According to Ortiz, he is back!
I feel naive for saying this, but oh well. I think if we do pick him up, he'll contribute pretty quickly like Garcia. The back line is pretty much all familiar to him with the exception of Taylor . Up front will be a different story I think. The only ones left there are Davis and Ching.
Doesn't Rico have unfinished business, didn't he miss one MLS Cup due to injury and the other due to suspension? besides, if them FUFC people resign La Pescadita again, I'll make the track up to Frisco and pay good money to watch Rico drop him like Penn State dropped Paterno's statue again.
I read that Ortiz blog post and the body of Ortiz's writing does not support his lede. What I got from the article is that it is not yet a done deal. is reporting only that negotiations are taking place. It seems the deal cannot be done until Cameron is officially gone. Rico was always one of my favorite players. However I think it is too early to celebrate.
I love Rico, and I'm glad he's coming back. But I would be lying if I said I didn't feel bad for Moffat. The guy came to our team mid-season last year and lit us on fire. And we all love the surprise Adam bombs from midfield. He just hasn't been the same rock this season that he was last season. His play has been inconsistent and he's given the ball up too much. We all know he can play better, I guess he'll just have somebody to fight if he wants to get that starting spot back when Rico comes.
I'd be happy to not get rid of him. He is excellent as a backup choice. Unfortunately for him, he's one of the few players we have who isn't a utility guy that can play multiple positions. : Creavalle (DM/LB/RB), Sturgis (DM/CB/RB), Ashe (LB/MLM), Camargo (DM/AM), Watson (AM/RM/RW).
Until Camerons appeal on Friday he is still on the books. Also allocation money can't be used to erase a players cap hit, just reduce it. Any, supposedly, we don't get it all at once. We still got a week to work out the contract so no rush. Rico can train with the team in the meantime if Dom oks it.
I'm talking about dropping players should the right trade come along. I don't know what our roster situation is and don't think a trade necessarily has to happen.
Also at this point in the season I would imagine just about everyone's contracts are guaranteed for the rest of the year, so even if you drop them you owe them the money.
Rico can shoot from distance as well so yes Moffat's skill set is getting not only replaced but tremendously upgraded with a possible return of our ol' pal Karate Kid.
I don't like saying anything negative about my players, especially guys I really like personally, but I just haven't seen that much about Moffat that makes him look indispensable. Especially this year. But I do feel bad for him. And I wonder about Rico's shape since he hasn't been getting much pt. Also have been hearing rumors (again) that Costly could come back. Speaking of good players in questionable shape. But that would be exciting to have him back with us.
I think many of us feel that way. If Costly can play like he does for the NT I would welcome his return, but I'm not sure he can offer us that much up top that another striker couldn't within MLS or from another league. He IS a known quantity and has played for us though, so that would be a plus. Anything that increases depth going into CCL!
But he was frustrated riding pine last year, and I just don't see him getting more than sub minutes. Can he be ok with that, and is he worth paying for that role? He would be fantastic to see playing with us in CCL with his central american experience, and in case of injury to others. The Bruin/Ching sub roles are pretty set (except for injury - anyone notice Chinger looking really gassed yesterday?). Could be a valid sub/injury backup for Kanji. What we're really looking for up front is a Kanji-like player in great form every game. Weaver just keeps getting pushed farther down the bench - he deserves a new start somewhere else and soon.
I thinks we're getting away ahead of ourselves.... #1 Rico is not a concrete thing and #2 brahma is right, we don't know about his current form.