NBC, Proud as a Peacoq.

Discussion in 'Business and Media' started by Noah Dahl, Oct 8, 2003.

  1. Noah Dahl

    Noah Dahl New Member

    Nov 1, 2001
    Now that NBC is married to Vivendi and Telemundo, could their soccer strategies change?
  2. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    To what, exactly?

    Soccer on Telemundo is staying right where it is. If NBC acquires any non-Olympic soccer (and that will be the day) it will be MLS, and until they break their vows with ABC/ESPN/Disney (and again, that will be the day), Dick Ebersol keeps his hands clean of the game of soccer until he dies.

    Of course, it could all happen tomorrow, you never know with these things, and Arena Football on NBC was surprising to me, but I don't think GE helped NBC acquire Telemundo to aid their sports programming.
  3. DoyleG

    DoyleG Member+

    Jan 11, 2002
    FC Edmonton
    Nat'l Team:
    When can NBC afford soccer?

    They went down the tubes with the money they spent on the Olympics and the XFL.:D
  4. bigtw64

    bigtw64 Member+

    Aug 16, 2003
    Birmingham City FC
    Nat'l Team:
    What ticks me off about this merger is that Vivendi
    plans to sell Newsworld International to Al Gore!


    IMHO, NWI is the best news channel on cable! we
    sure don't need another partisan yap-fest to add to
  5. galaxybg

    galaxybg BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 28, 2003
    southern ca
    Al Gore is a robot

    Purchasing a network from Vivendi: $70 million dollars

    Having Al Gore head up the cutting-edge youth oriented programming - "cross between CNN and Mtv": Priceless
  6. Kevin in Louisiana

    Kevin in Louisiana New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
    Metairie, LA
    I watch Newsworld International sometimes. They show highlights of various European leagues on some of their international news programs, which is nice.

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