P/I/P Season 29 Game 1: LA Galaxy vs Inter Miami, 2/25/2024, 6 p.m. PST Apple TV

Discussion in 'LA Galaxy' started by TrickHog, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. 73Bruin

    73Bruin Member+

    United States
    Jul 12, 2008
    Torrance, California
    He has always been a sore loser for 2002 and 2005. I don't know if there are records but he probably holds the record for the most career losses in the MLS Cup finals with 5.
    JPAR, Dawdler, ShortyMac and 2 others repped this.
  2. skydog

    skydog Member+

    Aug 1, 1999
    Durham, NC
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Someone on here turned me onto Alex Ruiz's excellent Galaxy newsletter. Thanks, someone! I'm going to quote from it more extensively than normal, not to rip him off, but to encourage you guys/gals to subscribe if you haven't already. It's free and comes direct to your email. He also has a paid version - not sure what that offers.

    Below are excerpts from https://www.galactictribune.org/p/la-galaxy-inter-miami-1-1-draw-mls-opener

    Alex includes quotes that he personally obtained from talking to the players.

    RE Cerrillo:

    In the first half, the intensity of the match began to build as there were some rough fouls, and players on both sides showed more physicality. Cerrillo and Messi would have an exchange of words near midfield where they would soon be separated.

    “We had a moment there, just like with any player. I'm not one to back down. So I kind of blacked out in the moment just because it was him,” Cerrillo told me postgame. He added, “I'm not going to back down from no one.”

    Cerrillo said managing his emotions for this game was important. He mentioned he got chills for the first time coming out for warmups and called this game the most mentally draining match he’s ever played.

    With LA turning the ball over near its own half late in the game, Cerrillo had to get into emergency defense mode and track back. In a moment Messi found the ball at his feet and Cerrillo had to watch that ball get past goalkeeper John McCarthy.

    “You take your focus off for one split second, and he makes a difference just like he did on that last play. So just being aware. Trying to be aware every second was kind of hard because he moves around a lot, and he has players that always look for him. I think that's just where I had to be focused and just always aware of him,” noted Cerrillo.

    Despite the stinging feeling of a late goal given up, the 23-year-old expressed some optimism about the performance as a whole.

    “I think defensively everybody has the same goal of working for each other and knowing if we have a good defense, we have the pieces to attack the teams that we're up against.”

    RE Painsil:

    “We just need a little bit time as time goes on because we just arrived. As you can see, we created a lot of chances. We should really finish,” Paintsil told me postgame

    “This is part of football. We need to take it and just move forward to the next game. That is the most important thing and just kill it as always. If we always play like this, trust me, we have all the abilities to kill everything.”

    After his first game playing with Riqui Puig, Paintsil had nothing but compliments and expressed his excitement for what they can be.

    “Riqui [Puig] is a fantastic player. He has the eye to give the ball whenever I do the runs and these are kind of players I always want to play with,” said Paintsil.

    “They know the kind of qualities I have, and I think Riqui also knows the qualities I have and always puts the ball there whenever there is space. I think there is a connection, and I think it's going to be a great connection in the coming few weeks.”
    El Futbolisimo, Berks, JPAR and 9 others repped this.
  3. mbar

    mbar Member+

    Apr 30, 1999
    Los Angeles, CA
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    I have not rewatched the game. Did we sit a lot deeper than normal? That might have been why we looked so much more solid defensively. With the pace we now have on the wings, we ought to be a decent counter attacking team.

    That might be a more successful approach than the first 3 years of vanney ball of possessing the ball a lot with no ideas of what to do with it. Then turning the ball over and having our backline exposed high up the field.
    Berks, LEM-LAG, JPAR and 6 others repped this.
  4. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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    Lots of good comments in here about Cerrillo and the rest of the midfield and forward line. I would also like to single out Yamane - he was really good this game and Aude wasn't far behind him. If those old center backs can hold up, the defense looks much better than last season. That said, we don't know how the team will fare against speedy teams and that will be the real test. But definitely our much more dangerous front line helps keep some of the pressure off the backline, which is a very good thing.
    Berks, Dawdler, ProudNatRN and 10 others repped this.
  5. Bilgediver

    Bilgediver Member+

    LA Galaxy
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    I think it was a bit more measured and varied approach to pressing. there were moments we kept Miami in their own half because of how we pressed and defended as a team, and other teams we sat back and let them come.
    Dawdler, ProudNatRN, 73Bruin and 3 others repped this.
  6. Benny Dargle

    Benny Dargle Member+

    Jul 23, 2008
    Yamane saved the defense several times, especially in the first half. He also got us out of pressure both with his distribution and being an outlet. It's really clear that he's an upgrade defensively. Neither he nor Aude were perfect in this game, but they were better (Aude was better until the second half when he went back to some of his bad habits from last year of holding the ball too long and trying to dribble by people after his chance had ended).
    Berks, LEM-LAG, JPAR and 7 others repped this.
  7. hav77

    hav77 Member+

    May 31, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    It just feels a bit weird that the Gs seem to have finally moved beyond MLS 2.0 and caught up to the modern day MLS. The team as a whole seems exciting and competent again, the FO were able to quickly get visas, the team has 3 young and exciting DPs...Just new found enthusiam and real hope in a long time.
    Berks, Dawdler, mbar and 5 others repped this.
  8. Bilgediver

    Bilgediver Member+

    LA Galaxy
    Oct 16, 2013
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    #458 Bilgediver, Feb 26, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
    Post Match

    Regarding Riqui's PK his response: "That will definitely be a topic"


    quotable: "Right side we speak Japanese, in the middle we speak Italian, left side they speak Spanish, very International"



  9. Benny Dargle

    Benny Dargle Member+

    Jul 23, 2008

    Berks, ProudNatRN, 73Bruin and 6 others repped this.
  10. mbar

    mbar Member+

    Apr 30, 1999
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    #460 mbar, Feb 27, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
    I just saw a video of Messi telling his keeper which way Puig would take his penalty before he did it. And he pointed the correct way. From midfield. Right before Riqui’s attempt.

    GOAT things.

    blink or you might miss Messi. He’s pointing to his (and riqui’s right).
  11. Dawdler

    Dawdler Member+

    Apr 2, 2005
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    thanks for sharing, I found a longer version on youtube
  12. The Beautiful Gamer

    The Beautiful Gamer BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Sigh,...This is one of the weaknesses of playing against people that have trained with you in your early development. They know your tendencies.
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  13. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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  14. Dawdler

    Dawdler Member+

    Apr 2, 2005
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  15. Geneva

    Geneva LA for Life

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Dawdler and TrickHog repped this.
  16. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    Messi didn't need to tell Collander which way Riqui was going to go. He telegraphs which way he's going and he kicks it like a kid. :rolleyes:
  17. Bilgediver

    Bilgediver Member+

    LA Galaxy
    Oct 16, 2013
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    to be fair, despite his mid-20's age, he still kinda looks like a kid.

    He's going to age very well (younger face than his age)
  18. Benny Dargle

    Benny Dargle Member+

    Jul 23, 2008
    Busquets admits Delgado should not have gotten a card. At this point, it would be surprising if the second yellow isn't overturned.

  19. El Futbolisimo

    El Futbolisimo Member+

    Sep 28, 1999
    LOL, yeah. I think we've all had days like that when you know it's going to be a hectic day, just not by how much. At the end of the day you feel like you just ran a marathon. Good quote.

    TrickHog and skydog repped this.
  20. skydog

    skydog Member+

    Aug 1, 1999
    Durham, NC
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Agree, good quote. Cerrillo seems to be a very intelligent guy. I also liked the quote where he took responsibility for losing Messi for a split second leading to the goal. My experience is that for good players mistakes like that bother them and they learn from them. Mediocre players deny or barely notice when they screw up. I think Cerrillo has a bright future with us. :thumbsup:
    FlapJack, ProudNatRN, 73Bruin and 3 others repped this.
  21. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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    That's weird, because I myself have never screwed up on the soccer field.
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  22. TrickHog

    TrickHog Moderator
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    Oct 14, 2002
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    I thought Cerrillo showed moments of real promise last year but then faded down the stretch (with the rest of the team). Would be awesome if we have another midfielder who can press for minutes and create real competition with Brugman and Delgado for who should be starting.
    mbar, skydog, ProudNatRN and 1 other person repped this.
  23. hav77

    hav77 Member+

    May 31, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    I see what you did here....lol
    Dawdler and TrickHog repped this.
  24. hav77

    hav77 Member+

    May 31, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    I recall a few moments last season where Cerrillo mistakes directly led to goals. Hopefully he'll be able to limit them this season. He has one tally already.
    skydog, Dawdler and TrickHog repped this.
  25. 73Bruin

    73Bruin Member+

    United States
    Jul 12, 2008
    Torrance, California
    Sorry, but that's a pretty harsh take given that the goal was scored by the Goat and his long time teammate running a give and go that they may have run a hundred times over the years. You could possibly blame someone else for allowing Jordi to cross the ball back into the box
    skydog, ProudNatRN, hav77 and 1 other person repped this.

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