OFFICIAL Complain About the Cauldron Thread Following Ben's post in the Renshaw thread, I thought I'd do everyone a big favor.
Dang Darnit McG, you beat me to putting this up. But I have no complaints about the Cauldron, being a happy member of the group.
Constructive criticism Too quiet in the first half last Saturday night, why? Second half was much better.
Re: OFFICIAL Complain About the Cauldron Thread Thank you, I'd mentioned that I was going to start this once the season was over. But it just keeps popping up. I'll sticky it once the seasons over. Mod Note: Any post that strays from the topic in another thread that has to do with the Cauldron will be moved to this thread. So you might as well just post your thoughts in here. As for quiet during the first half last Saturday. Sorry, I guess I've kinda unofficially taken over as "chant starter" (based on where I stand I guess). I was more concerned with the game and it skipped my mind to start more chants. Someone smack me around when I do that next time.
Worst siteline available. (If there really is one in Arrowhead). I'd sit, ehemm... excuse me Stand with you guys more because I really do enjoy the atmosphere but staring at the endline from a corner for the entire game is not enough for me to give up 40 yardline - and I don't stick around for player tunnel appearance factor. From your some of your posts you guys many times see a different game than me regarding certain player performances. KCWizFlags area/group is growing and begining to get pretty loud/involved for all the folks in and around the 50. They get everyone going around them pretty well and plus we've got the new mulletless "Superfan" going a few rows back to boot. (JumboTron dreams) Maybe it would be good if CJ considered another supporters reserved price open/GA seating type section behind the Wizards bench near the 40 or so. The two areas/groups in tandem would be great as the collective slowly absorbed the entire sections between them and further. These wouldn't be opposing groups like the Barra Brava & Screaming Eagles in DC, just two blocked/open seating sections available for whatever you budget may be for that game. Might collect quite a few more supporters that way that just don't want to be crammed into a corner. You'd all still be part of The Cauldron just Blue section or White section (just think of the ticket stub smuggling that could occur). You're still there for the same purpose and of course always support the same tailgate beforehand.
I for one am in the section for the group purpose. I used to set right behind Aaron (KCWizFlag) at midfield for three seasons. I left that area to go to the Cauldron when it was across the field. When we moved, I didn't care where. Its the group and the meaning of what we do for the team that mattered most. Obviously if someone is more concerned with sight lines they aren't going to stand in our section. As for moving the Cauldron behind the benches. Not going to happen in my view. You've got many 8 year season ticket holders that you would have to displace. They would NOT be happy. Its a great idea, but I don't see a way to make it possible without pissing off another great group of fans.
My first several Wiz games I went with family and sat near midfield. After my first game in the Cauldron, I decided that the view from 114 was OK, if I didn't stand to close to the field. It was a great place to see goal action in the near goal. I love standing at soccer games. My wife likes to take a chair for youth soccer games, but I'm more comfortable standing and yelling. My only complaint about the Cauldron is I don't like the "YELLOW Team Sucks" and a few of the other negative chants. But that's just because I've spent a lot of time over the last 25 years in the middle. Otherwise, the CHANTING and SINGING is GREAT! I have yet to bring other family to the cauldron, but I think my sons and nephews would enjoy it.
Disagree. That would have to be the Osco thing, on the field right behind the goal. How is that a reward?
Cauldron As I'm sure everyone has heard from my father-in-law, my regular seats are front row, right behind the bench. As cool as those seats are, I choose to sit with the Cauldron for two reasons. The section I sit in is very quiet (except for the Magic Minutes). I want to be loud, cheer, boo and chant. The second is, I really like the people in the Cauldron. Everyone has a great time. If we could move the Cauldron to midfield, that would rock, but I really do like where it is now. Knowing the players will come by and acknowledge what we do is pretty cool
One thing about the Cauldron, is that you don't need to spend the big $ for the midfield seats. GREAT Atmosphere and lower cost.
I just don't see it happening. Would it be ideal? Of course. But is it possible? I don't think so. As for the "negative" chants. If we only did the chants that everyone like we'd be doing the same 3 chants for 90 minutes.
I have to say that even though we are getting louder at the 50, I don't see the Cauldron being at midfield, like Ben said, due to the season ticket holders. The only suggestion I would give fro moving the Cauldron would be to put it in the west end zone underneath the scoreboard. This way the projection of voice would be straight down the middle of the field. You would be opposite the Zardmeister, and if you could get the chants up on the jumbotron, then as people looked at the words they would also be hearing at the Cauldron. It might enable you to also be able to get rid of the mic and that pesky little delay problem. Another positive is that the Cauldron would have the entire end zone to grow. As it stands now, the Cauldron is crammed into one section. This also might entice people to come into the section if thef felt that there was more room.
The Cauldron can grow. We have many rows behind us and a section to our side that can be opened. We've gotta consistantly fill those areas before we need more space. There were a couple of games this year when I looked back and saw the section almost full to the top. Otherwise, we're fine on space. Even still, we usually now have 15-20 nearly full rows of people standing in the section, but only the bottom half of that section seems to be the "Mystics" (if you will). The rest don't seem (I could very well be wrong) to be joining in the chants, they just stand there because they enjoy the environment.
Discounting the room to grow idea, would it be popular for the Cauldron to move to that area? Would it even be considered, given the opportunity to project the chants right down the middle of Arrowhead?
Not sure. I would rather stay where we're at, just because it seems to be a good thing for those involved. Behind a goal, down front, is actually a worse sight line than in the corner if you ask me. As far as projecting chants, I think it'll be pretty much the same no matter where we stand.
OFFICIAL Complain About the Cauldron Thread Before last weekend, which was the first match I stood in 114, I'd also always sat more or less midfield, for the reason that most people do: the sightlines are better and most akin to watching a match on TV. I'd often considered going to the Cauldron, but always decided against it because I assumed I wouldn't be able to see anything. Well, the view isn't great from 114, but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Plus, the atmosphere is a lot better. I prefer to stand and jump and shout when I'm watching a match, even at home -- just ask my wife and she'll roll her eyes. When I watch a match from midfield, the people are usually rather sedate and I don't feel comfortable sitting there amongst people who don't seem to be really into it. Anyway, I think you guys have sold me on 114 -- too bad I now have to wait until next season to be there again!
Re: OFFICIAL Complain About the Cauldron Thread Thats exactly what its all about! You join us once, and its either for you or not for you. Then, if its for you, you're hooked. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
Tradeoffs There is no "best place" to assemble a group of standing loud noise making fanatics. Every spot in the stadium has it pros and cons. The current location is great for player recognition, but you seldom, if ever, get on TV to show the rest of the world the Mystics exist. If you ever consider relocating... I would suggest trying to work a deal to get the entire side of the field opposite the team benches designated as General Admission... just like they did in the Cotton Bowl. You would have access to midfield seating... TV exposure... voice traveling straight at the bench. IMHO everybody would benefit (except for the current season ticket holders on the side of the field). Just my thoughts.
1 complaint and other mere suggestions *Some of the chants could use work of varrying types. It's past time for something to be written that, ala "You'll Never Walk Alone", will have lasting meaning to the. Since creativity is a word I can barely spell, I'm of only a test audience use here. A suggestion would be to ask Sam if he has a connection to an info base or whatever that could put this up for a contest at an English college or six and maybe one or more locally. 200 Pounds Sterling from the Wizards org. would be a nice cherry after the proper legwork has been done. I figure if there are 20+ submissions, at least one would have a good chance of being suitable. Run this through a college's office and several good things (ie, a win-win situation can come of it). Maybe this branches into a sister city/team thing, who knows. *As a person who purposely stands in the corner so I can waive my flag while the bigger sectional flag "flies", I am tired of being invaded and smooshed by the swag whores that invade that whole corner pre- and post-game. They leave at about kickoff and come back with :10 to play. Not that they take up much space, but kids always get bigger and it does get annoyingly crowded in the corner with 4-5 people standing within a couple of square feet. The munchikins never chant or sing, and already have tons of swag. BTW, there is another corner on the other side they could use. The solution to this one seems simple, rope off the first x rows and a spot for the big drum up higher. There's already a rental guy by the wall. Just move him up 4 rows, give him some launguage, and there will be space for everyone in the Mystic's Cauldron. *Attendance. The last two games and some others were well attended. Some others were not. Everyone on this board should make their best effort to plan, budget, stretch, adjust, or whatever so that they can attend. The schedule is issued well in advance. Work, class, and life happen. Rarely do they happen at 7p on Saturday. *Wash, repair, and put away neatly all things Caldron before ignoring them for the next 4 months. They will last longer. *No matter what fine outstanding things emminate from the Cauldron, nothing has compared to the Brazilian samba beats of years past. Nothing. How much better would Arrowhead and the Cauldron be if the Brazilians circa '97 were connected? Anyone have a line on getting them back? CJ can't get it done. He's condecending, unintelligent, a wimp, and was not here to appreciate it anyway. It's going to have to be non-Wizards people. *The headset guy below the first row (controls the boom mic) slacked off at the last few games. Additionally the PA annonuncements and pumped in music need to be coordinated better. Notice the "co" in coordinate. That means 2 parties, not a dictation. Color and symbol are two main tactics of community building. What better way to do that than Wizards blue everywhere you look. *Severly discounted Wizards swag for those connected. This will require talking to the company that controls the stuff - it isn't the Wizards org. *Longer scarves with a tighter knit - I've lost a scarf and two blue striped towels subbing as my scarf this season because they were too short and fell off my shoulders, *&%^@! *Redoing the BAKCF and the Forza Wiz sign to eliminate black. *Actively encourage others not wearing KC blue or other team's jerseys to wear blue. Mentioning scarves and gear specials available would be a good add on to the conversation. HINT - money making opportunity. -oot
Re: 1 complaint and other mere suggestions OH, yea of little faith!!! Why would you want anyone to pack away their colors before we assemble in L.A. to kick Chicago's firey red butts?
Re: 1 complaint and other mere suggestions Ummm... Dave? Are you going to be at either watch party this weekend? I've got one of your towels.
The Samba Band thing got really complicated and unreasonable. I'm Mr. Give *#*#*#*# to the Hardcore Fans, and I thought their demands were unreasonable. Waldir would only accept payment in *cash*. Wouldn't take a check. I *#*#*#*# you not. He was asking to get paid (in cash), plus 30 free tickets for every game. I wouldn't have agreed to that, either. At some point, aren't they *fans*? Dave, I don't what your hardon is for assaulting CJ, but come on! Do I wish CJ were bolder? Sure. He's cautious, but don't mistake that for a lack of intelligence. If we want to talk about unintelligent GMs, we've had an example of one of those, and that's not CJ. We've also had one who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and had no idea how to get out of it...not his fault, by any means, but not the man for the job at that time, either (which is really too bad, because he's a great guy and would be a good GM somewhere else if he got back into it). The fact is that CJ has produced, and produced in the long term. Is everything the way we'd like it? Are we happy with *all* of the player moves? No, but... --Attendance went up again --Season ticket sales are way up --You know, we did win a championship --We have an affordable, dedicated section for the first time --The organization is the strongest it has ever been Some of this is due to greater support from lamar and the Chiefs. Some of this is due to luck. A lot of it has to do with skill, and CJ's skill at that. Sure, I think I'd be a better GM than CJ...that's just part of my overwhelming charm, though.
Re: Tradeoffs You're right, of course. It would make our situation great, and it would improve the TV look and feel of Wizards games at Arrowhead. But... There's no way that this will happen in Arrowhead, with the possible exception of it happening on a single-game basis or something. The reason? There aren't enough sideline seats in Arrowhead to make it work. It worked at the Cotton Bowl because the shady sideline stand had enough seats that they could sell at higher prices to make it work. There are too many nights where the Wizards come close to selling out both sides of the sidelines (by close, I mean 75% plus), and they'd simply lose revenue by pursuing this strategy. Damn, it'd be great though. Note: if you're wondering why the Screaming Eagles and Barra Brava get the seats they do at RFK, you haven't been to a game at RFK and tried to watch from those seats, as we had to at MLS Cup 2000. Those seats blow. They're too far from the field and too lightly sloped.
Re: Re: 1 complaint and other mere suggestions Great! I was planning on going to Coach's. Unfortunately, I've been pretty sick since leaving Arrowhead last Sat. night. That's why I ducked out so quick. I'm still trying to avoid people as much as I can. If I don't feel right, I'll just watch from home. If I don't go to Coach's, please keep it until next season. I'm not jonesing for towels, but I would like it back. And, thanks.