Obama can follow a third-rate EPL team. Can he be bothered to watch a team from his home state? Fire fans should be e-mailing their indignation to George Will all day. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article732401.ece
I dunno, I've have to rethink this whole thing if Obama were openly a Fire fan. Do we really want someone who enjoys anything about Cuauhtemoc Blanco running the country?
At least his answer shows some authenticity. Answering West Ham indicates they are a team he really follows to some degree. If he really had no idea, he would have said Man U or Real or one of the other big clubs.
Obama shouldn't lie. He supposedly was told all about the passion of West Ham fans through English relatives. What he meant to say was that he was a big fan of the movie Green Street Hooligans and it just happened to be centered around West Ham.
Nah, he got into the Hammers back when he was skinhead and his favorite band was the Cockney Rejects.
pretty lame thread. glad to hear he's a soccer fan. if he wasn't, that wouldn't matter either-- he's still the best candidate for the job
You guys are awfully critical. I'm just happy that we could potentially have a soccer fan for President. Baseball and American Football get entirely too much Presidential love. And it doesn't say he's NOT a fan of MLS...because the article is West Ham-focused. Besides...I imagine he might soon be a DC United fan, no?
When it is known that the President of the United States ever likes something, it undoubtedly has an influence on people. It's the kind of exposure that beats all other kind of advertising. And whether or not he likes MLS, as a President if he wants to talk soccer, he'll be obliged to cheer the American product.
From the article: "“Obama is a big sports nut and loves his soccer. 'He never really followed it, though, until he was told all about the passion of West Ham fans.." Seems pretty clear that at least five years ago he wasn't a soccer five, much less an MLS fan. Nevertheless, this won't affect my vote one way or the other...and I am still completely undecided.
Guess who Hillary supports? I wish the article had pointed out that Spector is from Obama's hometown.
...which means she supported West Ham, Charlton, Leyton Orient and Crystal Palace simultaneously, just like she supports Seattle, New England, Philadelphia, and DC United here. Jade = Aimer 2008
Did you know that Obama was born in Hawaii, the same state as Brian Ching, who was the first Hawaiian to play for the US national team?
Ugly photoshop and an article worst than The Onion's. Maybe the joke is on the West Ham's fan, not on Obama's per se, he's just a casualty. Me thinks.
The only problem is that MLS no longer considers itself an American product. It's now "North American" and "American/Canadian." Why shouldn't Obama be too good for it when "it" is too good to call itself just plain American?