Thought I'd start a thread for the upcoming Wave season. From piecing together the Wave's announced signings, this looks like the roster: Goalkeepers: Nick Vorberg Marcel Feenstra Defenders: Evan McNeley Josh Rife Tom Oatley Jonathan Santos Joe Hammes Jonathan Greenfield J.P. Rodrigues Fabinho Ribeiro Forwards/Midfielders: Pablo Matt Stewart Marcio Leite Guiliano Oliviero Ian Bennett Greg Howes Tenzin Rampa Hewerton Nick Perera That's a toal of 19 signings. I'm pretty sure the max roster size was going to be 18 this year? Anyways, looks like a strong roster to defend the title. Can't wait for the home opener in 2 weeks!
Terminesi will be missed if it's true that he's not returning to the Wave. He's a great player and it was good to see him have such a great 2010-11 season after having to sit out much of the previous season. Still, the returning Wave lineup appears formidable to say the least. I'll look forward to seeing the team in action this season.
It's common for more established teams to go past the 'limit' and simply inactivate one or two players for periods of time. It is crucial midseason when players are getting injured left and right.
This is kind of cryptic. From the MISL preview of the Wave: KEY PLAYERS – The Wave’s impressive defensive record came about in no small part thanks to goalkeepers Nick Vorberg and Marcel Feenstra, who both return to the squad. Offensively, Marco Terminesi was the key player for the Wave a season ago, finishing with 72 points which was good for second in the league. However, Tozer believes that the presence of Greg Howes and Marcio Leite for a full season will help carry the attacking burden this season.
I was thinking that too.. Nevertheless, they still retained a few notorious "hotheads" on their team.
Wouldn't put much stock into what Soccer-Man has to's just the same old drivel under a new screen name...
Any player that hates the blast I would guess , The wave to me only got better while Baltimore will be a Waite and see thing
Waved are always able to sign the players, will be interesting who will be the No. 1 keeper for the Wave. Fenstra seemed to be the 1 toward the end of last season.
I think the Wave has two number one keepers. It will be interesting to see how much each of them plays this season.
Vorberg was bothered by injuries on and off in the latter part of the season. It's a testament to his toughness that he was even able to make it through that 2nd Semifinal Game in Milwaukee against the Comets.
Again, I think this had a lot to do with Vorberg's health. He wasn't anywhere near 100% when he was on the field. That being said, the Wave is lucky to have both of these guys. They're both #1 kind of guys, and I expect them to pretty much split starts throughout the year.
I have seen a lot of feenstras game tapes and I Told him before the Championship Game that he would be MVP if the blast Lossed the game . he laughed and said ok to me on facebook well i was right I told him after the game He is the future of the wave for sure the guy has a huge wing span in goal he reminds me of Victor Nogera the wave if the team to beat this year they only got better
That is true, They are both good, but based on play, i would say Frenstra is the #1 keeper. Can't rotate keepers every game, they won't get into a groove. I see them doing that on back to back games. I'm curious why Marco isn't playing.
You being a Wave supporter would know which players ran to Dusosky's aide when he needed it. I mean getting pentalized over your reaction, and not your action is pretty pathetic (remember that "dissent" call?). I can understand shouting at the refs about bad calls once in a while but continually shouting about stuff like intentional tripping or holding players jerseys... that just doesn't look good on each players behalf. And there is a triplet of these players on the Wave. By no means am I downplaying their skillfulnes on the field - they are great players and Championship winners - just this negative attitude brings down their "image" (for lack of a better term) as pro players. You have great players like Greg Howes who do not have a bad rep with the referees for example and have a good image.
Since you asked... Troy Dusosky (unsigned), Hewerton Moreira (he invented the "dissent" call - never heard of it before), Joe Hammes, and Josh Rife (argued a lot with refs over holding jerseys - I mean come on, everyone saw you do it.)
If arguing with a referee makes you a "notorious hothead", then just about every player in this league qualifies. Swallow that bitter pill already, would you...
At one of the Riot-Blast games I attended last season, I sat close to the Blast bench and heard Danny Kelly and some Blast players argue some obvious foul calls, too. That's not a knock against Kelly or the Blast players; I'm just trying to say that griping to the officials is pretty common and doesn't necessarily mean someone's a hothead. Sit behind any indoor soccer team's bench and you're likely to hear some yelling at the officials.