On the way to 40,000 posts

Discussion in 'Portugal' started by Frank Cunha, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    do to our increase in our portuguese membership, and we are posting over 1,000 posts a week since the Euro 04, I will increase this threads to every 5,000 posts
    if I miss somebody please add your name to the list, thanks
    I'm proud of our team, for making these possible

    Viva Portugal

    1. Scotty
    2. Seleccao
    3. Benfica fan
    4. Frank Cunha
    5. Roy Silva
    6. Filho do Dragao
    7. Jp 77
    8. Deco #10
    9. Jonny
    10. Biggvy
    11. MetroChile
    12. Umbra
    13. Um chili
    14. fcportofan82
    15. Estudante
    16. Ohou
    17. Dtoste
    18. CRonaldo 07
    19. forcascp
    20. freis
    21. Simao20
    22. Moacir
    23. I-LDC
    24. futebol fan
    25. Golmirivan
    26. ALDU
    27. Pollardfreek
    28. Benficafan100
    28. Dietax
    29. Ricardo Oliveira fan
    30. hatesporting
    31. Twinkies at War
    32. Juveleorules
    33. nonameBoys
    34. Porgza
    35. slb4life
    36. kingblade
    37. xxPortugueseAxx
    38. Adega 1980
    39. Viva Portugal
    40. f.c. Porto
    41. goapride
    42. Snepjuveleo
    43. Prtgsoccerchick10
    44. defensor Patria
    45. Marco Goncalves
    46. Zezinho
    47. El Ardillo
    48. Benfica55
    49. Dalmeidacarreiro
    50. Caco794
    51. reddelvilchicausa
    52. Luis Camoes
    53. Jabinho
    55. Ibranco
    57. Ze Domingos
    58. Soccerwiz15
    59. Kontra
    60.Visconde Alvalade
    61. bopper78
    63. Leafster
    64. milequatro
    65. TiagoPortugal
    66. Castanha
    67. Paulo Silva
    68. AguiaReal
    69.RedDevils 27
    70. Kingmonkey
    71. United Forever
    72. Estrangeiro
    73. GoodDead
    74. Sousa
    75. Brian Sousa
    76. _Portugal_
    77. SCP 16
    78. Bonji
    79. Ariamus
    80. Artistwanta-b
    81. Hurley
    82. Josmed
    83. United Forever
    84. Pedroandre
    85. AntiLampioes
    86. Quaresmaronaldo
    87. Sabsluvinc.Ronaldo17
    88. Portugal
    89. Sportboy333
    90. Forca Sporting
    91. L1no
    92. england66@sbcglobal
    93. Briosa a frente
    94. Welcome de Serpa 10
    95. Portoholic
    96. SoccerWiz15
    97. Aveirenses
    99. Bruno 89
    100. Jec1
    101. Christosap
    102. Portista 69
    103. Shanedawgg
    104. Pedroandre
    105. Cocu
    106. Casanova SLB
    107. Derlei
    108. Marques de Pombal
    109. Sao Miguel
    110. Dracul
    111. Morphy
    113. DvA
    114. Dais131
    115. Neovox
    116. Ismitje
    117. manny
    118. Jdegouveia
    119. Pwei
    120. Ricardo 76
    122. Metro fan
    123. futebol newbie
    124. Porto_Porto_Porto
    125. Scpdude
    126. Lambretta76
    127. Soccerfan 8270
  2. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    GReat Idea Frank. Why work at only one thousand increaments. Lets shoot higher.

    By teh way we are only 600 behind UEfa and Europe
  3. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    we already 3,000 posts ahead of Spain :D
  4. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    Who Frank, Spain spain oh yeah I remember sometthing about that, it seemed like a blurrrrrrrrrrr. :cool: :D
  5. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    was only last month :D
  6. _DvA_

    _DvA_ New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Almada, Portugal
    good work guys :) keep up the good work
  7. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    100,000 by the end of next year :)
  8. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    That's not a bad goal 100,000 by the end 0f 2005 is achievable :cool:
  9. metro fan

    metro fan Member

    Apr 29, 1999
    Union, NJ
    One more to help

    PAUL SILVA New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    It's really great that this forum is as popular as it is and we should all be proud to be on the way to 40,000 posts.

    However, that being said, I have to say that this isn't the same friendly, respectful forum we had throught the summer and early fall. I'm not trying to point fingers or put any blame on anyone but it is something I have picked up on, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Additionally, there seems to be many people that have stopped posting here. Could it be because they are afraid to get skewed or picked to pieces as though they were sitting in front of Sigmund Freud or on a court room stand?

    Dealing with a troll is one thing and they should be fiercely challenged and or reported. But duelling it out with fellow posters in an insult filled war of words not only hurts the reputation of our forum, which we many of us have worked hard to build, but it could hurt valuable posters personally and prevent new posters from even considering signing up.

    I would rather have 5,000 posts than 40,000 if they were all respectful, insightful and honest. Being part of a forum with 40,000 posts but littered with insults, bashing and racism is nothing to be proud of.

    I hope I haven't offended anyone, it's just my personal observation. I like you all , it's just that things seems out of control in this forum at the moment.

    Paul J. Silva
  11. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    if you don't like a thread I recommend you do the same thing the I do, just go to the next one, the best thing is to ignored the troll or notify Giddy
  12. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    Rep points for u Mr.Silva what are u at?
    Why our we so hesitant to give out Rep Points?

    PAUL SILVA New Member

    Aug 4, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    Hello Portista69, I have 15 rep points. I see Frank got his second Green so you might want to ask him what he's at. Thanks for the Rep. And I agree there should be some more rep dished around. That's why I brought up that 'green card' post a couple of months ago. I just found it odd that nobody had more than one green in this forum.
  14. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    What's up buddy, i've got 7 myself but don't u think Portuguese posters are a little hesitant in general when it comes down to giving out rep points in general? I do remember the "green card thread" that u had up, just look at a member such as Frank "godfather" almost 20 000 posts and only 2 green cards thats a disgrace! :eek:It seems to me the only way to get rep points is to go to another forum such as the Uefa forum they give out rep points like taaaaaabhey're going out of style, i think that my 7 rep points came from there! By the way i love ur dedication and professionalism u bring to this forum keep up the good work, since there's really only a few of us that really contributed to the Portuguese forum. Much Luve Portista69 Halllllllllaaaaaaaaaa at ur boy! :D
  15. JuveleoRules

    JuveleoRules Member

    Jun 8, 2002
    New Jersey, U.S.A.
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    Guys you are right....we are all very hesitant in this forum to rep someone for good posts. But quick to dish out some neg rep.

    As was brought up previously it has gotten heated this past week in a couple of these threads. I for one fueled the fire in a couple of them. Thus I now have a red card. This from a poster who came from another forum, doesn't post, but gives me neg rep. He took certain things out of context and it is too bad.

    Hey I will continue to post, and I will continue to rep guys who either enlighten me or say something that makes sense. Kudos to everyone that posts information, those are the posts that are appreciated the most.

  16. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    Now i'm going to watch the Portugal vs turkey game from Euro 96 that my dad taped years ago it seems, while i do my daily workout! :p
  17. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    Actully somebody just gave me another rep Point:eek: so i'm up to 8 now :D
  18. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    I didn't know I had 2 green light's, it most be for good behavior
  19. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    I believe we won 2-1
  20. Briosa a frente

    Briosa a frente New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
    Winnipeg, (Coimbra)
    I wonder how many Rep you got to spread around before you can rerep someone again. because I still can't give you any rep. even thought I have spread it around :confused:
  21. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    what's a rep :confused:
  22. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    Same here, i can't give Frank(godfather) any rep points, but anybody else i can,what's up with that? :confused:
  23. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    We won 1-0 on Fernando couto's goal!
    Here is the starting line up!
    Baia, Santos,Couto,Dimas,Helder,Figo,Folha,Sousa,Costa,J.pinto, Sa Pinto :eek:
  24. Frank Cunha

    Frank Cunha New Member

    Sep 17, 2001
    after we beat Romenia I believe on Costinha goal
  25. Portista69

    Portista69 New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    FC Porto
    Nat'l Team:
    No Frank that's was 4 years later in Holland!
    I actually watched some of the game yesterday, we scored with 10 seconds left in injury time(Costinha) :D

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