It is looking more and more likely that Philadelphia will join MLS. Chester stadium gets state funding To me, the only question is 2009 with Seattle or 2010. St. Louis has to be scrambling. Their stadium is mostly approved but MLS seems cool to their bid.
Gino's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Philly does look like the target. Wished a stadium deal was in place when the Dynamo first moved here. I guess MLS wants its new teams to have that in place before they commit - which sounds logical.
I bet you I will order in spanish and then chinese and finaly in Italian and make him look like a fool.
That'll really go over well-like the guy who CNN videoed trying to order in Spanish there-not a nice scene. Back to soccer-I really do hope St. Louis gets a team. I know some really good places to eat over in The Hill.
So Philly got its act together and it has funding for a stadium with out a team yet. We have a team and still can't get our stadium going WTF? They way were are going Philly, Montreal, and maybe St. Louis will have stadiums before we ever get one.
Pat's over Gino's all the way! I hope that Philly comes in next year, that is another close place for me to go!
Philly has some great fans and adding Montreal to the fold would make MLS a much more 'die-hard' league
I think a lot of us have outbursts out of frustration of no Stadium. It's up to those of us who are in our cool stage to insure eachother that we have this sports complex. It's a HUGE start. And I am very confident we will hear a stadium plan soon. The Dynamo are here to stay.
Mmmmmm, philly cheesesteaks. Mmmmmmm. I will plug Niko Niko's cuz they have an awesome chicken cheesesteak...or philly cheesechicken...whatever it is is called, it is gooooooooood.
Yes, but with no streamers. Or, only streamers from the corners because people might get injured. Or something.
No, we're talking about Philly here. They only chuck batteries from the corners because that way somebody will get hurt. Or was it beer bottles? I can't keep all that straight anymore...
A baby with a loaded diaper can do a lot of damage! Hey, there's an idea. Throwing loaded diapers, and you wouldn't even need a baby to load them either!
That reminds me of that old italian trick. A woman throws a baby at a tourist. The tourist catches the baby, and then the womans other kids run up and steal the toursits wallet.