Is anyone else hopelessly addicted to New Star Soccer? I'll start playing and then suddenly it's three hours later and my device needs to be recharged. Been bouncing around the Nordic leagues waiting for a big move to England or Spain, but only the Conference teams are interested at the moment.
Ohh ya.. I have played it once on my friends phone... And Now I am thinking to get a phone for myself.. to play New Star Soccer
This game is AMAZING. I am 24 on it and have 17 stars. I started in MLS, moved to Netherlands at 19, Fulham at 20, Manchester United at 21, Real Madrid at 22, AC Milan at 23, and just took up a great offer from Geneoa (24) so I will be there until end of season. I think I will go to either France or Germany next! My player has full stats and balls out for USA! (just living out a dream lol)!
New Star Soccer - How to Control Ball Here are some excellent gameplay tips for New Star Soccer from onClan. I'm pleased to show you how to control ball in the game. Hope that helps. But do you have any tips of your own to share? Let us and the rest of the onClan community know them by leaving them in a comment below. READ ALL :