New book about Real Madrid

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by MadridForever, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. MadridForever

    MadridForever Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 29, 2001
    Madrid, Spain
    A new book about RM has been published this week in Spain, the title is "Los Angeles Blancos: El Real Madrid y el nuevo futbol (White angels: Real Madrid and the new football)" and it is based in the last years of the history of the club.

    "El Real Madrid y los galácticos han abierto sus puertas a John Carlin. Este apasionante libro reúne por primera vez entrevistas exclusivas e información de primera mano y hasta ahora desconocida sobre el fichaje de Beckham y su evolución en el club; sobre Figo, Zidane, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldo o Raúl; sobre las características del equipo renovado por Florentino Pérez, o sobre la temporada más paradójica de la historia del club, entre otros aspectos abordados desde dentro por un observador tan objetivo como excepcional ....."

    In this link, If you click in "leer-Primer capitulo" you can read the first chapter of the book (Spanish).

    It seems that the book is going to be published in English. Bloomsbury have the book in its UK catalogue of books to be published between July and December of 2004.

    The author of the book is John Carlin, a prestigious journalist that has worked for Times, Independet,Observer, El Pais and has won Ortega & Gasset prize (most important price for a journalist in Spain):

    This is what you can read about him in Bloomsbury summary:

    ... John Carlin has secured access to interview the players and staff at Real. He was the first journalist called in by the club to interview Beckham and has already interviewed Ferguson and the Real President Florentino Perez. A foreign correspondent for over 20 years with The Times, the Independent and most recently based in Spain writing for El Pais and the Observer, Carlin will use his fine writing skills and extraordinary range of contacts and sources to write the book about the most famous sports person on the planet and his supremely talented team-mates, examining how the legendary Spanish club is shaping up to become the world's dominant sports phenomenon of the 21st Century."

    And this is what you can read about him in Seix- Barral:

    Nació en Londres en 1956. Estudió Lengua y Literatura Inglesa en la universidad de Oxford, pero su vocación profesional ha estado siempre vinculada al periodismo. Desde que en 1981 comenzara a ejercer como periodista para el Buenos Aires Herald, en Argentina, ha sido corresponsal en países como México, El Salvador, Sudáfrica y Estados Unidos para The Times y The Independent de Londres. Ha publicado artículos en The New York Times, Daily Telegraph, The Observer, New Statesman, entre otros periódicos; ha colaborado en la BBC durante años, tanto en radio como en televisión, y ha hecho varios documentales. Radicado en España desde 1998, trabaja para El País. Ganó el Premio Ortega y Gasset de Periodismo en 2000 ...."


    I'm very busy lately and i can't write as much as i would like in the board, i hope that this information will be useful for you.
  2. Bill-DC

    Bill-DC Member+

    May 20, 2002
    I just bought the above referenced book plus White Storm: 101 Years of Real Madrid by Phil Ball on here in the US for less than thirty bucks.

    Thanks for the heads up MadridForever. I should get these in a week or so.

  3. gazzad_5

    gazzad_5 Member

    Jan 19, 2004

    theres the link to buy the book (about £12)
    sounds very interesting, ill prob get it for xmas

    .............................. ​
    Shortlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year 2004

    The INSIDE STORY from behind the scenes of David Beckham's first year at Real Madrid
    Beyond race, faith, politics, class, sex or age, football is the great global religion. One of the most striking phenomena of the early 21st century is how the popularity of the game the British invented 150 years ago has exploded, attracting millions of new devotees. Women everywhere are flocking to the game, as are the hitherto pagan peoples of China, Japan and the United States. At the epicenter of this vast but benevolent explosion are David Beckham and the club he joined in 2003, Real Madrid.
    No athlete in the world — and maybe no single individual — provokes more widespread fascination than the Londoner with the film-star looks. No sports team anywhere exudes more glamour, has won more competitions or possesses a more dazzling collection of superstars than Real Madrid. The fusion of the two has gripped the attention of literally millions of people, changing the face of the world’s favourite sport, marking a clear divide between what came before and what will come after; between the Old Football and the New.

    White Angels looks at how David Beckham’s transfer took place, the machinations and intrigue behind the deal. It exhaustively details Beckham’s first year at Real, how him and his wife and family acclimatized to life in Spain, and how he fared on the field itself alongside the such global stars as Figo, Zidane, Carlos, Raul and Ronaldo.

    John Carlin, currently a Spanish resident, has been a foreign correspondent for many British newspapers. A football fanatic, he covered the World Cup in 2002 for the Observer and el Pais. In the writing of this book he has had unprecedented access to the Real Madrid team traveling with them to matches, conducting extensive interviews with the players, its manager Jorge Valdano and its charismatic and driven chairman Florentino Perez.
    .............................. ​

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