Oh no…the Leopards ate my face thread

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by diablodelsol, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Section 26
    Just gauging how serious their interest is.
    If they don’t have any, I can provide some from my double barrel!
    Belgian guy repped this.
  2. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    No, I get that but my point was that when the dems are in power they rarely seem to use the bully pulpit to energise their own base by trying to force through things that they know have little chance of getting through. People like Lieberman should have been utterly destroyed by the OTHER democrats, particularly Obama. His name should have been attached to every death that occurred for some reason even vaguely connected to private health insurance.

    The aim isn't to force him to vote for it because that's probably not going to happen. The aim is frighten the crap out of the other people on the right of the democratic party.

    But the truth is that was never going to work for Obama because that's simply not him... which is why I agree with you that they need a populist who can appeal directly to voters and is prepared to lose fighting for their interests.

    Obama was great and a generational talent but he was always a consensus politician which might have generally been right for that moment, (apart from that issue IMO), but is definitely not what's required now.
    charlie15 repped this.
  3. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

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  4. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    I get your point but it takes a media ecosystem like what the right has to explain to people that it's a long flight. Look at how long they pushed to end Roe. The right didn't through their toys out the pram when Obama won. They plotted and waited. We have people on the left that think if the Democrats risk it all and turn us into Canada people will go along with it and not vote them out for 20 years while enacting policies to tear down the Dems attempt at US of Canada and achieve their goals.
  5. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Jul 23, 2004
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    I've tried to avoid too many hottakes on the descent into fascism - because i am fairly sure historians will say it's complicated, and we are clearly entering a post liberal era, that will be more obvious 20 years from now

    However there is one take I have settled on, from JV Last - that too many voters are just deeply unserious people

    His proof of this is focus groups and data which keep showing highly reactionary views, based on the idea that somewhere, someone is doing something you don't like and therefore Dems, Joe Biden, Harris etc "have gone too far, too woke etc"

    But the point is that Joe Biden is not in control of what some people in california are doing and nor did he govern like some woke elite. So much of this is not reality based.

    I guess the positive opportunity, per Longwell is dems probably just need a candidate who does not code as a traditional politician / woke elite.
  6. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    #1106 Naughtius Maximus, Dec 8, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
    Most of it's been a bit daft, I agree.

    Regarding who the dems might need to get the message across, however, that's a bit more difficult.

    I'm left wondering if they'd had a proper primary back after the midterms, and not what turned into a coronation rather late in the day, someone like Walz might have been the guy they needed all along?

    I wasn't aware of the guy at all before he appeared as Harris' running mate but he came across as someone who made a connection to people that she seemed to lack.

    But whether it was him or someone else I think the simple fact of someone being tested would have been an advantage. They would also have found it easier to distance themselves, at least to a degree, from Biden's record in a way that she never could.

    Whether it would have made any difference and particularly if it could have overcome the fact that the dems were the incumbents, is another matter.
  7. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Just on that specific point, isn't it the case that most elections are a matter of providing a list of people to blame and for the left, unless you're prepared to say it's the rich and their friends in 'the establishment', you make it easy for the other side to claim that ground and say that 'the establishment' are more concerned with their pet issues such as wokeness, (whatever TF THAT is), and similar.

    That particular aspect, (of providing a list of 'bad actors' in society), has ALWAYS been at play.

    One of the reasons why labour's win was as large as it was, was because of their attacks on 'non-doms', despite the fact it probably won't generate much, if any, tax. They also went after private schools where again, the actual net benefit to the exchequer will probably be negligible.

    But the thing is most people could grasp the idea that it just seems unfair. As such, politically, it's a wise move for a left wing party.
  8. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    IMO it's fine to raise non doms as a specific example of how Tories represent the rich and not the working man. Especially when the PM's own uber wealthy wife is milking the system

    JVL is using example like 'birthing person' as an example of how voters seem to decide that somewhere something they don't like is happening, then use this as a rationalisation to vote for horrific things. As he points out, many of these things are not something you will ever encounter in your actual day to day life. So it's deeply unserious because Biden and Harris are not involved in any of those things. e.g Biden does not control what happens in some local school somewhere.

    The eating cats thing is an example of this in the right, in that even if voters know it isn't true, they think it represents some wider issue - but actually it's just fearmongering.

    What he is getting at is it is going to be very difficult to 'be the party of the working class' when much of this stuff is not reality based.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  9. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    A proper primary campaign would have helped because it gives candidates the time and space to road test messages. Remember in '20 Dems were running far to the left but the successful campaign was super moderate!

    I have a suspicion that a youngish outsider business man disruptor type could have won with the exact same policies as Kamala. Because its as much about coding, vibes and context as it is about your ideas.

    That said, i do think Dems struggle with a singular idea for what they represent. I still suspect it ought to be freedom and opportunity. This is across the west, not just in the US.
  10. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    I think Beshear would have won. I want him or Bel Edwards. We need our smart people to talk dumber. And we needed a white male.
    dapip repped this.
  11. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
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    I can't help but scratch my head when I see those numbers....We are a truly unserious country, full with ignorant and unserious people.

    Gallup: “Sixty-two percent of U.S. adults, the highest percentage in more than a decade, say it is the federal government’s responsibility to ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage.”

    Also interesting: “Fifty-four percent of U.S. adults approve of the ACA, essentially tying the record-high 55% readings in April 2017 (during Republican-led attempts to repeal the law) and November 2020 (after Joe Biden won election as president).”
    Auriaprottu, soccernutter, dapip and 2 others repped this.
  12. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
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    This is the problem with the 'embrace the working class" thing

    A broad majority of middle class and workers already prefer the Dems policies - they just don't vote dem
    spejic and charlie15 repped this.
  13. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

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    Aug 19, 2002
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    Honestly LOLed when I saw SW outrage baiting in there as well. They are playing all of the greatest hits.
    Dr. Wankler repped this.
  14. Chesco United

    Chesco United Member+

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    Harris finished 3rd (behind Stein) in Dearborn, Michigan with it's high Islamic population.
  15. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
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    How is that working for them?
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  16. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    America touched the hot stove in '16 and 100s of 1000s of Americans ended up dying for no reason

    This time they are going to have to get 3rd degree scrotal burns - but i think even that won't be enough for people to realise fascism isn't just going to be a great time trolling on the internet
    largegarlic and Belgian guy repped this.
  17. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Yesterday Trump promised to put deport American citizens and said Canada should be a state of America

    I am sure this will be fine
  18. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

    May 2, 2001
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    I have to say, @Quakes05 was doing some high level . . . I hesitate to call it trolling, because it was inviting serious engagement from the Trump supporters (assuming that seriousness is in the repertoire) . . . let's call it baiting. They could have take the "bait" and said something intelligent. Or they could continue to prove themselves mindless trolls. They chose the latter. Over and over and over again.
  19. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
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    Yep......Let's not presume either the Courts will stop him. The Supreme Court may happily oblige.

    Trump aims to end birthright citizenship, says American citizens with family here illegally may be deported
  20. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
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    On some level this is old hat, in that if the camps become a reality some U.S. citizens will 100% end up in them, whether they are related to illegal immigrants or not.
    Sounders78 repped this.
  21. ElNaranja

    ElNaranja Member+

    Houston Dynamo
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    Jul 16, 2017
    Not just some. I bet tons of them will get rounded up. It's the only way to operationalize that kind of thing. Scoop up everyone you suspect and process them at the camps. If you look brown, they'll round you up and you can try to prove it while in the camp.
  22. Chicago76

    Chicago76 Member+

    Jun 9, 2002
    This is something I’ve seen over and over again with Missouri ballot initiatives vs candidate voting. Voters will go in on abortion protection, cannabis dispensaries, etc. They may screw it up with an intentionally confusing or distracting initiative.

    A good example of that was a ballot initiative for a three part voting constitutional amendment. The last two parts banned ranked choice and runoffs when a candidate doesn’t get a voter majority. I think those would have otherwise passed. But the first bullet stated only US citizens are allowed to vote, which is already the law. The law merely states “citizens” rather than “US citizens”, but from a legal perspective, the current law isnt protecting Missouri voting rights to a non US citizen with a Botswana passport. Conservative factions sought to ban more inclusive voting mechanics by making that the first issue in the language. And voters took that bait 68-32.
    Val1, stanger and dapip repped this.
  23. Chicago76

    Chicago76 Member+

    Jun 9, 2002
    For sure. The bounties in some states will be particularly problematic. You don’t like the service at a restaurant and want to talk to the manager? Report the help or manager. Lots of drama and anger gets directly at medical staff. Especially in emotionally charged scenarios (abuse, end of life, serious lasting disability scenarios). My wife has had threats. I could very easily see a Gen 0 or Gen 1 South Asian doc getting reported for the “camps”. It’s a variation on swatting.

    The feds come in to take one guy away and he’s there with four citizen friends watching game with beers…they all get to take a ride.

    Even the best laid plan for something relatively large is going to have some administrative bobbles. Unleashing a 12 million person “Easter Egg Hunt” with haste is going to be a mess.
    largegarlic and Naughtius Maximus repped this.
  24. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    When you say, 'embrace the working class thing', isn't that what democrats are supposed to be doing anyway?

    Regarding them not bothering to vote, I think it probably IS the case that some people will have to lose some of their benefits before they finally remember, 'Oh, THAT'S why I should have voted again this time... to stop that happening'.

    Sad, but probably true.
  25. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
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    un-citizening people has been the dream of the right since forever.

    pure nazi stuff.
    Belgian guy and dapip repped this.

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