Although I know nothing of the journalist or publication, I find this article entirely believable. Not saying it is beyond rapproach, but -- at the very least -- it's a more plausible explanation of why we are at war in Iraq than the ones Bush has given us.
But it's a really nasty, cynical reason. He wanted to go to war for "political capital." He wanted to take actions that would result in the death of Americans and Iraqis so that he might have a higher approval rating and be able to push through more of his other policies. To me that's far more stomach-turning than any other reason I've heard so far, including the economic (oil) ones.
I don't mean to say it isn't stomach-turning, assuming it's even true. I simply meant it is more believable than every reason the Bush Admin has given us, and, for that matter, those the Left has come up with. Maybe this is just another speculative, unsubstantiated FUD-attack from that direction? I don't know. I just know this war makes no sense in terms of improving America's security. IMO the opportunity costs -- massive resources diverted from the true threat -- make the Iraq War one of the greatest mistakes in American history. I am at a complete loss to understand why we are there, and the reasons put forth by the author make more sense to me than the ones I've seen from anyone thus far: A very limited man, lacking accomplishment of his own, low in self-esteem, prodded and coddled into a position of immense power just in time for circumstances beyond his control -- compounded further by failings of advisors and predecessors -- to create a perfect environment for his weaknesses and insecurities to lead us tragically astray. Stomach-turning, and pathetic, too.
So W invaded Iraq, in order to become W the Conquerer, and impose his will upon the rest of us? At least according to W's words in the interview.
Indeed. It's exactly that ring of truth that makes it so stomach-turning. Yep. It's enough to make me jump off a tall building.
Several psychiatrists have said that Bush seemingly has meglomaniacle tendencies and this would be consistent with such beliefs. I took this piece with a salt shaker of salt; it's doubtful, but it isn't out of the rhelm of possibility.
Didn't any of you think that this was the reason even when you heard his WMD speeches. This can't be new to all here. There's a lot of well read and reasoning people who post here. Surely this isn't news to you. This bastard doesn't care how many US soldiers die (Or anyone else for that matter)for his political ends. Face it, He's been a failure in every venture he's attempted or been given and he's failed again.
Don't do it. THere'd be some PO'd Portlandians(?) if you did. and now I am not willing to take this article at face value, which is odd because what the article said is something I have believed from the very start of all this. __________________
Anyone who would jump off a tall building before the US wins the World Cup, is simply not a real fan. Please get your priorities straight!