A game to forget for the ex-Lazio man.

    Alexandre Pato Top of the Match 7.0 Made the needed impact as he netted the winner. Impressed with his pace and nearly created another goal for Robinho in the 90th minute, when the Brazilian failed to get the ball past Stefano Sorrentino. The ace in the pack for Milan today.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 5.0 Came on for Merkel in the 73rd minute, and offered very little in attack. Not one of his best games.
  14. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: Milan 3-0 rates the performance of the players involved in tonight's Scudetto showdown...
    By Vasil Kotsev


    Christian Abbiati 6.0 Napoli did not have a single shot on goal tonight. Enough said. He might as well have watched from the stands.

    Marek Jankulovski 6.0 Was not really troubled at the back, and looked rusty going forward. He still seems to be short on fitness.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Impeccable display by the Brazilian. Strong in the tackle and always at the right place at the right time. Made a ghost of Cavani together with Nesta.

    Alessandro Nesta 7.5 World-class performance from the veteran. Rock-solid at the back and gave nothing away. Assisted Pato's late strike.

    Ignazio Abate 7.0 Did very well upfront and was stable at the back. Made a few telling passes before being substituted by Massimo Oddo in the 81st minute.

    Mathieu Flamini 6.5 Worked hard in the centre of the pitch, but was poor going forward with his shooting being atrocious. Never shy with his tackling tonight.

    Mark van Bommel 7.5 Probably his best performance in Rossoneri shirt. Distributed the ball superbly and was strong in the tackle. Unlucky not to score twice and covered a lot of ground.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 7.0 Kept his nerves today, but was far from being Mary Poppins tonight. Tackled hard and ran like a horse, but seemed a bit tired in the end. Tried to contribute as much as he can in attack as well.

    Robinho 5.5 How exactly he managed not to look good against a very poor Napoli side is beyond me. Almost nothing he tried came off and was substituted by Kevin-Prince Boateng shortly after the break.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 7.0 Took his penalty well and was integral to the Rossoneri's attack tonight. Opened space for others and made a few brilliant passes.

    Alexandre Pato Top of the Match 9.0 Brilliant performance from the Brazilian. Involved into the situation that led to Aronica's handball in Napoli's box, assisted Boateng's strike and put the icing on the cake with an impeccable goal of his own. What more can you want?

    • Substitutions

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 7.0 Scored a wonderful goal and impressed every time he went forward. Made a few good passes and tackles as well.

    Massimo Oddo 5.0 N/A

    Urby Emanuelson 6.0 Replaced Marek Jankulovski in the 72nd minute and played well in defence as well as in attack.
  15. odessit19

    odessit19 Member+

    Dec 19, 2004
    My gun safe
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    sort of harsh on Marek and Binho IMO. Binho hussled a lot and although the Czech is out of shape, he did not let anyone go by him and tackled well.
  16. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:

    Player Ratings: Juventus 0-1 Milan rates the players on show at the Stadio Olimpico in Milan's narrow 1-0 victory over the Old Lady.
    By Daniel Quinton-Navarro


    Gianluigi Buffon 5.0 At fault for the goal that lost the game, but up until that point had been impeccable. Goalkeeper’s mistakes are often the most costly, though.

    Armand Traoré 5.5 Back in the side after injury and looked a little shady but played well. Allowed too many crosses in the box and lost his marker before recovering well. Put Ibra under a lot of pressure when the Swede wandered to the back post.

    Andrea Barzagli 5.0 Looked solid throughout the night, but didn’t get tight enough to Robinho when he assisted Gattuso. Went about his job well but lacked urgency in defence when it was needed most.

    Giorgio Chiellini 5.5 Beaten in the air by Ibra throughout the game. Was seen in attacking position often for Juve, getting into good positions before wasting them. On the ground, he was strong in defence, and pushed Milan into mistakes.

    Frederik Sorensen 5.0 Looked a good asset going forward but was caught out defensively in the second half allowing Milan to send too many balls into the danger zone.

    Jorge Andrés Martínez Flop of the Match 5.5 First half he was poor but as the game opened up he wanted the ball much more. Offered himself and sent in some good crosses. Ran infield too often, though, losing possession to a strong Milan midfield.

    Claudio Marchisio 6.0 Linked the midfield and attack well, lingered in the hole spreading the ball wide but sometimes needed to go forward. Lacked the quality that could have found Juve a goal.

    Felipe Melo 5.5 When he got on the ball more often than not he would give it away. He broke up play well, but in the end Gattuso was able to better him.

    Milos Krasic 6.5 There were moments of magic during the game, but they were too few and far in between. Beat three Milan defenders with one run and gave Matri a good chance but he wasted it. Clever with the ball, but needs to maintain his focus for the entire 90.

    Luca Toni 5.0 Physical presence was felt but made Juve play too one dimensional. They wanted to play flowing football but Toni lacked the pace to involve himself in the game.

    Alessandro Matri 5.5 Had Juve’s best chance to score but he wasted it when he couldn’t decide what to do with it. Came deep for the ball on occasions but resulted in Juve lacking players in the box.

    • Substitutions
    Vincenzo Iaquinta 5.0 Didn’t get into the game after his substitution. Failed to hold up the ball and create any pressure on the Milan goal.

    Alessandro Del Piero 5.5 Provided added quality from set-pieces when Juve were looking to get back in the game but did very little in open play. Introduced too late.

    Leonardo Bonucci 6.0 Did what he was assigned to do well, came on and got to the ball ahead off Ibra every time. Cleared the ball early but without any direction.


    Christian Abbiati 6.0 Quiet for large periods of the game as his goal was never seriously threatened. Did what he needed to do, except on one occasion when he put his side under unnecessary pressure.

    Marek Jankulovski 6.0 Roamed forward from the back well, providing added width and linking with Flamini on several attacks. Suspect in and around his own box, giving the ball away a couple of times and allowing Krasic to beat him too often.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Rock solid throughout the night. First to most things in the air against a physical Toni & Matri. Came out from defence to offer something in attack, but played sensible football. Reckless on a couple of occasions with tackles.

    Alessandro Nesta 6.5 Experience is priceless at this level and Nesta showed it again tonight. Calm on the ball, read play easily, removing any pressure on his team. Vital header late on.

    Ignazio Abate 6.5 One of Milan’s better players on a night that lacked creativity. Bombed down the right sending in accurate cross field balls. Defended well, clearing danger whilst keeping the ball.

    Mathieu Flamini 6.5 Sent in two great crosses, the first of which Ibra should have headed home. Constant presence on the left flank but wasn’t afraid to come inside and join the attacks.

    Mark van Bommel 6.0 Broke play up brilliantly and had a lot of the ball. Sprayed passes forward to generate attacks and built the foundations for Milan to expand upon.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso Top of the Match 7.5 In the side for his defensive qualities but supplied the all important goal. Popped up everywhere, linked play between defence and attack, and whilst he isn’t exactly Pirlo, he made his compatriot's absence less noticeable.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 6.5 Decent game for the midfielder. Found himself deep in Juve territory, sending dangerous balls across and creating chances from outside the penalty ‘D’. Substituted for Robinho at half-time.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 6.5 Unselfish tonight. Countless knock-down’s to his teammate put Juve under pressure. Unhappy to have missed the target early on and forced a good saved out of Buffon with a free-kick.

    Antonio Cassano 6.0 Missed a great chance after doing the hard work in the first half but was a bit player after that. Played too wide to do any damage and substituted with AC lacking ideas.

    • Substitutions
    Clarence Seedorf 6.5 Came on at 0-0 and tilted the game in Milan’s favour. Like Robinho provided urgency into the attacks, stretching Juve’s defence until they cracked.

    Robinho 6.5 On at half time and injected much needed pace into the attacks. Got the ball and charged towards goal, constantly pushing Juve back. Neat flick to assist Gattuso’s goal.
  17. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:

    Player Ratings: Tottenham 0-0 Milan (1-0 Agg.) rates the players on show as Spurs edge into the last eight at the expense of the Rossoneri...
    By Paul Macdonald


    Gomes 6.5 An excellent shot-stopper, but never entirely convincing. Parried Ibrahimovic's stinging free kick, but rushed from his line and was almost punished by Pato and Robinho. Saved from the latter in second half low down to his right.

    Benoit Assou-Ekotto 6.5 His forward momentum was curtailed by Milan's dominance, and rarely ventured past the half way line, but apart from some minor errors stood firm to keep the Italians at bay.

    Michael Dawson7.0 He and Gallas kept the prestigious Milan front three on a leash, rarely putting a foot wrong in clearing the danger, and ensured that space was restricted around Ibrahimovic, thwarting Milan's attempts to link with the Swede.

    William Gallas 7.5 A composed, reliable performance from the stopper, who shackled Ibrahimovic for much of the contest, and his first half goal-line clearance effectively ensured his team progressed.

    Vedran Corluka 6.5 Preferred at full-back to Alan Hutton, and was forced to focus completely on defensive duties, keeping a close eye on Pato drifting wide, but on occasion allowed the Brazilian to break into space on his flank.

    Steven Pienaar 6.0 Started on the left of midfield, but couldn't get involved in the contest, and too often drifted infield to rob his team of any natural width. Worked extremely hard for the side, but was eventually replaced in the closing stages.

    Luka Modric 6.5 First half of the contest seemed to pass him by as Milan dominated proceedings, and for a player so used to controlling possession, he was forced to be more vigilant defensively and stop the opposition from creating opportunities.

    Rafael Van der Vaart 6.0 The Dutchman was brought in for occasions like this, but it was obvious from early in the match that the former Real Madrid man was not sufficiently fit to properly exert any influence on the contest, and was replaced on the hour.

    Sandro 7.5 Tenacious in the tackle and made a number of vital interceptions in the first half as Milan pressed forward. Remained a key figure in the second, showcasing tremendous energy, and often it was him breaking up any Milan forward momentum.

    Aaron Lennon 7.0 Couldn't get the better of Jankulovski in the first half, but proved to be a useful outlet for Tottenham in the second, using his pace on the right to ease the pressure on the defence, and his superb cross should have been converted by Crouch.

    Peter Crouch 6.5 His aerial presence posed Nesta and Thiago Silva problems for much of the match, winning everything that came his way in the air. Should have perhaps converted a second half header, but gave his all in the lone striking role.

    • Substitutions
    Gareth Bale 5.5 Arrived with twenty minutes remaining, and provided a brief cameo of his pace without creating a clear-cut chance.

    Jermaine Jenas 4.5 Shored up the midfield in the final stages as Tottenham held out for progression.

    Roman Pavlyuchenko 4.5 Replaced Crouch for the final ten minutes of the contest.


    Christian Abbiati 6.0 A virtual spectator in the first half save from collecting a Van der Vaart effort, and was barely more involved in the second, with Tottenham rarely threatening his goal.

    Marek Jankulovski 5.5 Coped with Lennon's pace in the first half, but struggled in the second, catching the winger with an ill-timed lunge and coach Allegri replaced him before he put himself in danger of being sent off. His distribution from the final third was often poor.

    Thiago Silva 6.5 Did a better job of coping with Crouch than his central defensive partner, often forcing the striker into committing fouls against him. Stepped out of defence in the latter stages as Milan looked for salvation.

    Alessandro Nesta 5.5 The veteran was allegedly feeling unwell, but after an ill-judged header in his own area early on, was caught under a Lennon cross that gave Crouch a golden chance. Looked a touch off the pace here.

    Ignazio Abate 7.0 Milan's best defender on the night, he enjoyed a productive evening on the right flank, completing forays forward with regularity and proved a useful option. Rarely wasted possession, and always looked to get the team moving forward.

    Mathieu Flamini 6.0 The ex-Arsenal midfielder relished the atmosphere early in the contest, but a second-half booking curbed his enthusiasm in the tackle, and cut a frustrated figure as he was replaced.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 6.5 Was guilty of giving the ball away in his own half, but was always on the front foot for his team, driving them forward and showing immense energy. Proved to be a useful bridge between Seedorf and the front three.

    Clarence Seedorf 7.0 Dictated the pace of the play, searching for the front three with intelligent passes from inside Spurs' half. The Dutchman rolled back the years, and most of Milan's attacks originated from his boots.

    Robinho 6.0 Scuffed a glorious first-half opportunity when he was set up by Pato just yards from goal, and despite some flickering moments of genius, lacked the cutting edge required to give the Rossoneri a spark in the final third. Late volley whizzed over Gomes's crossbar in Milan's final attack.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic 5.5 Milan needed their enigmatic Swede to perform, but the striker was all too often on the periphery of attacks. Aside from a pair of intelligent passes to Pato and Robinho in either half, he was unable to produce the display he has been capable of on the domestic front.

    Alexandre Pato 5.5 Often unwilling to gamble by making runs into good positions, but was a part of Milan's two best chances, rounding Gomes to set up Robinho in the first half, then firing a shot inches wide of the target in the second. It was not to be for the Brazilian, however, who did not do enough across the 90 minutes.

    • Substitutions
    Luca Antonini 5.5 Came on in the last 20 minutes and took on an advanced role on the left as Milan chased the game.

    Rodney Strasser 4.5 Given the last minutes of the match but did not have enough time to make an impact.

    Alexander Merkel 5.5 Had an immediate impact in his 15-minute cameo, linking up with Pato to create a chance that the Brazilian struck wide.
  18. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:

    Player Ratings: Milan 1-1 Bari rates the performances of the players involved in the exciting draw in San Siro...
    By Vasil Kotsev


    Christian Abbiati 6.5 Nothing he could do about Gergely Rudolf's strike. Pulled off two decent saves, but generally had very little to do.

    Luca Antonini 6.5 Provided the cross for Cassano's goal and was very active in attack. Had a few very bad touches on the ball, though, and was not that stable in defense either.

    Thiago Silva 6.5 Was stable in defense tonight and showed some good positioning. His passing, however, was downright poor on a couple of occasions.

    Alessandro Nesta 6.5 Picked up a needless yellow card and was relatively solid in defense. However, he struggled when Bari tried to break away late in the game through their fast attackers.

    Ignazio Abate 7.5 Has been improving with every game this season and is now on the level many thought he would never reach. Influential in attack and rock-solid in defense.

    Alexander Merkel 5.5 Offered much running and meager return in terms of efficiency. Substituted at half-time after an uninspiring first half performance.

    Mark van Bommel 6.5 Nowhere to be seen in the build-up to Bari's goal. Performed below expectations in terms of attack, but covered a lot of ground. Had a few good dives which fooled the referee. Ibrahimovic, take note!

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 7.0 Has been in some good form recently and did not disappoint today. Passed well and bossed the midfield superbly.

    Robinho 5.5 His confidence has been dealt yet another blow as he delivered a poor performance once again. Lacked the cutting edge to make his chances count and aside from a few good passes and some good interplay with Pato, offered very little in attack before he was substituted for Antonio Cassano, who managed to score.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic Flop of the Match 5.5 Cut a frustrated figure right from the start, and his nerves got the better of him. Still, he put in a tremendous effort as he tried to single-handedly drag his team to a point, but it just was not his day. Sent off for a needless second yellow card.

    Alexandre Pato 6.0 Looked short on confidence and nervous in front of goal. Showed good interplay with his team mates, but never looked like scoring.

    • Substitutions
    Urby Emanuelson 6.0 Made a good impression today with some exquisite passes and great technique. Released Antonini with a wonderful pass in the build-up to Antonio Cassano's late equalizer.

    Antonio Cassano Top of the Match 6.5 Popped up with the equalizer to salvage a point for Milan. Offered nothing spectacular, but did step up when it mattered most and kept his nerve to slot home with a fine finish from inside the box.
  19. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: Palermo 1-0 Milan rates the performance of the players involved in tonight's win for Palermo.
    By Vasil Kotsev


    Salvatore Sirigu 7.0 Had very little to do in the first half, but did show great awareness to rush off his line to deny Pato just before the half-time interval. Was even better after the break, pulling off a stunning save on Gattuso in the 78th minute.

    Giulio Migliaccio Top of the Match 7.5 Superbly assisted the goal and was stable in defence. Very active in attack as he once again proved his versatility.

    Ezequiel Muñoz 6.5 Overdid things at times, but generally did well to keep Pato and Cassano at bay. Made a wonderful block on Cassano in the 52nd minute and was rock-solid throughout the second period.

    Dorin Goian 7.5 Solid in the centre of defence and did not give Milan much to cheer about. Scored from looked to be an offside position, but it ended up being the winner.

    Federico Balzaretti 7.0 Once again proved his class in attack as Abate was pinned back for most of the game and veteran defender Nesta struggled to deal with the threat of the wing-back.

    Antonio Nocerino 6.5 The ex-Juventus man dictated the tempo well and rarely disappointed in a defensive sense. Made a few good passes and generally did well.

    Javier Pastore 6.0 Aside from some good interplay with Pinilla, the Argentine was average and never looked like scoring in the first half. Had a few good passes in the second period, mainly on the counter, but that was all from him.

    Armin Bačinovič 6.5 Did a fine job in the centre of the pitch and sprayed the ball well. Showed good work-rate and fine tackling.

    Matteo Darmian 5.5 Did not really impress tonight as he was not actively involved in attack and missed a great chance in the 59th minute.

    Mauricio Pinilla 7.0 Did well upfront today, showing great interplay with his fellow attackers and troubling Nesta with his dynamic play. Unlucky not to score.

    Josip Iličič 6.5 Isolated for big parts of the game, but had his flashes of brilliance in the first half. Made a few good passes, but was not as active in the second period.

    • Substitutions
    Afriyie Acquah 5.5 Looked short on confidence in his short cameo and wasted a couple of good attacks as he was too hesitant with the ball at his feet.

    Fabrizio Miccoli 6.5 Came on for Pastore and was much more effective than his team-mate. Had a good shot on goal in the 82nd minute and set up Abel Hernandez for a great chance in the 92nd minute.

    Abel Mathías Hernández 4.5 Wasted a golden opportunity in the 92nd minute, and aside from this blunder, he did not really catch the eye.


    Christian Abbiati 7.0 Nothing he could do about Goian's goal. Was solid in the first half, and pulled off some good saves to deny Palermo on the break in the second period.

    Marek Jankulovski 5.5 Came off injured in the 17th minute. Did well before his substitution.

    Thiago Silva 6.5 Had his fair share of troubles with Pinilla and Pastore, but did enough to limit their effectiveness in the first half. Could have intervened for Goian's opener.

    Alessandro Nesta 6.5 Struggled against Balzaretti and Pinilla in the first half, but improved after the break. Was a bit too reckless at times.

    Ignazio Abate 5.5 Nowhere to be seen in attack and looked susceptible at the back, especially in the second half. Not one of his best games for Milan.

    Mathieu Flamini 5.5 Worked hard in the centre of the pitch, but struggled going forward. Once again he was too aggressive and walked a fine line with the referee.

    Mark van Bommel Flop of the Match 5.5 Not a great game by the ex-Bayern Munich captain as he was substituted eight minutes into the second half. Tackled hard as always, but disappointed with his passing.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 7.5 Has been one of the best players for Milan recently and once again proved he still has it. Had a thunderous header saved in the 78th minute and even attempted a backheel in the 35th minute. One of the best players in attack for Milan.

    Clarence Seedorf 6.0 Had a powerful shot saved by Sirigu in the 63rd minute. Made a few good passes, but nothing spectacular.

    Antonio Cassano 6.0 Had one great chance in the 53rd minute, but saw his finish blocked by Ezequiel Munoz. Tried to work his magic and pop up with the equaliser, but it just was not his night.

    Alexandre Pato 5.5 Lacked confidence and ruthlessness in front of goal and once again struggled in attack. Had a good chance in the 62nd minute, but not only failed to score, but may have picked up a knock, too.

    • Substitutions
    Luca Antonini 5.0 Replaced Jankulovski early in the game and rarely got involved in his team's attack until late in the second half. Sound defensively.

    Robinho 5.5 Was lively in attack and had a decent shot saved by Sirigu in the 68th minute. Showed good interplay with Cassano.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 5.0 Committed a few needless fouls, but was solid in defensive sense nonetheless. Struggled in attack and his frustration showed up on a couple of occasions when he was off the ball. His passing did not really made him look good either.
  20. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 Member+

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Ibra's ban has been reduced to two games, instead of three. He'll still miss the Derby though.

    Let the conspiracy theory's begin.:)
  21. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 Member+

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    ROME — Zlatan Ibrahimovic's ban for punching an opponent in the stomach has been reduced from three to two matches on appeal, although the AC Milan striker will still miss the derby against Inter Milan on April 2.
    Ibrahimovic was given a straight red card for hitting Marco Rossi during a 1-1 draw with Bari this month after the defender beat him to a header. The Sweden international appeared frustrated after a large heap of the blame for Milan's elimination by Tottenham in the Champions League was placed on his inability to score.

    Ibrahimovic already sat out — and was sorely missed — during last weekend's 1-0 loss to Palermo. He can return against Fiorentina on April 10.
    Milan holds a two-point lead over Inter atop Serie A with eight matches remaining.

    Silvio flexing his muscles.:rolleyes:
  22. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    For some reason, they didn't include Antonio Cassano's rating. Probably because they may want to forget his two yellows and sending off. He got a 5.0 on the Yahoo Italian pagelle thread but I think they are being too harsh. I mean he did in fact draw and score the ensuing pk in a short period therefore, I'd think he would deserve at least a 6.0.....

    Player ratings: Milan 3-0 Inter's Luke Matthews looks at the players on show in Milan's 3-0 victory over rivals Inter in the Milan derby...
    By Luke Matthews


    Christian Abbiati 8.0 Great performance from the experienced 'keeper who produced one of the saves of the season to preserve Milan's slender lead in the first half. Looked commanding throughout.

    Gianluca Zambrotta 6.5 Decent performance from the left-back. He looked a little unsure at times in the first-half but improved as the game went on and was committed to the cause.

    Thiago Silva 7.5 Leonardo worked so hard to bring the Brazilian to Milan - how he must wish he had him playing for Inter now. Classy in possession and tough in the tackle. Another fine performance to improve his burgeoning reputation.

    Alessandro Nesta 7.0 The experienced centre-half has played in his fair share of Milan derbies and was solid throughout, dealing with the constant threat of Eto'o impressively.

    Ignazio Abate 8.0 The right-back has improved immensely under Allegri this season and was highly impressive this evening. He was always looking to get forward and cross the ball into the box while he appeared solid in defence.

    Clarence Seedorf 8.5 Vintage performance from the Dutch veteran who rolled back the years. Seedorf was everywhere and represented all that was good about Milan's attacking display this evening. Brilliant passing and movement.

    Mark van Bommel 8.0 The former Bayern man had an impressive game in his first Milan derby. He worked hard throughout and his passing was a joy to behold. Nearly scored with a 30 yard screamer that rebounded off the bar.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 7.0 Dogged game from the general in middle. Brilliant ball to Robinho in the build up to the opening goal of the game. Unlucky to pick up a hamstring injury in the early stages of the second half with Flamini replacing him.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 7.0 The Ghanaian has worked hard to establish himself in this Milan team and was excellent. Showed many nice touches and was always looking to get involved in the action.

    Robinho 7.5 Exciting showing from Robinho who scared the Inter defence with his pace and trickery. Great run which led to Pato's opener and unlucky not to get the goal his performance deserved.

    Alexandre Pato 8.5 He was in the right place at the right time for both goals although it was the opener that seemed to give the young Brazilian the confidence to put in an impressive performance. He worked hard for his team, was full of running and created several chances for his team-mates.

    • Substitutions
    Mathieu Flamini 7.0 The defensive midfielder replaced the injured Flamini early in the second half and was superb. He defended well but what was impressive was his urge to get forward.

    Urby Emanuelson 5.0 Former Ajax man came on late on and showed a few nice touches.


    Julio César 6.5 The Brazilian 'keeper could not be blamed for the Milan goals and actually made several impressive stops to keep the score down.

    Javier Adelmar Zanetti 5.0 The versatile Inter legend had a disappointing game and seemed to struggle with the pace and movement of Milan's forward line. Looked unsure on where he was supposed to be playing after Chivu was dismissed.

    Cristian Chivu 4.0 Game to forget for the Romanian who was handed his marching orders early in second half for a deliberate foul on Pato. Any chance of an Inter comeback faded after his dismissal.

    Andrea Ranocchia 5.0 Playing in his first Milan derby, the young defender was nowhere near his best. He failed to cope with the movement of Milan and let Robinho out of his sight one too many times.

    Maicon 5.0 Not a great performance from the right-back who many regard as one of the best in the world. Seedorf was able to bring Maicon out of position at times leaving space for Robinho to exploit. Lucky to escape giving away a penalty with a handball.

    Thiago Motta 6.0 The hard-working midfielder didn't have a bad game but struggled to cope with the movement of the Milan midfield. Looked bright on the ball but unfortunately for him, this was a rare occurence.

    Wesley Sneijder 5.0 So much is expected from the Dutch playmaker on a regular basis but he wasn't at the races today. Threatened occasionally in the first-half but struggled to get hold of the ball as the game went on and Milan's dominance became more apparent.

    Esteban Matias Cambiasso 5.0 The Argentinian was very poor this evening. He was dispossesed on numerous occasions and was substituted in the second half after failing to have an impact on the game.

    Eto'o 5.5 The Cameroonian had a slow start to the game but was looking lively before the half-time whistle was blown, missing a handful of decent chances. Did not see much of the ball in the second period.

    Giampaolo Pazzini 5.5 The former Sampdoria man missed a gilt-edged opportunity to level the scoring when it was only 1-0. How he will be kicking himself now. Struggled to get into the game.

    Goran Pandev 4.5 Pandev was poor this evening, as he was unable to get into the game. He was the obvious choice to come off once Chivu was given his marching orders and defensive reinforcements were needed.

    • Substitutions
    Iván Ramiro Córdoba 4.5 The Columbian defender entered the game after Chivu was send off and had a nightmare, being given the runaround by Milan's thirsty attack.

    Dejan Stankovic 5.0 The Serbian was brought on in the second half with Inter hoping he could keep hold of the ball. The substitution failed with Milan completely dominating the second-half.

    Diego Alberto Milito 5.0 Came late on but could not influence the game with the result already put to bed. Hardly touched the ball.
  23. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: Fiorentina 1-2 Milan rates the players on show in tonight's Serie A clash between Fiorentina and league leaders Milan...
    By Kris Voakes


    Christian Abbiati 6.0 Should have done better when failing to hold Montolivo’s shot as Vargas scored, and was caught out again by the winger moments later.

    Gianluca Zambrotta 6.5 Did well to close off the threat of Donadel and the overlapping Comotto as Milan stayed on top for the first hour, though Behrami did beat him once or twice.

    Thiago Silva 7.0 Another expert defensive display by the Brazilian, who seems to be able to turn in big performances whether Nesta is alongside him or not. Won the battle with Gilardino.

    Mario Alberto Yepes 6.5 Stood in well for Nesta as the Viola tested him in the air, but not so much on the ground where he has been questionable previously.

    Ignazio Abate 6.5 Again did well in the right back slot but sometimes found he couldn’t answer the questions asked by Vargas.

    Clarence Seedorf 7.5 In the left midfield slot Allegri has suddenly found the perfect slot for Seedorf to work in and his football was excellent once more tonight. No longer has the legs, but the brain took him through as he bagged one goal and almost created more.

    Mark van Bommel 7.5 Excellent performance once more from the Dutchman. Provided exactly the performance Milan needed from him as he played early sensible passes in to the more attack minded Rossoneri players.

    Mathieu Flamini 7.0 Fitted in well in a dominating Milan midfield performance. Staked a claim for a more regular place in the starting XI.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 7.0 His emergence as a point in the midfield diamond has been a real boon for Milan, with Seedorf complementing him perfectly. Great cross in for Pato’s goal.

    Alexandre Pato Top of the Match 7.0 Great movement, great appetite, and – eventually – a great finish. But had he finished those two earlier chances he may have made it a more straightforward night for his side.

    Zlatan Ibrahimovic Flop of the Match 5.0 Played well in the first half in particular and then worked well with Pato, but missed two great chances and then earned his second senseless red card in successive games.

    • Substitutions
    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 5.5 Made one real contribution, and that was to deflect Vargas’ shot beyond Abbiati. Typically dogged showing thereafter.
  24. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Player Ratings: AC Milan 3-0 Sampdoria rates the players on show at San Siro, as Milan edge closer to the Serie A title.
    By Andrew McLean


    Christian Abbiati 6.0 Picked up an injury after 20 minutes of play and was replaced. A spectator for most of his time of the pitch.

    Gianluca Zambrotta 6.5 Wasn't called into defensive action too often and made the most of this by supporting attacks down the left flank.

    Thiago Silva 6.5 A quiet evening but made his point to the Sampdoria strikers with precise tackling when called into action.

    Mario Alberto Yepes 6.5 Slightly unconvincing with a couple of clearances, one which spun off his knee for a corner but did the job required to fill in for Nesta. Won a penalty with a header which hit Volta's arm.

    Ignazio Abate 7.0 Made the most of a deep, negative approach from Sampdoria to exploit space down the right. The full-back's crossing wasn't up to scratch but a good performance nonetheless.

    Clarence Seedorf Top of the Match 8.0 Stole the show with a stunning free-kick in the first-half. His range of passing was excellent. Continuing his re-birth of form towards the end of the season.

    Mark van Bommel 6.5 Rose well to make an important clearing header from a corner in the first-half and his positioning in midfield was perfect all evening.

    Gennaro Ivan Gattuso 7.0 Sloppy at times in the first-half but a vintage performance in the second with box to box running.

    Kevin-Prince Boateng 7.5 Fantastic skill, touch and technique. The Ghanaian's deliveries were excellent, as the former Portsmouth man continues to impress in Serie A.

    Alexandre Pato 6.0 Pulled up holding his hamstring five minutes before half-time and was replaced. Plenty of running but no clear cut chances for the Brazilian.

    Robinho 7.0 Should have scored with a one-on-one chance early in the second-half but got himself on the scoresheet with a simple header thereafter.

    • Substitutions
    Marco Amelia 6.0 Replaced the injured Abbiati, but was rarely called into action.

    Andrea Pirlo 6.0 Introduced in the second-half to a huge cheer from the fans and set about dictating the game with his passing.

    Antonio Cassano 7.5 A night to remember against his former club. Scored from the spot and created Robinho's goal. The sleep deprived father could have had more goals to his name but for Curci.
  25. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 Member+

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Seedorf continues to roll back the years.:)

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