New Home Kit

Discussion in 'Philadelphia Union' started by Tyr, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Starpork

    Starpork Member+

    Nov 12, 2013
    Philadelphia Union
    Seems like the Quakes are underperforming if they couldn't land a Silicon Valley sponsor.
  2. -smokeandmirrors-

    May 9, 2015
    Philadelphia Union
    also coincides with my wish that Wawa would be nationwide, so something that's never gonna happen lol
  3. thomas19064

    thomas19064 Member+

    Apr 29, 2008
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  4. mattylip

    mattylip Member+

    Philadelphia Union
    Jul 22, 2011
    Cherry Hill (127, D)
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Not to get too much off topic, but I just don't get Wawa. At all. The coffee is mediocre (I like the full flavor of Starbucks much better), the hoagies are nothing special (the quality of the meats, cheeses, veggies and bread is average at best) and the gas is a ripoff (they sell 92 octane as "premium" but charge the same price as the competitor down the street selling 93 octane). What's the appeal?
    TonyClarkDOOP repped this.
  5. Starpork

    Starpork Member+

    Nov 12, 2013
    Philadelphia Union
    Philly tough?
  6. WVUPharm2007

    WVUPharm2007 Member+

    Jul 24, 2011
    Montgomery Township, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #131 WVUPharm2007, Feb 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2016
    Sheetz is about 1000x better, but Philadelphians will defend Wawa to the death because its local. Really all there is to it.

    According to the census, the Hispanic population won't be 30% until after 2060. Most of us will probably be dead. That's seriously playing the long game right there.
    TonyClarkDOOP, Starpork and mattylip repped this.
  7. Tyr

    Tyr Member+

    Nov 7, 2009
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Man, Starbucks Coffee is overrated. Wawa's flavored coffee (i.e. pumpkin spice or holiday blend) is at least not just some sugary, thick syrup. It actually tastes legitimately mixed with the beans. Their black coffee just tastes like coffee rather than additives unlike Starbucks or Dunkin. Plus, Wawa lets me make my own coffee, so I can add Irish Cream, Hazelnut Creamer, cinnamon, or whatever else strikes my fancy.

    All that said, I still prefer my local cafe. Kaffa Crossing is wonderful.
  8. Starpork

    Starpork Member+

    Nov 12, 2013
    Philadelphia Union
    Corporations in general play long games. When you consider that it takes decades to build a brand (think Coca Cola, for instance), it makes sense to start early.

    Also, I wouldn't bank on the census to accurately project the population 50 years from now. It has a tendency to undercount certain groups.
  9. drewuke

    drewuke Member+

    Jul 19, 2012
    Philadelphia Union
    Wawa made 6.9 billion. I think you're underestimating them a tad, especially since they are expanding like crazy. Especially in Orlando, who just got an MLS team, by the way. ;) Not to mention their HQ is 15 minutes away from PPL.

    I have nothing against BIMBO, but Wawa would be a perfect sponsor.
    aequitas and -smokeandmirrors- repped this.
  10. Doop

    Doop Member+

    Sep 28, 2010
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The kimono kit? No thanks, especially when you have to do pressing to not have the collar peel back, what a mess.
  11. WVUPharm2007

    WVUPharm2007 Member+

    Jul 24, 2011
    Montgomery Township, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    We've been over this. If we are getting a new local sponsor, it's mathematically going to be duck duck go. It's just insignificant enough to sponsor the Union.
    lopezzzz repped this.
  12. cwelch999

    cwelch999 Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So the two bits of conventional wisdom around here is that a) the Bimbo sponsorship is great for the team because Bimbo provides a lot of money and b) the Union have no money. Am I missing something? How can they both be true? If Bimbo is covering just about the whole salary-cap (are they? I don't remember what the sponsorship was worth, but I think it's close either way) then where is the money going? Why don't we have our high-priced DPs?
  13. Billy Zabka

    Billy Zabka Member+

    May 4, 2006
    RoFo, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    imo, b) indicates more a level of capitalization (or lack thereof) of ownership, not annual team revenue. Sugarman is just worth a whole lot less than Anschutz, CFG, Kroenke, Kraft, Paul Allen, etc.

    As far as where the Bimbo money is going, my guess is that a big expense for the team is debt service on their contribution to the stadium, not to mention the annual capital calls, among other things. Who knows, maybe he even financed the expansion fee? He got hammered hard in the market right after the team was announced
    cwelch999, Starpork, Union42 and 2 others repped this.
  14. Union42

    Union42 Member+

    Jul 29, 2013
    Swarthmore, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I have read that this is the case.
  15. ScottyMac26

    ScottyMac26 Member+

    Jan 13, 2012
    Philadelphia Union
    Yes, this was rumored for a while and I think also surfaced in the Nowak case. Think Garber mentioned only one or two teams dropped the whole wad at once. People confuse the few million in revenues with vast amounts on the debit side of the ledger. This was a club ducking tax obligations for a few years.
    cwelch999 repped this.
  16. thomas19064

    thomas19064 Member+

    Apr 29, 2008
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I believe I heard the only teams to pay their expansion fee in full were NYCFC and LAFC
  17. OwlSaver

    OwlSaver Member+

    Jan 26, 2005
    Berwyn, PA (127, J)
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I would suggest Unisys. They are local and underperform in their market the same way the Union underperforms in MLS.
    Doop repped this.

    CITY&UNION Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Philadelphia Union
    We're due for a BSFC kit reveal sometime soon aren't we? Looking at the other MLS-owned teams: Seattle, LA, Montreal, Vancouver, Orlando, and RSL all have the USL team wear the MLS team's uniforms, and Portland and New Jersey's teams wear cheap templates. We're in a bit of a unique situation where BSFC have their own name, and have red in the color palette which isn't a Union color. Do we think it'll be an adidas template, some actual design, or the Union kit with BSFC's badge slapped on it?
  19. amusiccale

    amusiccale Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    KS, formerly 114
    Philadelphia Union
    Part of me hopes that the Union would eventually get Vanguard Group (Malvern, PA) to sign on as a sponsor.

    My best guess for the BSFC jersey would be a pretty simple Adidas template, perhaps with the felt "B" added to it.
    OwlSaver and lopezzzz repped this.
  20. TonyClarkDOOP

    TonyClarkDOOP Member+

    Jun 18, 2010
    Oxford, United Kingdom
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Apologies if I missed it, I'm too lazy to look. Did BSFC announce a kit sponsor yet?
  21. Doop

    Doop Member+

    Sep 28, 2010
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Look out for that Peeps sponsorship, or perhaps a Talen double dip.
  22. OwlSaver

    OwlSaver Member+

    Jan 26, 2005
    Berwyn, PA (127, J)
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    How about Crayola? Imagine the possibilties.
  23. Tyr

    Tyr Member+

    Nov 7, 2009
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Would Crayola just use the Revolution's logo as advertisement?
    Phillyspur and lopezzzz repped this.
  24. Doop

    Doop Member+

    Sep 28, 2010
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Only if they promote their Silly Putty sub-brand.
  25. Starpork

    Starpork Member+

    Nov 12, 2013
    Philadelphia Union
    Don't forget Aramark!

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