hey all- I'm pretty pumped this week. In the past I haven't had the option to try out for ODP, but now I've worked out all of the off the field kinks, much thanks to the league administrator, coaches that live by me, and the UYSA technical director. Now all I have to do - is make it. Yes, I can play with the best, and I play at a very high level. I play with a club team that is in Division 1, and the players that live farthest apart live 3 miles away. I could make one of the highest ranked club teams, but I'm preparing for high school with the club I'm at now, we're all from the same high school, while other teams are split up from a wide range of High schools, however none are from one. I won't leave the club team for that reason. I have a REALLY GREAT shot at a high school state championship. My fear is, that because I play for a team that isn't playing at the highest level, even though the talent pool we have for that small area is absolutely incredible, that I won't be recognized. I don't play for Utah Futbol Club or Inter (two very high ranked teams in Utah), so I think that the technical director and coaches may look right past me. Because of this, I don't just need to play up to the level of the other players trying out for ODP, I have to stand out. In addition, since ODP is run on a calendar year, and our league is not, I play for a club team and league where most of the kids are born in '90, however I am born in 89 (today, october 22). I will have a size weakness, I am not one of the bigger kids in our league. The advantages - Probably the biggest thing I have is ball control. Because I hardly ever have anyone to play with, I spend the majority of my time practicing free kicks, or corner kicks, because it's quite hard to practice passing and field awareness without anyone else (there are no good walls close that I am allowed to kick against.) Our team practices 4 days a week during the summer, and the other 2 are individual workout days (sunday is off). Our team has come from the very bottom of double A (the county) to be at the highest level that any team from our club has ever been. I do the 1,000 touches drill every day, and I feel that I have good field awareness. I love taking free kicks, and in the past 4 games I've had 3 free kicks (one was a PK, the other 2 from 25+ yards out) and I've scored on all of them. I think that the coaches would be impressed with my ability to strike the dead ball, but I doubt I'll ever get an opportunity. I think that if the coaches come to know the situation that our team has come from, to what we've been able to become, they will respect us. The only problem is - they won't, and I won't ever have a chance to explain myself. What can I do to make myself better? The cold air is starting to come in, and luckily I have access to an unused indoor basketball court whenever I want it, but the ball can't hit the walls . What can I do to make myself better (I may have a couple of outdoor practice days. Thank you all Austen Allred edit: PS: Our team has 4 games left, Sat, Mon, Tues, & Sat. so I don't know if I"ll be able to get training in on those days, or possibly not thurs, friday.
Keep doing what you are doing. Play really sharp at tryouts. Make sure you get noticed. ODP is a funnel. The very best (top 3 or 4) are noticed without any problems. The rest take a bit of work. There are always a few that only get there because of "who they know". If you don't really stand out from Utah, you don't have a chance making the regional pool. There are few players from the smaller states that get the tough games and training to advance against the California, Washington, Colorado & Arizona players. Work Hard Play Hard I hope that you become one of the Utah players that breaks thru the barrier
do what you know how to do... dont do what you dont know how to do (to try and impress) if you play quick, simple, and have a flare to your game your in
you have to realize that some coaches might put you through some unrealistic drills which dont really show your ability to play soccer. Here's a little article for you How To Assess Soccer Players Without Skill Tests. Evaluating soccer players can be a challenging process, particularly when the criteria used for evaluation are not based on the demands of the game. Soccer is a very fluid game when it is performed well; to play at speed, players must have skill and vision and tactical insight. However, with novice and experienced coaches alike, there is a tendency to look at soccer as a series of discrete skills or actions, separate from the game as a whole. This can lead to the development of evaluation criteria that are based more on “scores” than “performance.” While a deep knowledge of the discrete components that comprise the game of soccer is important, and, in fact, serves as one marker that separates the more experienced coach from the novice, there is an inherent danger in thinking about the game in discrete terms when evaluating players. This is particularly true in try-out situations when “skill tests” are seen as more objective and often utilized to protect inexperienced coaches from unpopular decisions. Let's take a look at passing as an example of the folly and futility of individual skill testing for the purpose of selecting players for teams. A common skill test for passing is to count how many times the ball is exchanged between two players in 60 seconds using the inside of the foot. In soccer games, the purpose of passing is to score goals, to take opponents out of the game, or to keep possession of the ball. There are six surfaces of the foot that can be used to pass the ball (inside, outside, heel, toe, instep and sole) and the ball can be passed using a variety of spins, speeds and trajectories. If we separate the tactical aspects of play (when and why do I pass there?) from the technical aspects (what surface and texture is required?), the basic elements of the game are decoupled and we are left with activities that involve technical repetition without tactical context. In addition, when we choose to test passing skills with a particular surface, it is often at the expense of the others. This can send the message to players that the other surfaces are either less important, not recommended, or not to be considered. Think about coaches who discourage, and would certainly never test for, passing with the toe, and then consider all the ways the toe can be used as a viable option in problem solving! To take this to the extreme, if we decide to be fair and test all six surfaces, how long will this process take and what time will be left for assessing all the other technical, tactical and physical aspects that constitute the elements of play? Looking from a different perspective, think of practicing passing with one surface as similar to learning to strike just one key on a keyboard. We may become good at striking “G,” but it doesn't make us think about how to find “G” in the context of creating a complete sentence, or how “G” is situated in relation to the other keys. Ironically, practicing only one technique in isolation is actually reinforcing for coaches because players do improve their ability to perform that particular action. However, the downside to predictable technical repetition in young players is that those who learn the game in less predictable ways are more likely to develop a deeper understanding of how to adapt their range of techniques to solve novel tactical problems; in short, they become more skilful! While street soccer may be a thing of the past, think no further than the upbringing of the average NBA player to form an appreciation of its lost value. Creative, skillful players develop in response to an environment where techniques and tactical awareness develop in unpredictable ways “together” though hours of unstructured free play. So how does this relate to try-outs? My premise is that quantitative (numerical) measures of ability do not work very well in evaluating soccer players. Timed sprints, kicks against a wall, kicking for distance, number of Coerver's in a minute, and various competitions, such as 1v1 Combat, are all examples of activities that have been used to assess whether players can play soccer or not. However, knowing that Suzie can sprint 50 yards in 8 seconds, juggle 5 times with her right foot, kick 25.5 yards with her left foot, and run through a line of cones in 12 seconds tells us very little about Suzie's ability as a problem-solver under pressure. For that, we need to watch her play soccer and evaluate how her technique impacts her decision-making. While the task of watching and assessing decision-making within a live game can be quite difficult for the average parent-coach, the following criteria form the basis of a realistic playing evaluation. Assessing players' strengths and weaknesses in an authentic setting not only provides information on which players can actually “play” soccer, but also allows coaches the opportunity to target for remediation those areas that are observed to be absent or a hindrance to good performance. Consider how realistic it would be to tell a parent that their child is on the “B” or “C” team because they don't yet understand how to create space, or they can't keep possession of the ball when under pressure, or their tactical understanding does not allow them to play in combination with others, or that they simply take too many touches and play too slowly. Contrast that message with the information that their child is on the “B” or “C” team because they can't run fast enough, juggle well enough, dribble through a line of cones under control, or because they finished bottom of a competitive heading ladder. In reality, the differences between the scores of young players may be one or two juggles or one or two seconds, or one or two feet. We must ask if those differences really tell us anything of substance about that person as a soccer player?
Use (excuse my spelling) coerver skills a lot, and focus on getting lots of touchs, and try and do it faster and faster everytime, try and learn 1 or 2 new moves a week. And hey If you make ODP State I'll see ya in the tourney! Look otu from number 17 on NY West.
hey fury hes from utah..unless theirs a tourney for east to west coast..but fury im on connecticut odp...wut age group r u?? i think we played u
Here in Ohio, there is a limit of 5 players from the same High School on each club team. so the whole team couldn't play for the same club team. i guess you guys have different rules
there are no rules like that, but i can assure you if there are any clubs besides ours with more than 5 players from one high school, they are very rare.
hey- first of all I'd like to thank anyone for the time that they put in to helping me out. Tryouts were earlier today, and I didn't do all that hot, but hopefully I can still make it. I was dissapointed that I wasn't able to show any free kicks, but I don't know why I was expecting that I WOULD be able to. There were 4 tryout dates and this was the 4th, the first one i was able to go to because I had games for the other three. I'm sure that this will hurt my chances. If I don't make it, I will just work harder for next year, either way - wish number 17 from '89 UYSA (www.uysa.com) good luck. Austen
Play the Beautiful game how you know how to play it. I have done the best in tryouts when I say to myself, ok I'm not out here to be Pele or Ronaldo or be the best guy on the field or play the best soccer of my life but to play good simple, unselfish, Soccer and just play soccer and have fun most of all. Keep it simple, play soccer and don't worry about these coaches and other players and all the egos and whatever politics might be involved, soccer is a simple game, to knock the ball around and score some goals. So keep it pure, knock the ball around and score some goals just play soccer and play how you know how to play and don't force anything. If you don't make it don't sweat it it sounds like you are on a good club team, just play soccer and have fun. I don't think youth players have nearly enough fun in the game today, theres too much bickering about money, politics, this and that b.s. and it takes the fun out of the game it becomes a job, everyone trying to get themselves in there so they can get that scholarship or whatever just play soccer like it was meant to be played.
thsi could be off topic but its about youth soccer....is wisconsin's youth teams (particualry u14) any good compared to other states? im just curious thanks