He's way too modest (and perhaps a touch insecure) to bring it up himself, but our very own Defender (a.k.a. Nathaniel) has landed a pretty good summer job (even if it pays squat). Check out: http://sports.yahoo.com/soccer/world/news/socceram/20020801/aleagueweekwrapseatt.html Way to go Defender! Next I want to see a probing interview with Bruce Arena. (he may be in San Francisco this week for some big Annual General Meeting of the USSF.)
Well, he's already alerted us to the fact. Check out the "Return of A-League News to Soccer America" thread.
Secure enough to mention but not to bump it back up . . . what was the original point of this post? There's another one coming out tommorrow (Wedensday). Pretty cool, Jeff Cassar (Dallas Burn, Miami Fusion and Bolton Wanderers of the EPL) Signed with the Atlanta Silverbacks of the A-League.