glad to see they're doing the night practice. Still doesn't help me get there (yay career :/) Have fun!
In the 100 heat, I bet they're glad too. The heat has me 50/50 on this one, despite having RSVPed already.
Open practice? I have not received an email about this. (I even checked my spam folder.) What's the deal?
I didn't even think of the heat until your post. It can't be worst than the Real Madrid match last year. (Wishful thinking.)
IIRC last year's was really hot and humid, as well. I won't be there this time around, but I got some great pictures and autographs after practice last year. Shame that Nowak is gone, though. The open practice was the first time my opinion of him started to change. He was an absolute dick to a lot of the players, and I noticed some of them smirking to each other after they would get yelled at. It made me think, "Hmm...perhaps these players aren't sold on the Nowak way of life." Hindsight is 20/20, and those smirks mean a whole lot more, now that I think back.
That wasn't terribly exciting, but I've managed to work variants of that into practices with my son's U9 team and it's been a lot of fun for them!
Oh I agree as a youth coach. I'm still convinced that that was the only drill Nowak ever had the players do.
Crossing exercise showed that we do not have many with a good left foot, no good headers, and no good finishers on volleys .... We clapped everytime they scored a goal during the crossing exercise and during the scrimmage. Unfortunately er could not clap often since not too many goals were scored; just like during the actual games....