in the Dispatch: From the ghettos of Springfield and Vandalia, he fought the odds Okay, so I made the headline shit up.. but just barely. Chinese refugee - go figger Vandalia gangbangers - go figger Pretty cool story
[ame=""]YouTube - combat ki master[/ame]
Thats... unbelievable. A Hollywood script team would dismiss this kind of character background as "too ridiculous to be believable"... for a Van Damme movie. Let's see, a Russo-Portuguese kid who grew up in China, moved to Springfield where he only spoke Chinese and was taunted by the (two, probably) ethnic Chinese kids, his dad died, he was destitute, he was beat by his stepdad (and stabbed in fights!), and became a pro soccer player and eventual ultra-successful coach... while earning multiple college degrees and becoming a karate expert. Un-freaking-real. I literally can't wrap my head around how one man could have seen experienced such a bizarre collection of events.
I was in a indoor league in Dayton and the Dayton Edelweiss club had a team in it ..they would kick anything that moved....
That guy is a legend. Who would have thought he has lived such a crazy life and overcome so many obstacles. I did not even know he had a Ohio connection. After we beat them tonight I might have a little sympathy for him. Who should play him in the made for tv movie? Seriously, he is amazing based on what he has went through in his life.