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Discussion in 'AS Roma' started by DDR, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    I haven't seen 11 goals in 2 games in a while....

  2. LordNelson

    LordNelson Member+

    May 29, 2012
    AS Roma
    Nat'l Team:
    Napoli and Spalletti probably had the greatest season in Serie A history, but Inter are definitely the greatest Serie A side of all time. Despite what you imbeciles say about how great Milan and Juve are...
  3. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    #41853 AGomes, Feb 29, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    Napoli had 90 Points last season and faded the last 8 matches, albeit with a insurmountable lead.

    Juve had an undefeated 102 Point season in 2014. Most Points in the 3-Point era.

    Milan most successful Italian club in Europe, Juve most successful domestically. Most League and Italian Cup wins.
  4. Big Bad Wolf

    Big Bad Wolf Member+

    Dec 17, 2013
    AS Roma
    Most officials in their pockets too
    Rossonero23 repped this.
  5. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Indeed. When you compare the 2010's Juve teams to others in Italy, clearly the Refs were bought. I do believe this and this alone is the reason why Roma are at 3 leagues titles.
  6. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma
    If you look back to the 90s games, they were still learning their craft. It was crude, obvious, amateur cheating but into the mid 200s they had perfected the "subtle art of cheating" You have to give it too them, it is masterful in how its done. So much so that most dont even understand how its done.
  7. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma
    Nainggolan repped this.
  8. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Juve had no competition during their 9 year streak.
    2 cl wins both suspect IMHO.

    Inter are definitely greater than juve.
  9. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    #41859 AGomes, Feb 29, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    Indeed. So much better than the competiton, especially Milan who were God awful.

    38>20 in May. Basic math.
  10. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Indeed. And Roma gifting Rolex's to the Refs LOL!

    PS: Inter were found of wrong doing in Calciopoli but too late to punish them. Some free info for you.
  11. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Watched the Roma vs Torino match. Saw 3 ex-Juve players on for Roma all on the same time. 3 players that Juve moved on from. But yet good enough for Roma? THIS is why Roma are stuck on 3 titles despite being the team from the capital.
  12. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma
    Having players of their quality is not the reason Roma has 3 titles. Dybala even broken half the time is the best player in Italy by a distance and one of the best in the world. Technically level with players like Messi and Neymar but only behind them because of his injury issues. Thanks for being idiots with him. Leo is a baller, thanks to Max for not knowing how to get the best out of him. ;)

    The subtle art of influencing the ref, the rubentus way.
  13. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Indeed, Allegri's no good. Current team is shit, weak mentally, and still in 2nd Place. Even beat Roma this season.

    Vlahovic has more goals than Dybala. Not crying over that but do try harder. Juve got the best years out of La Joya, not Palermo and certainly not Roma. Yes, we love Spina too. Good servant in his short tenure. And Your Welcome for Huijsen. Before that Mou even wanted another Juve cast off, Bonucci. In other words, you are our sloppy seconds. Maybe if Roma weren't idiots to use your word, you would have kept Calafiori instead of lamenting him getting away.
  14. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma
    Imagine trying to compare what Dybala brings as a whole to the pitch and mark him down soley v Vlahovic scoring more goals. And then telling me to try harder. :D Good day to you Rube.
  15. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Imagine a Roma fan trying to tell a Juve fan what the player that his team had for a lot longer brings to the pitch. He brings Magica afterall. You see what I did there? :) Yes, for an Attacking player, goals matter. Imagine that.

    "The subtle art of cheating". But yesterday it was blatant cheating. The Hertha Berlin of calcio. Team from the Capital and still blaming others for short comings. Good day to you, sloppy.
  16. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    Feb 17, 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Gets the popcorn
    SF19 and La Magica repped this.
  17. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma
    Imagine that, a fan of a plastic team having a plastic understanding of the game. Dybala the literal chance creating machine every time he steps onto a football pitch, a player who makes the game easier for everyone around him but doesnt score as many as Vlahovic so he's happy with the outcome of the transfer. The same player who yous should have been building the side around, instead pushed out and gambled on Ronny to bring in a champions league, a player that ultimately failed while breaking the spirit of the Juve team in the process and settings yous back years in the process. Forza Rube.
  18. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Yes, build around a player that is injury prone. Yes, I bow to your superior knowledge of the game. If I was bothered just a little I could read back messages on this board and see 30+ messages lamenting Dybala's injury woes. Probably half of them by you.

    Glad he's working out.
  19. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Besides Juve's subtle, yet artful, ways of cheating, would mind explaining what is keeping Roma down?

    Fight the Power, bro.
  20. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    You seem confused. You used the word "obvious", then approximately 15 words later you used the word "subtle". Or was it just that they fielded superior teams to the rest of the league? Clarify, pretty please.
  21. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma

    Nope, never do I criticise his injuries. He is that good, you still take him and even if he only can give you his peak 1 game in 3, hes still worth it. You talk about Juve having his best years but they clearly stopped his growth in his mid 20s when they sided Ronaldo and made him a player to accommodate the ball hog. Both you old centre backs spoke openly after the negative effect Ronaldo had in the dressing room. He broke the spirit of what Juve is. Dybala wasn’t happy and its clear to see why. You don’t make special players like him side pieces. He was a shadow of what he should have been in his last years at Juve when he should have been running the show, the guy to take you to the CL title but yous went for glamour and it backfired. Roma’s gain ultimately. Didnt think there would be a player worthy of the 10 for many years. He has deserved it after year 1.
  22. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma
    You need to read slower. There is no confusion in that statement.
  23. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Wouldn't have minded whether he returned or stayed. He moved on and good for all sides. Won a league title with Ronaldo. We paid the Refs of course.:laugh:
  24. La Magica

    La Magica Member+

    Aug 1, 2011
    AS Roma
    #41874 La Magica, Feb 29, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    From the hay day of the butcher of Montevideo, Paolo Montero who could GBH people on the pitch in the late 90s, to the subtle ways of fixing games with a couple of big calls a game swaying the odds in your favour and playing on percentage chance over a season by the mid 2000's, it was a quick mastering of the dark arts. I will gives yous that. The Juve players won on the pitch, they are adamant they did not fix anything. I believe them, they didnt know.. all the while the same refs were doing the same thing to Rube competitors. A few bad calls a game here and there..enough to sway the results over a long season. Hence the subtle, enough to look real without outright accusing...Then when games were not important, the Juve competitors get the calls..when already 4-0 against a weak opposition...they get a garbage pen or some other silly call. All to cover the Rube tracks so they could say, see we're not the only ones. We see through it. Masterful for a time before it all fell apart. ;)
    Rossonero23 repped this.
  25. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan

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