Okay Krafts, where is our head coach?

Discussion in 'New England Revolution' started by rkupp, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
    Boxborough, MA
    New England Revolution
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    United States
    They were waiting to see if Clint Peay was the right man for the job!
  2. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    Aug 19, 1999
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    Understanding that the Crew had better attacking options available on the bench ... I still got pissed when they brought on attacking players down 2-0 and we brought on Tommy Mac as our first sub in a must win game. Fantastic.
    firstshirt and pwykes repped this.
  3. Minutemanii

    Minutemanii Member+

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I think it was pretty glaring with both Richie and Clint, that they were in way over their heads in terms of subbing (both the sub choice and the timing). Heck, I only coach High School level and there's so much I don't know, but that was infuriatingly obvious to me.
    ToMhIlL and pwykes repped this.
  4. Andy_B

    Andy_B Member+

    Feb 2, 1999
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    I can confirm that the New England Revolution have had discussions with Caleb Porter. The team has also expressed interest in Robin Fraser and Dominic Kinnear. @TommyQuinlan_IV was first on Porter.
  5. Revs in 2010

    Revs in 2010 Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
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    Equally much, what does it say to the players (and fans)?
    RevsLiverpool and rkupp repped this.
  6. Tea Men Tom

    Tea Men Tom Member

    Feb 14, 2001
    Bob Bradley is apparently in the mix as well per Caleb Pongratz. My guess is it will be Bradley if he wants the job.
  7. Revs In First :)

    Aug 15, 2001
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Another tweet on this from Seth

    Are they sexy? No. Are they predictable? Yes. Are they bad choices? No, they are safe, solid choices. Will they succeed and bring us the elusive MLS Cup? Who the hell knows.

    All of them have good resumes and backgrounds. They are all known quantities. I wouldn't expect any of them to be here very long, but they each should have what it takes to come in, steady the ship right away, and take/build on to a team with a solid core and put it back on contending ground. I'd say the same thing if names like Pareja and Savarese were on the list.

    If we are going to go this route and not do something more outside of the box (which we aren't), pick one and get on with it.
  8. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    Aug 19, 1999
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    I do like the list of names. My question then becomes, who has the power to be able to do what Arena did? I believe Bradley is the only one I can think of that would have the ability to tell the Krafts that he needs $X and potentially get that granted.
    RevsLiverpool, Feldspar and ToMhIlL repped this.
  9. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Bradley is intriguing. He hasn't won MLS Cup since 1998, so he's due. His Toronto tenure was a train-wreck. Can he redeem himself here? He's an Arena guy, so hopefully that means he can work with Onalfo.
  10. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
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    There is also the Mark-Anthony Kaye connection. He played for Bradley at LAFC and also Toronto, and I believe Bradley traded for him at both places. (Toronto traded him to the Revs 3 weeks after Bradley was fired.)
  11. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    I have to wonder how much of the Italian connection was pushed on him by the TFC owners, and if that's what he really wanted? I would like to think that if he had the US player pool as opposed to Canada's (nothing against them, as they are growing their pool), that might help him?
  12. Hagbard Celine

    Hagbard Celine Member+

    Oct 7, 2003
    Simsbury, CT
    I agree - this isn't a bad list and should help stabilize the team with the potential for more. Bradley would be my first choice.

    Bradley is interesting because he brought Michael over with him at the end of his Stabaek tenure. I wonder if he'd want Michael as an assistant if he comes.
  13. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    I think one key question in any coaching hire is going to be whether the strategy is to continue running the team as a transactional club - as Arena set it up to be. Are they going to continue to be a club that it continuously aiming to acquire and develop young players and sell them on as their value grows (and then re-invest the proceeds). That's a long-term strategy and one that many coaches, feeling that they are on a short life-line, wouldn't be comfortable with. OTOH, the Krafts have shown patience with coaches and stick with them unless things are really going south.

    I like Bradley, because of his stature and his varied experience: MLS, USNT/WC, international. I also think he would be the best fit with the direction that Arena has established. I also like the fact that he has worked with Kaye, sought him out and gotten the best from him - while other coaches haven't.

    I think Porter is a really talented coach, but there does seem to be some reluctance around hiring him (a 2-time MLS Cup winner not currently coaching in the league). I'm not sure why he resigned from Portland - maybe that has something to do with it. I do understand Columbus letting him go, if it was because of the chance to get Nancy - the best in MLS IMO.

    I do think he has the reputation for not being the easiest guy to work with ...

    I thought Kinnear was much older - since he's been in MLS forever, but he's still in his 50's. I think achieving anything in SJ is admirable and when he had the resources in Houston, he delivered. Still, it's been 7 years since he's been the #1 and 16 since his last MLS Cup, so you wonder how he fits in the 2024 MLS.
  14. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
    Boxborough, MA
    New England Revolution
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    United States
    Bradley would likely be the only one who might have Arena-like powers, so that's a plus. But Bradley did bring in Junior and Altidore, 2 US mainstays, which would always make more sense for anyone other than 3 MLS teams.
  15. tsb11

    tsb11 Member+

    United States
    May 31, 2018
    Honestly I think Bradley would be an awful choice, simply because of the roster fit.

    Remember what the 1st thing he did in Toronto was? Dump their recent MVP Al Pozuelo for pennies because he doesn't want to play with a 10 (he was strict 433 in both Toronto and LAFC). I wouldn't surprise me if he tried to do the same in NE, and I couldn't stomach losing Carles after all the other org turmoil.

    Gio would be fine, I like Fraser and think Colorado did him dirty, Porter is boring but has rings, and Kinnear is 5th on the all time list for wins as a manager (just 20 behind Bradley). Bradley has been a good manager, I just don't think NE would be a good fit for him
    BERich and Hagbard Celine repped this.
  16. Hagbard Celine

    Hagbard Celine Member+

    Oct 7, 2003
    Simsbury, CT
    Didn't know any of that. Yeah, I couldn't stomach losing Gil to "play a certain way" either.
  17. brdmaverick1

    brdmaverick1 Member

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    Oct 22, 2021
    I'm not going to pretend to know much about the clubhouse dynamics of a coach, but from a novice perspective a name like Bob Bradley intrigues me for the sole reason that he is a respected name that could help draw talent to New England.

    THAT is where I fear we will miss Bruce the most. He could attract players like Gustavo Bou.
  18. Steve_R

    Steve_R Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    Somerville, MA
  19. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
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    Any smart manager will look at the core group of players he has and figure out how to best use them. It's like fitting your ideology to match the facts, not the other way around. Nicol changed from a 4-4-2 that he had success with because he realized that he had to find a way to get Dempsey on the field, even if it meant taking off one of his back 4.
  20. ktsd

    ktsd Member

    Jul 20, 1999
    Bethel, CT, USA
    Let's get Nicol!
  21. ToMhIlL

    ToMhIlL Member+

    Feb 18, 1999
    Boxborough, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    "Yuh ken blame th raferee effyalake, bu' a thu endathudey, yuh gut tae loo' a yuurself inna mirra."
    pwykes repped this.
  22. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    I don't see any way that would happen ... and Carles isn't a standard #10.

    He could walk after next season - but that could happen no matter who ends up coaching.
  23. rkane1226

    rkane1226 Member+

    Apr 9, 2000
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    If you weren't joking, how do you think he would be convinced to come back? I don't think he left here without scars. He knows how this place runs when BB and the owners take the lead.
  24. Tea Men Tom

    Tea Men Tom Member

    Feb 14, 2001
    Bradley did well at LAFC - which is the polar opposite of Toronto as far as an organization goes. I read where the pairing of Bernardeschi and Insigne came from upper management at the request of ownership. Two Italian prima dona's with a gruff coach from Jersey who's son was in the starting lineup probably wasn't destined to succeed.

    This organization needs a steady hand. On the other hand if BB doesn't want to play with a 10 and would move on from Carles he'd probably lose me right there.
  25. firstshirt

    firstshirt Member+

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    I wonder if they hire Bob he'll gives his son a job

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