Only the FAI could hold an appeal about weather a match should be played or not tonight next week! I'm talking about Shels against Bohs in the Eircom League. There was controversay all week, for those who missed it, about weather this match should be played or not. The problem was Bohs had to play Pats in a cup replay on wednesday (what a game that was, if you were one of the near 200,000 who tuned in). Now, instead of the FAI saying on sunday evening, after the first semi final tie between Bohs and Pats had been drawn that Bohs and Pats friday matches would be sensibley called off they instead decide to drag it out for as long as possible. So now today a decision is made, it seems Bohs have appealed against the match being played, and the appeal will be held next week. So, Bohs are appealing against their match being played tonight, and this appeal will be held a week after the match was supposed to take place. Only the FAI... So now the match is postponed. In keeping with tradition, they announce on the same day the match was supposed to take place. Only that I decided to go on the internet before going out I would have been waiting outside the ground wondering what the hells going on, and I'd imagine there will be a few thousand not as lucky as me who will turn up anyway, completley ignorant of the whole situation, who will be left out in the cold and told to go home. So sometime next week we'll find an announcement about how successful Bohs appeal was, and weather this match will actually go ahead after all. This all after they'd made an announcement earlier in the week saying the matches will definitely go ahead. Only the FAI...
So what happens if Bohs lose the appeal. Will they have to go "back to the future" and play the match tonight.