So here you are. You have just proved the point I'm about to make: Suppose a second supporters section were to form when the new stadium opens. The current one is an $18 or $20 section, right? The new one will be on the sideline that the cameras face in the first twelve or fifteen rows and fifteen yards wide on each side of the half-line. Seats there will be $30 with the condition that fans sitting there must participate in chants and songs. There will also be a very strict no profanity rule. See, frankly, the crazy bouncing stand at RFK create a great visual and a very good batch of noise. Section eight will automatically gain a reputation as the section that is a little more coarse, and those of us who want to swear loudly can have a place free of little kids or nuns. Meanwhile, the broadcasters could be located on the same side as this other section, and more crowd noise could be picked up. There would be plenty of times that the two sections would be in perfect sinc. Other times they might have competing cheers or chants that have responses. Or rounds and stuff. Anyway, my point is that it might be good for business to have two supporters sections who each love the club, but sort of resent each other a bit. Like democrats and republicans watching the olympics together. More fans will come out if there is more atmosphere. And there should be noise from the sideline as well as the endline. People like to support, but they love to oppose. A second, more family friendly supporters section with higher prices and better seats (but a better deal overall, as far as the view and the price) will generate a rivalry that will make section eight grow to a huge level. That's my guess. Do you agree?
I think the creation of more supporter's clubs is a great thing, but creating another supporter's section might be a bit much. Their are a lot of people who just like to go to games and not be surrounded by us cheering lunatics. If this proposed supporter's section were to be located in the Freddy Pascente stand, it would be a different situation all together, but I think we should stick to the ends and allow the team to make money off the good seats. That's just my opinion anyway. Mind you, if you want to buy a ticket on the sideline and cheer your guts out, please do. I would just think that, on the sidelines, people would/should have a right to complain that you're blocking their kid's view. They paid good money for those seats, and they chose not be near a supporter's section for a reason. Let me reiterate though, that a Harlem End - Pascente Stand rivalry would be the coolest thing ever.
I was gonna write a 500 word essay on why this won't work, but instead, i'm just gonna quote Abraham Lincoln. "United we stand, divided we fall" or something like that
My immediate reaction would be that the sideline idea is ok but wouldn't result in much different than it is now. Plus, it could be argued that the sideline/club level already has a supporters' group -- Barn Burners 1871. I think concentration on strengthening and coordinating Section 8 itself needs to hppen before branching out/splitting off. Supporters wanting to be in the end should be all together, if for nothing else because there aren't enough of us as-is.
Abraham Lincoln did not die in vein, he died in Washington D.C. Your statement is very true. I feel that everyone in the stadium is in the Fire Club. We are section All-Fire! Wear red, stand and cheer, and as always GO FIRE! P.S. Here's my impression of Abe Lincoln,"AH! I'VE BEEN SHOT!"