Oooh! Petro Dollars Buys EPL, UEFA & FIFA.. But Can't Buy Youuu! Hey Jude! Bellingham Thread

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by YOUNGSTARS87, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. INST

    INST Member

    Real Madrid
    Aug 15, 2023
    We need him to go SSJ with those injuries (Vini/Cama) and drag us through the games.

    No pressure.
  2. saadomar

    saadomar Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 21, 2013
    Real Madrid
    #752 saadomar, Nov 18, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023

    What a great article from my favorite La Liga journalist (proper one) - Sid Lowe.

    He said Gareth Bale recently was on a tv show in UK and was asked what advice he would give Jude. He said "Play the game". He elborated that it was not just THE game of football, but appeasing the fans and media. Play the media circus and keep yourself in the light rather than dark. Sage words. Quoting the article below:

    Despite all the amazing feats Gareth achieved that few could ever dream of, he had a heavily disheartening relationship with the spanish media and sections of the fanbase. If anybody could speak from experience to Jude, it would be Gareth. Fortunately, it seems Jude has learned well.
  3. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Bellingham played in Germany where it's similar, identify with the fans, create this sort of illusion of forming a bond with them etc.

    I think the fan experience in Germany is more similar to the one in Spain than England. There's a social awareness to football players while in the UK there is a certain cult (in a positive way) around football players.
  4. Hendrix22

    Hendrix22 Member+

    Feb 28, 2010
    Real Madrid
    Bale acts as if he was wronged here, but being a Madrid star player is not just about playing football, its being socially and culturally integrated and representing the club, and actually enjoying that. Him pulling the Jokic "its just a job" stunt is basically confirmation that he had zero emotions about the organization and that he couldn't care less whose shirt he's wearing as long as he gets paid. Ultimately its an emotionally unintelligent approach. Glad Jude knows better.
    russian hattie, Anon., Doni and 2 others repped this.
  5. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    The thing is he didn't want to, and if we're being logical human beings he shouldn't have to.

    The whole facade about team sports is sometimes really stupid if you think about it. It's an approach inspired by things that are clearly meant for kids but for adults.

    No logic, but that's a big part of life.
  6. Hendrix22

    Hendrix22 Member+

    Feb 28, 2010
    Real Madrid
    Its fine that he didnt want to, but then dont complain that people didnt go gaga over you.

    Team sports are a matter of group identity, so no matter how much you like to trivialize it, its more than just different shirt colours.
    Digital and Ahmadi8 repped this.
  7. Ahmadi8

    Ahmadi8 Member+

    Apr 14, 2005
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Oh he did more than just complain about it.
  8. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    It's a job, end of the day. As professional as Kroos has been, Bayern offer him what he asked for and we never get to know him.
  9. Doni

    Doni Member+

    Dec 4, 2010
    Real Madrid
    Yeah but that’s just it, isn’t it. For example since I’ve been watching Real Madrid in the early to bid 2000s I can count on both hands the amount of La Liga games I’ve missed, that’s insane to explain to someone who doesn’t like sports.

    For me if there’s no emotional connection between a player and the club I support then there’s not connection between the player and the fans.
  10. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Yes, nothing makes sense about sports Fandom if we're honest. An ex of mine couldn't understand it, she felt like it was "the social identity for the lower class" and that it makes no sense for a grown up to watch other men play a kids game and get invested in it.

    We went to a game together and I swear she ruined it almost entirely. :ROFLMAO:
    Bear Crotch repped this.
  11. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

    Real Madrid
    Oct 14, 2013
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:


    She sounded like a ton of fun

  12. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Incredibly attractive though, could spend the whole day just looking at her. One of the most attractive people I've met. Made me feel like a million dollars everywhere we went

    That made everything better. :ROFLMAO:
    J-Mezzy repped this.
  13. dooda

    dooda Member+

    Jun 8, 2005
    Real Madrid
  14. Shay Z

    Shay Z Moderator
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    Jan 3, 2007
  15. temesgen

    temesgen Member+

    Jun 27, 2004
    FWIW, my daughter and all her teammates are in love Bellingham
    Shay Z repped this.
  16. saadomar

    saadomar Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 21, 2013
    Real Madrid
    Explains why she's an ex tbh. Those are not keepers.
    J-Mezzy repped this.
  17. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    I don't know, I matured a lot since then as well. I can understand why sports doesn't speak to everybody. As boys grow into men we carry our attachment with sports into adulthood, women don't experience this attachment and a lot of times just tolerate it because it's meaningful to their partner.

    When you get into relationships with people from a different social environment you just encounter things that differ wildly from your own world view.
    Hendrix22, temesgen and natenate101 repped this.
  18. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

    Real Madrid
    Oct 14, 2013
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:

    The issue was from the little that you expressed her sense of superiority. As fandom is stupid and silly. Social identity for the lower class…. Plenty of wildly successful people love sports and are fans.

    it’s quite simple. We love a sport. We love to watch those who are exceptionally good at it compete on the sport we love.

    nothing else needs to be said, no psycho social analysis needed. If she couldn’t comprehend that, then she is the one that needs some analysis.
    Digital and Ahmadi8 repped this.
  19. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Yeah, what I mean is I understand when people don't get things and their impression comes from a place of entitlement.

    The "I don't understand this so it MUST be stupid" mentality is commonplace in certain social areas.
    Shay Z and J-Mezzy repped this.
  20. arcane

    arcane Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    No need to get far, happens a lot in this forum too. :ROFLMAO:
  21. INST

    INST Member

    Real Madrid
    Aug 15, 2023
    Dortmund gonna sue us for theft.
    4x4s, Anon. and Saeta Rubia repped this.
  22. arcane

    arcane Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    It feels so good when Madrid manages to bamboozle other teams for top tier talent on the cheap. Though Jude is by no means cheap, he's still a bargain for how good he is.

    See also: Kroos, Rudiger, even CR7 was an excellent value for what he brought to the table
  23. Açores57

    Açores57 Member+

    Oct 4, 2015
    Real Madrid
    Bellingham is the best player in the world, I don't see any flaws in his game. Generational player.
    Shay Z, Doni, Anon. and 3 others repped this.
  24. Hendrix22

    Hendrix22 Member+

    Feb 28, 2010
    Real Madrid
    If this is really sustainable.., holy shit. Sorry but this wasn't his game at Dortmund. Had they known..
    4x4s repped this.
  25. zizou555

    zizou555 Member+

    Real Madrid
    Dec 4, 2007
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    He showed glimpses of his generational talent. Physically very good, good decision making good passing. Great runs, often into the area where he finishes well. Stories of his maturity and mentality. That why some of us called him generational and wanted him badly. I expected around 14 plus goals and similar assists per season while being the star or sharing the top of the midfield with cama.
    I didn't expect 15 by December and him being our talisman. Wonderful

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