PBP: P01135809 Trump Espionage, Coup, Conspiracy, Racketeering, Fraud & Obstruction Trial Thread

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by The Jitty Slitter, Jun 10, 2023.


What will be the outcome?

  1. Guilty

  2. Not guilty

  3. Pardons himself

  4. Goes into exile in Snowden's flat

  5. Some other fascism

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  1. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    The GOP has always been tough on crime done by Blacks, Latinos & WT. White collar criminals are their donors & candidates.
    Mike03 and MattR repped this.
  2. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Delusional Donnie won't let go

    bigredfutbol repped this.
  3. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Get in there Letitia, grind him down.

    “The amount Donald Trump owes for his fraudulent business practices goes up every single day, and New York Attorney General Letitia James won't let him forget that fact.

    James on Feb. 23 set social media on fire when she made a very simple post.

    "$464,576,230.62," the prosecutor wrote. The number, of course, refers to the total judgment entered by Engoron after the trial ended.

    But that's not all Trump will owe. That amount goes up by about $100,000 per day due to interest that's being accrued.

    So, James Saturday decided her post needed an update. "+$114,553.04," she wrote, demonstrating the addition of more than $100,000 in interest that accrued since Friday.

    Trump had better sell a lot more gold sneakers. :)
    Mike03, dapip and soccernutter repped this.
  4. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    Trump's lawyers in the GA case "accidentally" sent an unredacted version of their request to get an analysis of Wade's cellphone's locations to a reporter. The unredacted version included Wade's and Willis's cellphone numbers and, almost immediately, Wade and Willis started receiving a deluge of death threats on their phone. The reporter was contacted almost immediately to not publish the phone numbers, but the numbers are apparently all over social media, so it isn't clear how else the numbers could have gotten out.

    Cascarino's Pizzeria repped this.
  5. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    Chesebro appears to be in serious trouble in Michigan. He hid a twitter account from Michigan investigators who were looking into Michigan's fake electors. The twitter account allegedly contains "dozens of damning posts that undercut his statements to investigators about his role in the election subversion scheme".

    If true, this would definitely open up Chesebro to felony charges for hindering a criminal investigation and, of course, for his role in the fake elector scheme.

    bigredfutbol, Deadtigers, Mike03 and 3 others repped this.
  6. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Stochastic terrorism
    dapip, Deadtigers and Mike03 repped this.
  7. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Pretty chesey, bro
  8. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    This is on the judge. If he wanted to entertain this bullshit everything should have been done under seal.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  9. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    It isn't on the Judge to put things under seal. The Willis's office should have requested that it be placed under seal.

    Also, sending unredacted filings to a reporter is a major mistake by the Trump's attorneys and could get them sanctioned by the judge..
    Deadtigers repped this.
  10. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Sanctions v gunshots. Still asymmetrical warfare our courts aren't prepared for based on the usual handling of political corruption cases. more like the mob or drug cartels.
    Mike03, dapip, charlie15 and 1 other person repped this.
  11. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    The judge hearing that Willis hired Wade inappropriately had an in chambers meeting with Wade's divorce attorney. After hearing from Wade's divorce attorney, he said that the divorce attorney must take the stand to discuss things not covered by attorney-client privilege.

    dapip repped this.
  12. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    NY prosecutors that are trying Trump for the fraud charges related to the Stormy Daniels hush money payments has requested that Trump be given a limited gag order preventing him from attacking witnesses, court staff, and potential jurors.


    I have also seen on twitter that they requested the identities of the jurors be withheld from Trump, but the article makes no reference to it.
    rslfanboy, dapip and The Jitty Slitter repped this.
  13. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    With all the 24/7 e-filing, stuff goes live where journalists and other commentators can see it long before the judge would know about it. It's on counsel to upload them under seal IIRC

    it seems the version of the motion that was ultimately published on the portal actually was redacted - so i don't think filing under seal was the issue.
    soccernutter repped this.
  14. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Yes - it seems like they just gave the info to someone who leaked it
    soccernutter repped this.
  15. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

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    And they will claim it must have been an accident how it got out.
    Scissorkick Collins and dapip repped this.
  16. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    They can claim it was an accident, but that won't protect them from being sanctioned if the Judge feels like it.
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  17. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    #5842 soccernutter, Feb 27, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
    Lawfare from Friday

    SCOTUS on immunity - would have thought it was a quick decision, but just about everybody who had predicted timing has been wrong. Parloff thinks the decision is easy, but the delay might be because the are denying, and somebody is writing a descent. The key factor is the start of the trial. At the moment it is May 20 (or May 15).

    SCOTUS on insurrection - The only factor here is March 5, which is when the Colorado primary takes place. But even that is weird as we already have our mail-in ballots.

    GA - No matter what, Willis should remain. Even if she lied, she should be okay. That said, Wade is up shit creek no matter what, and they say he should step down. They did find it weird, though, that the in camera review was being done my McAfee and not another judge. And they all had the opinion that Bradley was slimy.

    One thing I keep going back to is how a relationship is defined, and how it could be defined in the court. I know Wade has been caught lying, but his claims that the relationship didn't start until 2022 matches Willis. But how do they define "relationship." What is they had a ******** or two back in 2019, but that was it until they actually got together in 2022? Would that mean the relationship started in 2019? I mean, in that context Willis would be in the clear, but not Wade, who has clarified a sexual relationship. What if they had coffee or dinner, but Willis knew he was still married and put a kibosh on things at that time? Every time I think about this, Willis seems to be good, but Wade seems worse. I can't imagine she is naive enough to not know that if she started a relationship with Wade in 2019, and then appointed him as a special council in 2021 (2022?), that it would not come back to bite her.

    FL - Trump has or is going to file a bunch of motions for dismissal or some kind of delay. Among them, one is get Smith removed. One is saying the search of Mar-a-lago was improper. Another is saying the breach in DC of the attorney-client privilege was also improper. Just a bunch of nonsense, in most courtrooms. But this is Cannon, so who knows.

    Also, Cannon appears to be favoring the release of witnesses [edit - witness identity], which has multiple problems. It includes sworn statements, and also could interfere with any internal FBI investigations of their own employees, of which at least one is occurring. Also, some of the CIPA stuff, it looks like, is going to be released to Trump co-defendants. Not just the lawyers, but the defendants. Neither of whom has clearance. Nauda was already allowed to see the document he had already seen. Parloff said that from previous rulings Cannon has made, it is not clear if she is favoring Trump, et al, or if she leans against the Government and their motions.

    And there is still no decision on a trial date, but she has not removed the summer date from her calendar. Also, because she has not ruled on much of anything, there is not much Team Smith can do to request her removal from the case. But, Parloff thinks there will be movement soon.
    rslfanboy, Khan, spejic and 1 other person repped this.
  18. diablodelsol

    diablodelsol Member+

    Jan 10, 2001
    New Jersey
    Bradley (Wade’s former law partner) seems to have a problem with truthiness. He either lied before when he claimed their relationship started earlier…or is lying now.
  19. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road
    Appreciate the summary.

    Or, and here's an insane option:

    Don't fvkcing lie, even if your new boyfriend is blessed with the golden d!ck of your dreams, and you get the fvkc of your lifetime.

    Or here's another insane option:

    Don't fvkcing hire your boyfriend, because you'll either seem corrupt, or you'll look stoopid.

    [Crazy idea, amirite?]

    And one thing I come back to is this:

    Do any of these mental gymnastics you're currently doing make what those morons did any less fvkcing stoopid? Setting aside the unfair expectations of a woman, let alone a woman in a position of power, let alone a woman of color in a position of power, but all of that, PLUS going after a former president,

    WTF did she hire her boyfriend?

    [Sorry, I haven't been keeping up on this, and NO, I'm not impugning you, I'm impugning those mouthbreathing morons that got themselves into what looks like a stoopid situation.]

    Thanks again.
  20. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    If Willis and Wade are telling the truth about when their relationship started, Willis did not hire her boyfriend. She hired a lawyer that her office had experience working with and at some point after his hire, their relationship started.

    Regardless, neither situation should eliminate her from proceeding with the trials. Wade was just one of three attorneys hired for the investigation and no one is questioning the other 2 attorneys. If they agreed with the results of their investigation, there's nothing here.
    dapip, rslfanboy, xtomx and 4 others repped this.
  21. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I'm coming from the POV that she does know what she is doing, and apart from having a romance with a coworker, she knows what she is doing in a careful manner.

    Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  22. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

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    And there goes another witness for the defense on the start date of the relationship. Bradley admits that he was speculating on the start of the relationship and that no one told him they were having a relationship...

    dapip, rslfanboy, xtomx and 1 other person repped this.
  23. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
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    If she hired her boyfriend, she seems corrupt.
    If she hired someone who smooth-talked her into BECOMING her boyfriend, she seems mentally weak and easily influenced.

    In either case, it erodes her/her office's credibility, and should not have happened, full stop. Particularly with THIS case, and THAT accused, and her being a woman of color in a position of power.

    If we wouldn't accept this sort of behavior from the other side of the political aisle, then we should not accept it from THIS side of the aisle. In fact, we should expect MORE out of people in power, regardless of where they sit politically.
    Q*bert Jones III repped this.
  24. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    THERE IS NO EVIDENCE SHE HIRED HER BOYFRIEND. I'm using all caps as you are ignoring evidence. Wade was hired before they started their romance.
    dapip, xtomx and charlie15 repped this.
  25. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    Holy f**k this is sexist. Do better.

    You are more than willing to question whether Willis should be re-elected the next time she's up for re-election, but nothing you are bringing up raises questions about the charges that Trump has been indicted for. If the charges against Trump are weak, then there will be a trial and a jury of his peers will determine whether or not he is guilty. Nothing about Willis's personal life impacts that.
    dapip, Mike03, rslfanboy and 6 others repped this.

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