They hardly score in IPL even against weak teams, currently ranked 8th and still hasn't payed all its players sets up a friendly against Bayern. Now that's funny. Heres what Karim bagheri has to say:
bachehA jooneh man yeki yeh zarreh credit bedeh beh man keh in harfeh bAgheri ro do hafteh ghabl zadam!
"مجاهد خذيراوي" به فولاد خوزستان پيوست باشگاه فولاد خوزستان براي تقويت خط مياني خود يك بازيكن جديد به خدمت گرفت اين بازيكن" مجاهد خذيراوي "مي باشد كه بعدازظهر سهشنبه باحضور در هيات فوتبال خوزستان بافولاد قرارداد امضا كرد. "علي پوركياني" سرپرست قبلي تيم فولاد خوزستان و از مسوولان اين باشگاه به خبرنگار ايرنا گفت: قرارداد خذيراوي ۳۰ماهه است . اين بازيكن درحالي با فولاد قرارداد امضا كرد كه چندين جلسه در تمرينات تيم فوتبال فولاد خوزستان شركت كرده و مورد تاييد كادر فني اين باشگاه قرار گرفت .
Re: "مجاهد خذيراوي" به فولاد خوزستان پيوست He used to be such a good player, but then he was banned for one year and that wa it. I hope he makes it back.
Getting cocky huh.. I hope this gets our players ear. We need these type of comments to boost our confidence, come out big and crush these lifewasted pricks.
Guys, Here is a short but interesting interview with Denizli. (In Persian) BTW, what is it with Haan not knowing other coaches?!
Perpolis is just one big cluster f--k!! I want to know who their CFO is!!! (In Persian) more on them being a BCF, first they let him (Kazemian) go, then they change their mind! (In Persian)
Againt a 10-man Yemen nonetheless. But, these guys kids are getting their first international experience, so I'd cut them some slack