This morning I got into my car and noticed someone had placed some campaign literature on my front windshield under the wiper. When I got out to remove the literature, to my surprise, it was stuck to the windshield and to the wiper. I assume the paper got wet sometime over our rainy weekend; then dried and stuck to the glass and rubber. I had not moved my car since Friday, so this sounds like a plausible explanation. I spent close to 15 minutes trying to get the residue off of my windshield; alas, there is still a large part of it on the glass. Also, I think I will have to replace the windshield wiper as the rubber has become hard as cement where it contacted the paper. I will try some IPA to save the wiper, however, I'm not holding my breath that it will work. The offending party was probably a representative for Judith French (running for Franklin County Court of Appeals). Her past actions fit my stance on many issues, however, the complete and utter disregard for private property has really cheesed me off. This means that she has lost my vote. The only question is "Who to vote for now?" Her opposition is Tom Tootle. His endorsements include 12 different unions . I realize that this is a minor office, but I will leave it up to the people on this private forum to either talk me out of a not-vote or talk me into a no-vote.