Nowak Adu reunion

Discussion in 'USA Men: News & Analysis' started by Spry, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. Spry

    Spry Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Not much has been made of Peter Nowak coming on board. I wonder if this has gotten into Adu's head? Adu was probably hoping he put Nowak behind him.

    Personally I think you have to let Adu play his own game. Rongen set him free and he shined in the U20 World Cup. I wonder if Nowak has changed his tune?
  2. Marko72

    Marko72 Member+

    Aug 30, 2005
    New York
    Yeah, I'd thought about that, too. Then again, I personally can't imagine being in Nowak's shoes, what with the hype surrounding Freddy, and a system he's got installed trying to be competitive in the league, trying to work a teenager into that system. Nowak's job was to get DC to an MLS Cup, not to hold a teenage player's hand.

    Let's just say it was a tough situation, and it's behind both of them now. I'd like to think that they both realize that, and if it were today, it might well have worked out differently.
  3. luvdagame

    luvdagame Member+

    Jul 6, 2000
    didn't adu already play under nowak in this new regime? those differences are behind them.
  4. Nutmeg

    Nutmeg Member+

    Aug 24, 1999
    Adu already played in Switzerland and South Africa. This case is closed.
  5. UChicagoSoccer

    UChicagoSoccer New Member

    Mar 6, 2005
    Not so fast. Switzerland and South Africa were with the Men's National Team, which Bob Bradley is the coach of. However, the real test for Adu is whether he can start to assert any sort of prominent role with the U-23s, which Peter Nowak is the coach of.

    A good showing during the Olympics might help move along one of the younger guys who is trying to establish himself on the MNT (including Edu, Altidore, Adu, and others). The case is not closed because we need to see how well Adu plays under Nowak in games that matter. If Adu embraces the team mentality that seems to be the focus of the Bradley campaign, then he will do well.

    The thought that Adu will be given "free reign" on the U-23 level and MNT just doesn't make sense given the entire structure of the MNT program. Rognen isn't exactly the litmus test of good US coaching. What he did doesn't imply what the others will do. Adu is moving along slowly through the national teams, and the hope is that the case will be closed over the summer.
  6. DaPrince84

    DaPrince84 Member+

    Aug 22, 2001
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    its not a guarantee the US will be in the Olympics... and its mos def not a guarantee that if the US make it, Freddy will be there
  7. Pbourgeacq

    Pbourgeacq New Member

    Aug 8, 2001
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Really? This is the first I heard this. Is there a story here? What would prevent Adu being on the team? Benfica? Nowak?
  8. LJSoccer

    LJSoccer Member

    Feb 21, 2007
    Lake Jackson TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I hope Nutmeg is right, but I have to say that when I listened to Freddie's interview on the web some where, he seemed a little put out with his whole DC experience. He sort of made it sound like at times they were more worried about him carrying out the gator aid to practice and reminding him that he was young, than actually teaching him anything. He said that in Benfica if you made a bad pass or chidish mistake, they were on you about it, Rui Costa in particular, but that if Rui made a childish mistake, he was just as likely to hear about it as was Adu. He said it was about the soccer, not his age and that it made all the difference in the world being treated like a soccer player, not a kid. I suspect that Nowak won't have any choice but to start and play Adu. If Adu is more creative than he should be, that's probably too bad for Nowak. I'm not sure that they can qualify with out his play. But I think that Freddy is going to be bigger than Coach Nowak in the grand scheme of things and that's probably good for soccer and bad for Nowak. I just hope that bygones can be bygones and that we qualify for the Olympics.
  9. Scotty

    Scotty Member+

    Dec 15, 1999

    ...and it feels so good.
  10. Maximum Optimal

    Maximum Optimal Member+

    Jul 10, 2001
    Freddy gave an interview a month or two ago (sorry can't find the link) where he said he and Peter had a long talk while he was in camp for the Switzerland game. Freddy said they cleared up some of the stuff that has happened in the past and that he felt good about their relationship.
  11. Adam Zebrowski

    Adam Zebrowski New Member

    May 28, 1999
    MO is tottaly correct about the adu interview on espn international....

    quite candid about saying nowak was the right thing for him to grow as a player..

    people continue to ignore what adu says and hold old imagined grudges as being relevant now...

    couldn't be further from reality..
  12. alocksley

    alocksley Member

    Jan 30, 2004
    Burbank, CA

    "Join me and you will play sparingly, and on the wing!"

    "I'll never join you!"
  13. Spry

    Spry Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Exactly. Nowak and Adu may have had a "talk" but Adu is still carrying this baggage around. If Nowak continues to put Adu out of position, or even worse, leaves him off the pitch in order to "make a point", I for one will be calling for his head.
  14. Adam Zebrowski

    Adam Zebrowski New Member

    May 28, 1999
    it's complete garbage he's carrying the baggage around..

    you have NO evidence, because ALL the evidence is contrary...

    repeat the BIG LIE all the time doesn't make it true at all
  15. Spry

    Spry Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    The evidence is in the inteview noted above. He resents the MLS, DC United, and Nowak for the 'water boy' role he played.
  16. Adam Zebrowski

    Adam Zebrowski New Member

    May 28, 1999
    take the entire interview in context...

    he clearly stated the exact opposite, the nowak experience made hiom a better person and a better player....

    if you wish to believe otherwise, it's complete delusion...

    wrry about real things, not those which lack any substance
  17. Nutmeg

    Nutmeg Member+

    Aug 24, 1999
    Lee Corso?

    I actually agree with your post. If Nowak tries to square peg Freddy again, I'd really want to see a change in the US Olympic Coaching staff.

    Fortunately, Bradley's given Freddy the freedom to be Freddy within his system.
  18. JohnR

    JohnR Member+

    Jun 23, 2000
    Chicago, IL
    I'm all for reading tea leaves, but this is pure guesswork. Probably not even Mrs. Nowak knows how Peter really feels about Freddy, and how he might coach him in the future.
  19. Maximum Optimal

    Maximum Optimal Member+

    Jul 10, 2001
    One benefit of playing a system with two-deeplying mids is that Freddy (or anyone for that matter) who is part of the attacking foursome is given a lot of freedom to mainly concentrate on the attack. Even if he is put in as one of the outside mids, the defensive burden is a lot lower than in a diamond.
  20. Spry

    Spry Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    It may have made him a better person and a better player in that he learned he'll get nowhere with MLS and US Soccer in this system. And it taught him to stay collected even though he didn't think very highly of who he was playing for. It taught him to stay professional and say professional things regardless of what he truly felt. And so, Adu said the professional thing to avoid making more of the situation than need be. After all, Nowak is coach of the U23's and the assistant coach of the senior team. Any player with half a brain would refrain from colorful opinions on the matter knowing that anything said might be used against them. I think Nowak still needs to earn Adu's respect.
  21. Diceson

    Diceson Member

    Dec 21, 1999
    This will sound heretical, but I watched the U-23's v. DC United down in Bradenton on Saturday.

    Nowak doesn't need Adu, but obviously he's going to bring him in. The U-23's looked very, very good!

    That being said, having done several interviews with both Nowak and Adu while they were at DC United, I can tell you the only real thing they both care about is winning. Not because they are great "team" players, but because they realize that being on a winner will only enhance their respective careers.

    If any one is interested, I did a short Q&A with Nowak after the game. It's over on the US Mens - Youth Teams forum.
  22. sregis

    sregis Member

    Nov 5, 1999
    Hoboken, USA
    the u-23's w/ freddy and jozy would give our nats a run for their money, imo.
  23. DaPrince84

    DaPrince84 Member+

    Aug 22, 2001
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I say because of Benfica... Freddy may want to cinch a starting spot their this summer... and going to the Olympics right before the season may not help his case...
  24. Martin Fischer

    Martin Fischer Member+

    Feb 23, 1999
    Kampala. Uganda
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Fair enough, but I think this is a misreading of what happened at DCU with Adu. Basically, Adu wasn't better than Gomez or Moreno when he was at DCU (or at least not enough better to win the position), so he wasn't often allowed to play in the position where he could "be Freddy." Nowak worked hard to tweak the system so Freddy could play, even if it meant "square pegging" him, which was in Adu and DCU's interest.

    Arguably last season, Adu was ready to exceed Gomez and/or Moreno, but it was clear he wanted to go overseas and DCU decided it would rather have the money than Adu for 1/2 or 1 season. I just don't see the issue, Adu will play as the 2nd forward for the U-23s, or possibly as an attacking midfielder.
  25. Spry

    Spry Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    You're right about that. It wasn't the easiest of situations.

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