need help on purchase, F50 adizero black/black/red

Discussion in 'Soccer Boots' started by omgkittymeow, Aug 2, 2012.

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  1. omgkittymeow

    omgkittymeow Member

    Jun 17, 2011
    12 de Octubre
    Hello dear friends,
    I would like to purchase the new adidas adizeros f50's black black red, unfortunately they have all been sold out in my local stores so i want to purchase them online. I have found 3 websites that sell this model but i cant choose between them. priced at 241$ priced at 210$ priced at 190$

    I want these boots shipped to belgium. I am really unsure what website to choose from and I wonder why there is so many diffrent prices.

    Can anyone help me? ty!!
  2. LNSC Cr

    LNSC Cr Member

    Jul 3, 2012
    Manchester City FC
    i would say prodirect because thats in the uk so closer but since it costs more the other 2 are both in usa
  3. appleCORR7

    appleCORR7 Member+

    Jul 3, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    You didn't need to start a new thread for this, you could have posted it in the Adidas thread. In future please do not start new threads when it's not needed or cards will be issued.


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