Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of that "fire" song the staduim plays right before the start of a game? It annoys me. Anyways, my dad has a collection of old records and I listened to this one song that would be perfect for the game. (I'll find out the name and the artist as soon as I can.) Anybody else have ideas or requests for new songs/chants?
more actual songs with changed lyrics. this is an english thing that i love... i still remember watching united play arsenal last year (the painful 2nd-to-last game of the season) and hearing almost the whole crowd sing a song to the tune of "cant take my eyes off of you"...i dont rememver the exact words, but it was hilarious and stuck in my head. maybe someone could print potential songs on the board a couple days before the game, or something like that.
Rhythm 1 thing I do notice at the games is when SECTION 8 starts playing that song without lyrics (pretty sure it doesn't have a name) everyone seems to start moving a little. Even the dullest of the dull. And I like it a lot too. So is that the key to get people involved more: rhythmic songs without lyrics? Maybe. But I think too many of those wouldn't be good.
I've wrote songs before like this. It was frowned upon. K.I.S.S. I agree, that creative insults are more fun than "You suck". To the tune of Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles Tony Meola eats all the food in the fridge in the house where he lives/ Lives in self-hate/ Stares through the window, waits for the man in the apron to open the store/ Food stains on his shirt/ All the skinny people/ Where do they come from?/ All the skinny people/ Where do they belong? -------------------------------------- I dig it. I also think the trumpet needs to play "Taps" after a late goal.
The last few games I went to I didn't hear the "ole" song. That's a classic that never dies (or so I think. ) What's up with this?
that meola song rules. and the less "ole" the're referring to the song played in the fire commercials i assume.
can't believe that was the whole crowd...if I remember right, that game was at Old Trafford, and "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" is an homage to Freddy Ljungberg (sp?) of Arsenal. It did sound pretty loud at the FA Cup final, though.
How about when the goalie is about to take a free kick, everyone yells "You Suck *********************!".
5 minutes baby. Thanks. There's plenty more where that came from. I had one about Moreno and Etcheverry being money hunters from Bolivia. Can't find it.
Yeah, I am referring to that one. I like it. Does anyone know some songs we haven't used yet with the word "fire" or something that would be appropriate for a "Fire" game? PS- I'm still looking for that song I was talking about in the 1st post. I may have to wait and ask my dad when he gets home. I think you all will like it.
Ironically, I found out that some parents (of young children, may I add) even liked it. Hmmmmmm.............
you can make a lot of little songs to the tune of Guantanamera. some of the ultras tried to start it a few games back and i thought it was great but it didnt catch on, i think it went "Chicago Fire, We love you Chicago Fire, Chicago Fire (longer), We love you Chicago Fire" now hum that to Guantanamera and youll know what i mean. it also works with player names "One Ante Razov, theres only one Ante Razov, etc..."
Sorry guys, but I don't know any of these songs or tunes!! So I can't really imagine how they sound. Can somebody send a sample/clip? (or whatever ya call it)
I read some of your other threads, I didn't know we had that many girls around this board. I only know of like 2 or 3. There are no clips that I know of, yet.
Oh really........ I find that interesting (although most of SECTION 8 are males too) Who are the others?
quarterUltra, some woman named Jacquie who bitched me out. See: I hope to join the ranks of Section 8 some time soon.
I usually sit in section 9. No way my parents could handle SECTION 8. So close, yet, so far................
You don't know the tune to Guantanamera??? Seriously, just go to a game. It's not difficult to pick up. Damn.
To be fair, we actually had a new one coming out of Section 8 on Saturday. Worked pretty well, and if the recording came out, I'll post it somewhere for reference. Songs with lots of words are, unfortunately, problematic. Lyric sheets have never really worked very well with Section 8, for a number of reasons I don't really want to get into. The most I'd ever try to impose on S8 is two lines, so with the Meola thing, I'd just stick with the "All the skinny people" part, if it were up to me. The two that I'd like to get rid of are "We love you Fire, we do," and the "Fi-yur, Chi-ca-go Fi-yur" that repeats four times starting on different notes. There's probably a way to make the first one work, but we haven't found it, and I don't think anyone actually knows the real melody for the second one, so it's nearly impossible to pick up. I'm trying to listen for easy, catchy melodies we can use, but most of the stuff I tend to pilfer is from the 80s, and I don't think the Ultras had MTV in Poland back in those days. ;-P Later, COZ
It's "Go West." I'll have to dig up an old Pet Shop Boys CD somewhere and pull a sample for you. I think it's an older song than that though.
*sigh* M<y endless creativity is once again wasted. I understand though, Section 8 is trying to get everybody into it, which is harder with actual songs.
COZ, I think the song you are referring to is "Go West" by Pet Shop Boys (just the chorus), and you are right--for some reason, it never worked well with the words "Fire, Chicago Fire." This song, however, is used a lot in Europe during NT games and you could actually hear it the most often during the last World Cup as the Irish and Polish sang is almost all the time during their matches. I actually have a few really good songs in mind that for a few reasons have never been tried yet (for example, because I spent so much time in Poland and Korea this year). Maybe there is a good time to try them. We just tried the first one last time but I have two or three more. I tried to teach you one at last year's MLS Cup but I guess all of you guys were too drunk already, as you, COZ, pointed it out. The words are simple and can be modified: We are Chicago fans Of the best team in MLS. We are the Fire fans; They simply are the best! Well, the original words were We are Chicago fans; The best fans in MLS. We are the Fire fans; We simply are the best! but there would be too much of self-confidence in singing this and we are supposed to cheer somebody, not praise ourselves. If anybody wants to suggest "lyric" modifications, feel free to do so here. The song itself is really catchy and can also be sung as "La, la, la, la, la." Another song is a steal from the Korean fans. Their most popular song becomes now: Oooooo, Chicago. Oooooo, Chicago. Oooooo, Chicago. La, la, la, la -Fire! We need to try this one, too. And the last one is a steal from some other NT fans (which ones is a secret to remain), and is actually really really cool. It goes like this: Come on you boys in red. X2 Come on you boys; come on you boys in red. (repeat everything one more time) Actually, I lied. I think I have at least five more songs but I am going to leave them for later.
Here are the original words to the above song---it was done by Mary Hopkins in 1968, so hopefully that will give everyone (OK, a couple people) and idea of the melody: Those were the days, my friend we thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we'd choose We'd fight and never lose For we were young, and sure to have our way