During the Notre Dame - Maryland game, Brent Musberger and Gary Danielson got into a discussion about Shane Walton, the ND cornerback who got three interceptions and was their player of the game. Apparently Walton was a high school All-American soccer player and was on a U-16 or U-17 national world cup team. They had a graphic up about that. "You expect a soccer player to have good footwork, but this guy's got good hands too," said Gary. They also had asked Walton at some point about whether he'd played with any of the guys on the US National team, apparently he'd told them three (who? Donovan, Beasley, O'Brien?) and that he still followed them. Walton's probably old news to those of you who've kept tabs on all possible USMNT prospects since infancy, I'm sure. That's not the point. What I didn't hear was some put-down of soccer in their discussion, although I'm sure they're not soccer fanatics by any means. I'm glad of that. But I'm not glad he's playing football, especially for Notre Dame...I root against them!
Good catch. Must be time to search around the Notre Dame site a little just to find some info to throw back at some American footballers against the real football.
If its the same kid, I think he led the ND soccer team in scoring as a freshman, then decided to switch to football. Sounds like he has professional-level talent for both sports.
I think that we all think alike here. That and hoping that Nebraska, Miami, yadda yadda lose everyone one of their games.
If the topic is Walton, I'm sure we can find another forum for this to go to, maybe youth teams. If the topic is Notre Dame, it's going to Other Sports.
Gary Danielson is an a**hole when it comes to talking about soccer. I hear him all the time on his local radio show in Detroit trashing the game. During the World Cup it was so bad that I wanted to drive down to the station and pistol whip his @ss. His footwork was so bad with the Detroit Lions that he couldn't last a minute in a soccer game. He's all about calling soccer a boring sport at every opportunity. He's a pinhead. Despite his good football commentary, knowing what he thinks about soccer has led me to despise him. I'm really surprised he didn't rip on the sport when talking about Walton.
I also heard the comments about Walton's soccer past. I don't know if he actually played on youth national teams. I think they meant he played on youth club teams that won national club championships. I remember reading about him in Soccer America. After leading ND in goals his freshman year and leading his club team to the U-19 national championship, he switched to football. At least he's doing well in football as a defensive back. It would be much more depressing if he quit a starring role on the ND soccer team to kick field goals (although that's what Daniel Hernandez apparently wants to do, if the NFL gave him a chance).
Also, I agree with the original comment. It was refreshing to hear them mention soccer during a college football game without any negativity. Showing awareness of the USMNT was just a shocker.
It is jealousy. Anyhow, Walton was very impressive, MVP for the game, and I think it is a good statement for soccer that a soccer player can be comfortable in both sport environments. I know there are some who will speak ill of him or say how football is seen as more promising for young athletes. But, I think it is good that someone can excel at soccer and then go and star on one the best football teams in the country (OK, at least in the top 20.) And look at this guy - he doesn't look like your typical soccer player.
Musburger seems to be good for a soccer plug or two the few times I have head him on Tony Kornheiser. Not surprised to see him mention soccer in a positive light during a college football game.
Notre Dame hasn't exactly endeared themselves to the rest of the college football fans by 1) being successful over the long run and having such a tradition 2) having their own TV deal when the other schools had to share $$ with their conferences, and 3) going to bowls when other schools with similar records stayed home. They're all right with me, tho, and always have been- I grew up hearing too many people yell "Rowl, Tahd, Rowl!" to hate on the Fighting Irish.
"That's all right! That's okay! They're gonna work for us one day!" --- famous Northwestern chant, voiced while losing. It gets chanted a lot.
my favorite notre dame highlight was Terry Hogue blocking a ND field goal attempt during the sugar bowl.....herschel ran wild and the Dawgs won the national championship!!
Wisconsin?? Yeah, they've won a lot...Kidding...don't want to upset too many people...Walton might have left the greatest game on earth, but at least it got some decent mention on a prime time football game... Peace.
Wow, and I thought I was the only one who hated BC from New England....I think it's jealousy on the part of the other posters. Me, I was at the game so I'll have to go back and look at the tape to find the part about Walton. They just need to work on getting the ball in the endzone.
Truth hurts. The look on Jimmy Johnson's face when Miami choked was priceless. I think a hair actually moved on that lacquered fat head of his.