OFFICIAL Out of Contract Player thread

Discussion in 'MLS: News & Analysis' started by swedcrip34, Nov 3, 2004.

  1. hakko ace

    hakko ace New Member

    May 9, 2001
    Rancho Los Cerritos
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    probably nobody cares but Gs fans, but Graham Jones in the LA Times today i think said that Vagenas, Suarez and Victorine were out of contract for next year with Vegenas possibly opting for Greece next year as he has a Greek passport.

  2. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    What we have so far
    not sure, will ask Wilt
    no source

    not sure
    no source

    Petke, Nelsen, Stewart
    Goff by email

    Vaca, Ziade
    big option on Taylor
    is the Gilberto loan renewed?

    Pierce, Baker (set to return to Ireland), Dorman (developmental), Howey, others?
    no source

    Spencer (retiring), Beckerman,1413,36~94~2504999,00.html

    Kreis, others?
    no source

    Meola, Zavagnin, and ?
    no source yet

    Suarez, Vagenas, Victorine

    is Saragosa back on loan again?

    Donovan (loan expired), Corrales, De Rosario, Waibel

    will look around more on the team forums, thanks to all those that have helped so far
  3. prk166

    prk166 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 8, 2000
    Med City
    No offense to Scotland but I wouldn't put those 2 in the same sentence. :)
  4. prk166

    prk166 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 8, 2000
    Med City
    Not sure if there are others. IIRC O'Brien has a year left on his.
  5. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    had a year left, now 4! re-signed yesterday. if you can find me a source on Kreis, it'd really help the list. thanks.

    MFRONE Member+

    Jul 24, 2000
    Columbus, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Duncan Oughton is the only Crew player without a contract right now.
  7. Tyler66

    Tyler66 New Member

    Apr 22, 2004
    I think Jose Cancela's contract ended this season. I either heard it here or while I was watching a Revs playoff game.

    Also, (even though I bet evry1 already knows this, but since I didn't see it in the post on the 2nd page listing evry1 mentioned that's out of contract) Andreas Herzog and Hong-Myung Bo are retiring from the LA Galaxy. I think I also heard that Oscar Parejia is retiring, but I could be wrong.
  8. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    correct, Herzog and Hong are retiring. I don't think Pareja has decided. Thanks.
  9. terp fan

    terp fan New Member

    Nov 21, 2000
    Oscar doesn't want to retire but may only be offered a tiny role and pay in Dallas. I look for Dallas to try and work a trade for Cancela to be their #10, could see a Jolley/ Cancela deal which would help both clubs.
  10. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    I'd do better if I could get the "search" function here to work.

    3 players were mysteriously off the DraftTracker on MLSNET (Preki, Dipsy Selolwane, and Dante Washington).

    several discoveries likely were technically on loan with an option to by (Herron, maybe Peguero, etc). That's not much different from the non-guaranteed contracts most MLS players unless the option is very expensive (Saragosa, maybe Gilberto Flores, Fabian Taylor), Feel free to contribute such info. Many players have team options - Cancela, Guevera, etc. I'm more focused on who can go to Europe or play elsewhere if they don't want to return.
  11. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    quick update: Dallas - O'Brien extended though still under contract. Can't find anyone but Kreis that was probably not under contract. Checked 3rddegree's page which has good info for most of the palyers. Not sure if Pareja is under contract? Columbus and Dallas are the lists without a printed source or statement from management.
  12. ButlerBob

    ButlerBob Member

    Nov 13, 2001
    Evanston, IL
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    He's talked about going to Eruope. I think that I read that he's in the process of getting an Italian passport.
  13. Tyler66

    Tyler66 New Member

    Apr 22, 2004

    Says that Nick Garcia, Diego Gutierrez, Kerry Zavagnin, Tony Meola, and Jose Burciagra, Jr. are out of contract. I read here on BS that Gutierrez was re-signed and that Meola was going to be traded to the MetroStars. Also I read here on BS that Garcia was on loan to Norway's Brenn and would stay if the coach liked him. Reading the discussion in that thread, it was highly likely that he'd be playing in Norway next season, a link to Brenn's web site was also posted were I saw his name, but the rest was in Norweigan.
  14. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    thanks so that agrees with my list from a few posts above but clarifies that Gutierrez would have been out-of-contract if not re-signed

    I think Garcia is on trial with the Norweigen club, not on loan (can practice but not officially play) but that's just what I read and how it typically works (given the transfer windows). I should have a translation of that article in a day or two.
  15. savan

    savan New Member

    May 16, 2004
    The American defender, Nick Garcia, is expected to arrive in Bergen on Saturday. He will be training with Brann for about a week. Garcia is playing for Kansas City Wizards, who recently lost the American Championship to D.C. United.

    Garcia is a "texaner" (from Texas?) and is 25 years old. In 2003 he became the youngest player who achieved 100 matches in the American pro league, and at the same time the 100th player to achieve this.

    Garcia has a long row of age"limited" national matches and has played 6 A-national teams for USA, last time in january against Denmark.
  16. sidefootsitter

    sidefootsitter Member+

    Oct 14, 2004
    Maybe he can make the same Serie D team as J. Carlos Eliot.
  17. soccerme

    soccerme New Member

    Jul 5, 2001
    Garcia, Burciaga, are as well, Gutierrez as re-signed
  18. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    bump, we're getting corrections that don't notice we have sourced documentation of players like Burciaga, Garcia as out-of-contract
  19. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    A couple of comments for the Crew: David Testo isn't out of contract but his loan expired so the Crew will either have to buy his contract, send him back to Richmond, or strike a new deal.

    Greg Andrulis is out of contract too. The Crew don't exactly have a front office nowdays but he is expected to return as coach but it probably won't be announced til near the end of the year. Our GM and President positions are vacant as well but interim GM Mark McCullers will be kept on permanently. Clark Hunt is sort of acting as team president but I doubt we get someone who lives in Columbus.
  20. Czar Pazzo

    Czar Pazzo Member

    Jul 25, 2003
    The Darjeeling Ltd
    Real Salt Lake
    This doesn't mean anything, but I found it interesting that most of the Italians I talk to can identify one (1) American soccer player: Tony Meola.
  21. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    The Crew slipped out the news on Thanksgiving day that Andrulis and McCullers had been offered contracts for next year. No announcement from the team, no comment from ownership, just tacked in the tidbits section at the end of an article on reserve sides. Typical Crew.

    Apologies for quoting myself, feel free to award pomposity points.

    The article mentioned that the reserve sides would only play in June, July, and August and would include NCAA players whose eligibility wouldn't be affected.
  22. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
  23. Theo

    Theo New Member

    Feb 14, 2000
    Philadelphia, PA

    Haha. maybe because of the 1990 World Cup? i guess they remember the mullet.
  24. Sporting Fan

    Sporting Fan Member

    Oct 18, 2001
    Cancela - you know that almost every player in the league is under a league option, so he really doesn't qualify for this list. He can't leave on his own accord.
  25. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    True, but rumors are out there that coaching isn't too happy with him. The foreign players options are the only ones I'm going to list. When he was protected in the expansion draft, that's a sign he'll probably be back.

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