gotta love the spin. not whether or not tax payers should help chester. but if they should pay for a soccer stadium..... that always generates support.
Biased journalism at its best, the way that the question is word at all of the surrounding development.
meh... as a Florida Democrat this week I'm used to useless votes by now... /voted twice on 2 browsers.
i voted 10 times so far and will continue too...u can vote more than once on the same browser.....get those votes in SoBs
I just voted a few times and will continue to. It was heavily opposed - about 28% yes to 72% no. We need to get lots of people to vote for this. We need to make sure there is no negative publicity.
Thats the thing about Philadelphia. We have one of if not the best soccer following in the nation, but everyone who does not play soccer despises it despite the fact they know little or nothing about the game. Its completely love/hate, and since soccer is not covered well in the local sports media by the big networks they just trash it because they don't know enough about it to make any kind of cohesive or complete thought on the subject. If WIP commentators don't understand soccer expect them to just trash it and say no one in the city wants it, as if they know what anyone here actually wants. I'm at work right now, but will get on the voting when I get home tonight.
I don't know I just tried to vote again, and it didn't add to the total so I'm not sure if voting is still open or not.
Yea so im a neutral and im voted 15 times becuase i think this is a great stadium(although i think they should make it 30-40,000 not 20,000 seats) and i think it will have the same positive impact as Seattle; but it seems like every vote i put in for some reason there was a "No" vote as well. I have a funny feeling that members on bigsoccer who want the next franchise to be in St. Louis are doing this.
so if the voting closes and the "NO"s have it, the stadium and surrounding development won't happen? i don't think so ...
Crazybox, thanks for starting the thread. I voted a bunch of times. I love how organized and united people on bigsoccer are. Imagine what we could do, if we cared about important things? I'll be back later to vote more. As of a couple of minutes ago, it was 34% yes
I'm a DC fan, and I'm trying to stuff the box. You can vote over and over again if you delete your "nbc10" cookies.