P/I/P Season 29 Game 2: LA Galaxy at San Jose, 3/2/2024, 7:30 p.m. PST Apple TV

Discussion in 'LA Galaxy' started by TrickHog, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    Well yeah. You can't fully compare a 20 year old Araujo to a seasoned 30 year old Yamane. I said the "feel" was similar yet not unlike. ;)
  2. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    The Beautiful Gamer and TrickHog repped this.
  3. Bilgediver

    Bilgediver Member+

    LA Galaxy
    Oct 16, 2013
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    are we just that good or was Orlando just that bad?
  4. skydog

    skydog Member+

    Aug 1, 1999
    Durham, NC
    Los Angeles Galaxy
  5. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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    Oct 14, 2002
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  6. Geneva

    Geneva LA for Life

    Feb 5, 2003
    Southern Cal
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Woah! Caceres is apparently made of marble.
  7. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    There is a part of me that is still skeptical. That part asks why are we , all of a sudden, checking alot of boxes and looking like we do? I try to tell it it is personnel changes and the player flush that sent the message we are not going to take it easy with players that don't perform up to a high standard and are bringing in a certain level of player in so whomever is still left and unsure can see by example exactly what is meant by a high standard.

    But it still shakes it's head. It says nah bruh, why all of a sudden tho? You saw the pre-season, we should be playing like Orlando. :cautious:

    It's gonna take a while for this to sink in deep. A handful of games should do it. :)
  8. Bilgediver

    Bilgediver Member+

    LA Galaxy
    Oct 16, 2013
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Maybe its just me, but I never take into account pre-season, thats where you test out and blood the bubble players. Sure you get some competitive minutes to 1st teamers but its more about seeing how the bubble players do (especially before final roster decisions are made).

    Besides, neither of our "big signings" where there for preseason, so there's that.
  9. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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    Oct 14, 2002
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    I think the addition of Paintsil and Yamane can't be overstated. Huuuuuge upgrades there. And then a healthy Caceres and a fit, in-form Fagundez also make a big difference over last season. And then mentally you have a team with the fans behind it and high confidence in a GM who really knows what he is doing, which leads to confidence in the team and the system. And we haven't even really seen Pec flex yet.

    But on the flip side, only 2 games in, so the real test will be how the team responds once they have a stinker or a bad run of form and how quickly they are able to pick their heads up and get going again.
  10. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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    Oct 14, 2002
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    I knew Paintsil would be a baller. So Yamane has been the real surprise to me after 2 games. So composed, so smart, seems to be adapting to the league really really quick.
  11. MPNumber9

    MPNumber9 Member+

    Oct 10, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    United States
    We're undefeated and in 2nd after two games. Feels really good. I want to compete for the shield this season, so I hope we fight every, single game.

    Some unsung heroes for this game: Fagundez and Delgado. And Cerrillo. Really, everyone is putting in very strong performances. You love to see it.
  12. 73Bruin

    73Bruin Member+

    United States
    Jul 12, 2008
    Torrance, California
    Agree completely. I remember Delgado saying in his first year with the club, that he knew what Vanney wanted him to do and how Vanney wanted the team to play and that he had enough time with him (at Chivas USA and TFC) so that he didn't have to think about things. It's looking like the rest of the team is either learning or like Paintsil already know how to play that style.
  13. Bilgediver

    Bilgediver Member+

    LA Galaxy
    Oct 16, 2013
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Its likely that the way Paintsil plays already fits what Vanney wants to do. This is what good communication between Vanney and Kuntz does. Vanney expresses what he's looking for and Kuntz does is best to find it, and get it. So ideally, Kuntz is looking at the football aspect when it comes to finding quality signings, unlike Klein who apparently was looking at the marketing aspect first.
  14. FlapJack

    FlapJack Member+

    Mar 3, 2006
    Los Angeles
    The pessimistic take would be maybe the new additions just haven’t had enough time to learn “how Vanney wanted the team to play”. Once they learn that then we can go back to toothless possession and a defense vulnerable to counterattack?
  15. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    Exactly, that's what that other incredulous part of me is saying. Wait until Vanney starts tweeking them and they fall flat on their face. What if Pec turns into another Cabral? What happens then? Will they get up? Will the FO intervene?

    Right now I will just enjoy the show. I can't let Mr. Skeptical spoil my enjoyment of what's happening on the field. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
  16. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    I think it is something more than what Vanney wants to play. Even Delgado is playing above his mean this year. Ditto for Cerillo. The entire team. The energy of this team has shifted. No more of that possession without goals bullcrap. Now we have a group that has that competitive bite and the damned synergy is flowing. Vanney has had the team for 4 years and big difference now is of course, Kuntz.

    Will put this team together based on what he thinks will work under Greg. He has trimmed the fat and given Greg all the tools he can to do his best. Time will tell if he did enough so that this new squad will function and compete no matter what.
  17. Bilgediver

    Bilgediver Member+

    LA Galaxy
    Oct 16, 2013
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #342 Bilgediver, Mar 5, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
    I don't mean to sound contrary, but I'm still of the opinion this IS Delgado. I think I said it elsewhere but Delgado is never "the guy" but on the right team around him he can elevate his play to their level. Watching the way he plays the last few years, he hasn't changed his playing style, its just his "form" is better because he has better pieces around him to work with.

    Combining with Paintsil is vastly different from combining with an out of form Costa (weird how he got into form when Klein left), or Grandsir

    (it completely slipped my mind that he had a callup to the National Team, he has 6 caps, all during that rough period post 2018 when the entire program was looking for anyone who might be decent)
  18. skydog

    skydog Member+

    Aug 1, 1999
    Durham, NC
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Last season we would play hard, keep possession, score 0 or 1 goal because we lacked difference makers and give up 2 or 3 soft goals. Rinse and repeat. Hard to keep your spirits up with that.

    With Paintsil we are causing other team defenses havoc, creating real scoring opportunities (not the 25yd hit & hope variety) and finishing some of these. Plus our improved defense and better goalkeeper, under less pressure because of opponents being pinned back more, hasn't yet given up a soft goal. That combo leads to happy lockerrooms like you see above.

    Personally I put 90% of our improvement down to Kuntz’s roster upgrades. Players like Paintsil and Yamane make everyone around them better. And don't discount how much that incredible McCarthy deflection save vs Miami meant to us. Without it we may have started the season with a dispiriting loss.
  19. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    Agree with you guys overall. Now I am hoping that Pec once he is done with his personal matters can focus on playing because if that guy can come in and turn into another Pavon type player in terms of effectiveness then we hit the trifecta!
  20. Geneva

    Geneva LA for Life

    Feb 5, 2003
    Southern Cal
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Paintsil talked about the style of play that's expected at the Galaxy, and that it was the same as he was used to playing at Gent. I agree with those who are crediting our scouting/GM for making a smart signing of a player who fit in immediately.

    It's a long season and not everything will be rosy and wonderful. I hope this team will be resilient and try hard every game.
  21. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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    Oct 14, 2002
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    I think a part of Delgado's success these first 2 games has to do with the addition of Yamane. Yamane is playing that "inverted" fullback and covering the space that Delgado vacates when he makes those runs into the offense. Last season when Delgado pushed up like that we got caught with our pants down on the counter. Yamane gives Delgado more flexibility to make those diagonal runs into open space while still keeping our defense balanced.

    I think Doyle is the one who pointed it out, but watch where Yamane is when Delgado makes the run that results in the first goal vs. San Jose.

    And of course playing one touch soccer with Paintsil also helps Delgado look a lot better.
  22. MPNumber9

    MPNumber9 Member+

    Oct 10, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Someone I was watching with made a good observation:

    Having a truly dangerous winger that can run into space behind and take his man on on the wing reduces are over-reliance on the wingbacks playing so high up. Used to be, we'd only advance the ball that way by overloading the wing, which would naturally lead to the windbacks getting caught out. So having that winger helps a lot fall into place.

    I think you have to give Vanney credit, seeing things fall into place. I was critical of not getting another striker, but both Dejan and Berry have looked good in this system.
  23. MPNumber9

    MPNumber9 Member+

    Oct 10, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I meant that rhetorically by the way. I don't mean you literally "have to" give Vanney credit (just because a lot of us are still split on GV). But I've been impressed with a lot of the ideas seeming to come together now. Hopefully we can keep it going.
  24. skydog

    skydog Member+

    Aug 1, 1999
    Durham, NC
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Agree 100% with first part. Good analysis.

    Dont agree with last paragraph. Vanney chose many of our players in transfer window after transfer window and failed 80% of the time. Last season when he failed to recruit a striker or speed on wings we sucked - so how can not getting a striker this season be a testament to his wisdom? He is just the beneficiary of Kuntz identifying our real needs and doing the hard work of filling them. IMO.
    ProudNatRN, Dawdler, TrickHog and 3 others repped this.
  25. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    Yamane will become legendary...

    ProudNatRN, Dawdler, TrickHog and 2 others repped this.

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