Just read this post on Jamie Carragher, which got me thinking a little about our center back issues this year. Particularly the quote below. I've been trying to decide whether you would classify Omar or AJ as either "proactive" or "reactive". In some ways, I think they are successful as a team because they are proactive as a team. In other words, not only do they anticipate how the play will unfold, but they anticipate how they will both respond to that. I think AJ leans a little to the reactive side when it comes to the ball being played on the ground, but he seems to anticipate a lot of those passes as well. Omar is very reactive in the air... he can win anything even if he's caught a little out of position. However, he also seems to do a great job with his positioning most of the time. I'm curious what others may think of this
I think it's definitely a case of the two complimenting each other really well - to the point where the 2 together are greater than the sum of the parts. Obviously, Omar just sucks everything out of the air, which negates AJ's most glaring weakness (size) and AJ's ability to read the passing lanes and react quickly and move quickly, negates Omar's most glaring weakness (mobility). Then add the familiarity they have with one another and how well they cover for each other, being able to instinctively know what their partner is going to do in any given situation, and you have a great pairing...
I agree about them complementing each other perfectly. But I realize there is another possibility -- that Omar makes anyone he plays with look great! I don't know if this is true though because I can't remember him being paired much with other players besides AJ - maybe some with Berhalter?
I often refer to them as the Pet Shop Boys pair. Omar has the Brawn, AJs got the brains (let's win lots of trophys.) Watch AJ play, he almost seems able to preconceive a lot of what's about to happen. That only comes from experience and study of the opponents tendencies. This also means that if he guesses wrong it looks like he made a HUGE defensive gaffe. Raise your hand if you've seen that.... okay you can ALL put your hands down. But, with Omar being such a physical presence, winning in the air, able to shoulder almost anyone off the ball, and able to take up lots of space and cover lots of ground in short spurts with his long gait, it allows AJ more freedom to take more defensive risks since he trust Omar quite a bit more than he does... say Lopez. I am of the opinion that Omar/AJ is one of the best, if not the best CB pairing that the league has ever seen. I wouldn't be upset if Klinnsman called them both up for a friendly to give them a run out to see what they could do for the Stars and Stripes.
I agree with a lot of this, but I have to ask... Who has the looks? (not to be confused with "the look", which is a question for Prince) Actually, I think Omar is a very smart player as well. I think both of them look LESS smart when they are paired with other players.
Regardless of their specific skills, do not underestimate the importance of the fact that they have been paired and played together as a tandem for years. Any two good defenders are better when they each know and can anticipate what their partner is likely to do. By this point, no one is going to throw something at them that they have not already seen as a tandem.
"You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!" "You got your peanut butter in my chocolate!" "What?" "Delicious..."