I'm sorry, but can you clarify your answer cliche? I thought Scotland had their own parliament and other legal systems of government independent of the British no?
I'll answer with a question... Do you get a US work permit or a California work permit. Great Britain is a country. Scotland and England are the equivalent of US states. California has a government, too. It doesn't mean it can issue a passport (or work permit). When Beckham came he didn't get a California visa. It was issued by the US government, and the situations are exactly the same.
Scotland, England, Wales, and N. Ireland are all part of the United Kingdom, whose parliament is in London. Scotland has their own parliament also, but the big boys are elected to represent their districts (throughout the UK) in the house of commons - the supreme legislature of the land. The home office (who issues work permits) is run by these guys. As I understand it, it's like this: If my US visa is denied, I can't play in the Galaxy here in CA, RBNY in NY, or anywhere else in the US even though we all have separate state legislatures. Same goes for Guzan in the UK - whether it's Aston Villa in England or Celtic in Scotland.
Nah there's already 4 goalkeepers in camp. We're deep here. No need for Howard. Plus the roster "will be finalized prior to the team’s departure from Carson" on February 3rd. Howard has a game on the February 2nd. So unless he's already been asked and committed, he ain't coming.
i dare you to say that to a scot or welshman your analogy is accurate, but england and scotland are both countries. technically great britain is simply a moniker for the land mass that comprises of the countries england, scotland and wales. the united kingdom is the proxy country comprised of england, northern ireland, scotland and wales. i suspect guzan will be gone by the end of next season which is bad for MLS, but funny for us. no contract, brad goes on a free, no money for MLS, but no money for chivas.
according to this Brad will be back with the USMNT on Feb 2nd, he'll be ready for duty. http://chivas.usa.mlsnet.com/news/t...ent_id=137292&vkey=pr_cdc&fext=.jsp&team=t120 Dashiel while I agree he may we not get any money I have to wonder if MLS won't pressure Guzan to sign a one year deal just so they don't lose out on the 4M
What kind of "pressure" do you have in mind? If he wants to go on a free transfer ultimately there's not much that MLS can do about it. Brad's holding all the cards now that AV has indicated that strong an interest. Any team in a country without such restrictive work permits now has Guzano on its radar screen, and Brad knows it. Or Brad could insist on contract terms that give him a larger share of any future transfer payment.
Well, I suppose MLS could say, "Brad, unless you sign on our terms we are going to assign you to play for Chivas - bwahahahah! Err, ooops, we already did that, didn't we? Never mind."