A question about getting to FedEx field. I dont really want to drive out there since i've never been there so im thinking of taking the metro. I checked on the Redskins website and it says that I can take the orange line to the landover stop and from there I can take a shuttle bus that will take me to fedex field. What im wondering is if they will have the buses for the dc game or is it only for redskins games? Could I just walk from the station or is it too far?
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Not a nice walk...!!! I have no clue how the jack-@sses will run things to fuk-ex.... #103 of reasons why this game should be @ RFK...but again those $hitski pu$$ies will not play at our home!!! keep eyes open for car-pools to the game! ~worm~
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Hate to be negative here but I wouldn't count on Metro having shuttle busses available for this. I hope I am wrong. If you drive, be sure to leave Sunday. Worm's right about the carpools. I am sure someone will help you out.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Morgan Blvd. is one of the new stations on the Blue Line, and is fairly close. And by fairly close, I mean less far. I got my tickets yesterday, and there was some information about how to get there enclosed.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Yep. Brand new morgan blvd stop is super close. not far at all. short walk. maybe 1/4 to 1/2 mile. to the actual stadium (the parking lots start real close to the stop, so the distance is actually to Fed ex) map from stationmasters.com http://www.stationmasters.com/System_Map/MORGANBD/morganbd.html great new stop.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Ok thanks. Im bringing a friend who only wants to come to see Chelsea so he is really getting on me to be sure I know how to get there so we dont miss any of the game.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. you come off the metro right by where our big tailgate will be
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Well, I'm counting on DCU to put on a great show and convert many fans!
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. In that case, make sure he gets very lost on the way to the stadium.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. There will be a small contingent leaving from Kilroy's around 3:30 or so. We'll just pile people in cars and carpool. Anybody feel like driving or need a ride PM me.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. She doesn't live here anymore. She left DC in January 2001.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. braddock rd/495, take the braddock rd west exit and pull into the strip mall right after you exit corner of braddock/port royal
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Click on my barra-brava link below and follow the links to soccer friendly bars.
Re: A question about getting to FedEx field. Thanks. I'll let Chico know if I can drive anybody (I may or may not be in the area prior to the game).
Metro to FedEX Field Does anyone know the closest metro stop to FedEx? Also will there be a shuttle from the metro to the field? Thanks in advance!
Re: Metro to FedEX Field Check out this thread. https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=222103 Edit: No I don't think shuttles from the Metro will be run. But the Morgan Blvd station (Blue Line) is fairly close.
Re: Metro to FedEX Field Are there actually sidewalks all the way to the stadium? I thought there was some issue at one point where there was no place for pedestrians to walk except if they got in the traffic lanes, or has that all changed in the last few years?
Re: Metro to FedEX Field yes, there are sidewalks. Directly from the metro to the stadium map: http://www.stationmasters.com/System_Map/MORGANBD/morganbd.html The main issue around walking to the stadium was walking up from the Landover Mall area (walking down Brightseat RD from Sheriff/202). Snyder wanted people to pay to park or have miles of walking around the stadium from the places you can park for free. Went to court and Snyder and the cops had to let people walk.
Re: Metro to FedEX Field Nah, there's always been sidewalks there. What you're thinking about is the scam that the 'Skins were trying to run in order for people to buy $5 shuttle rides. The team said that the sidewalks weren't wide enough and that groupls of people would just start wandering into the road.