Stuff you'd buy to wear or use but don't actually play in... I want a cotton Adidas polo that's an exact replica of the game jersey colorwise, except for a smaller badge and no sponsor logo. Adidas ought to be making these for every MLS team anyway, in white and a team color. Also a hoodie or half-zip in white, with the small left chest badge like the game jersey instead of the huge dinner plate one they have on the site. No sponsor logo. A necktie, black and red diagonals, small (@.75" diameter) logo at the bottom. Not for matches, I'm not a "board member". I don't know if AUFC even has a board. I'd wear it to work on Fridays. Some cufflinks. I never wear cufflinks but I own a set of Steelers cufflinks and I want to keep the trend going. Some shot glasses. A poster of the stadium in soccer mode, empty, no lines, no goals. Just... well, turf. It'll be green. Classic shot from the upper seats corner.
The necktie would be nice, but it obviously can't be gaudy. I have one for GT but you don't figure that out unless you're right in front of me. I'm hoping to like the jersey well enough to wear during the matches, and I'll of course have a few scarves to choose from between the club and the Legion. At home I'm a simple T-shirt guy, myself. Something in a flat black with a small crest is fine. A polo would look good but not sure when I'd wear it. I'm big into ball caps, tho, and am already wearing out my black adidas AUFC cap. Need to buy a fitted one next. Will also look for an AUFC ball for kicking around, and probably some coasters for the house.
I really want a Columbia PFG shirt. I have several for Alabama. They are great. You can wear them to games. Wear them hiking and of course, fishing. It's a must have. I think that I suggested it to the team.
I just want t-shirts with the logo and/or name in an artsy way. The stuff they have now is too bland. Something that will stand out, but not be obnoxious.
No, it'd look like a club tie- two colors, wide diagonal stripes. Here's an example: It's your club! Of course the shirt will be nice enough to wear to matches! I do the T-shirt thing about as often as I wear regular polo or button-down shirts, but I don't get the whole black T-shirt thing. Seems like every rock band ever had screened black t-shirts you could buy at the local head shop. And they absorb heat (a bad thing in Georgia or anywhere else around this region), while white T-shirts reflect it. I wear out ballcaps like Federer wears out tennis balls. As long as they aren't those farmers' co-op style, where the "forehead" part sticks way up above the rest.
I kinda hope they do both. I like the classic stuff, but I know we're trying to grow the game for younger fans, so I'm down with AUFC providing the diverse colorful stuff for them.
I had to google "pfg shirt". They look cool, except for being short-sleeved. If I wear a button-up shirt, it must have long sleeves. When it's warm, I'll roll the sleeves up.
They are for warm weather. Part of the appeal is that they are light weight. I know they make them for Alabama and Auburn. I believe they are made for other teams too.
I didn't know that- thanks! I think I've seen them on Bama and Auburn fans before. Kinda khaki, right? The button front thing with short sleeves, tho... If it's gonna have short sleeves, just make it a pullover is all I"m saying- they can still use the same cloth or whatever. As it is, it looks like some kinda Auto Zone gig shirt...
I'd love a slouch fitting cap. 47 brand style. I know adidas has one, but when I saw it in the MofGA shop it looked kinda cheap. Anyone have one and is it quality?
Cuff links to wear at the Capitol. And PFG would be great. They make them in long sleeve too where you can roll up the sleeve. Oh and PFG shorts with the badge on the pocket. I want a hat with just the A and/or ATL. I would wear that everywhere. Oh and I need a Wrangler 5th wheel cover with the logo on it.
Well, they did me almost right, but so wrong. Can we PLEASE dispense with the two-tone crap and use one color? All black or all white, thanksmuchbye.