Nations League 2023: Drama!

Discussion in 'Women's Rivalry Forum' started by jocasta, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. Bonnie Lass

    Bonnie Lass Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 20, 2000
    Up top
    Olympique Lyonnais
    Also, is it just me, or did Google completely forget there was a new round of qualifiers? I couldn't find the live score for Norway-Finland and I can't find it for Sweden-England either. (Directly on Google's site that is. I've found others.)
    blissett repped this.
  2. jocasta

    jocasta Member+

    Oct 11, 2003
    Nat'l Team:
    Well, no, it's not just you – I find myself nearly forgetting about this whole thing pretty often (if I remembered before 20 minutes before game time, I would have been down here complaining more :).

    But today, with Sweden's win at home 1-0 over Ireland, I felt compelled to report to this thread that there's been an Oddity. From one of Jonna Andersson's lovely corner kicks, Magda Andersson scored... with her back. Not the back of her head, but her back. I would think that even scoring with your butt must happen more often.

    For the Ireland games, there been no Glas, no Rubensson, no Blackstenius, no Ilestedt (and clearly Andersson misses her), and only a quarter of a Björn (came out at the half injured again in the away match). So, still not quite the A-Team. No Hurtig either, whether she counts as A-team is questionable. Still, nice to see Jakobsson and Kafaji and Bennison come in a few a few minutes and be useful.
    Bonnie Lass, JanBalk and blissett repped this.

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