Looks like they are going to upgrade the home plate side upper deck. To get your bearings, home plate is down by La Norte in between where the teams walk out.
Just because they charge more for a section, don't think that they're upgrading it... What I want to see is a map of the new beer concessions and how many will still be open on soccer days.
This baseball at RFK may be partly good, because they will probably upgrade the stadium. I for one am always on the lookout for a newly painted seat.
something like this... obviously seat locations aren't exact, but this is about the same perspective:
according to some "washingtonpost columnists/espn hosts", we'll be lucky if the orient the soccer field to be in lot 8. from what i understand, the soccer field will continue to be oriented the way it always has been. north goal line along the 3rd baseline and the benches sideline will be parallel to the 1st baseline. all the seats (the bouncy ones) on the opposite sideline will become tenative structures that will sit in left and center field. i wonder (though i doubt) if they could orient the field by turning it 45 degrees clockwise, and have it take up as much of the outfield as possible, and with less intrusion into the infield. this is a really bad, IMHO. doesn't seem like the sharing will be a good experience, especially for United and their fans.
Part of me hopes we get screwed just so we can sue DCSEC for all its worth. I know its not the "right" thing to say, but I hope this baseball team fails in a big way.
I have heard that mentioned. The field may be skewed somewhat, taking the corner of the field away from home plate, and a little more towards La Norte, and shifted more towards the South.
I heard somewhere that they would move the soccer field 10 yards, I assume away from home plate and toward the beer-cup/stage wall. That should put my seat right to the midfield stripe; if it is the other way, I'll be on the 18 One of those "fields" should be rotated about 20 degrees I think ...... We proably won't know much until we walk in sometime in April....
Thanks for the visiuals and the link, but I must say. FVCK! This blows! OK that's all until next season when I am actually in the stadium and THEN I will make my final discussion about it, until then the above statement may be used as a quote anytime by anyone who pleases. Thank you.
I might go walk a picket line against them...that would be as close as i will ever get to watching that team. No merch, no watching games at home..nothing... I encourage all other United fans to do the same.
sorry, not a dollar from me either...not for The Expos in disguise. I just can't give money to a team that will be ruining DC United's field, stadium and probably taking away from attendance as well.
heeheehee don't let stadium nerds hear you say that I've already been to Orioles game once, I didn't feel justified talking about how boring it is till I tried it at least one time. ;p SSS can't get here fast enough
I'll go if it's as easy to get free tickets as it is for the Oriole's. And I'll take the Metro, so I don't have to pay for parking. And I'll sneak food in, so I don't have to buy crap from them.
I'm planning to go to Philly for their first game (Monday, 4/4) (hopefully after coming back from LA for DC at Chivas on 4/2), as well as their home opener on 4/14.
Why are people getting all worked up about this picture? We've known for weeks now that this was happening and if someone asked me to draw a diagram of how the baseball field would be laid out...this is exactly what I would've drawn. The important information is: will the dirt be covered with sod trays? and where (if any) will the temporary seating be? I assume that we won't hear about that for a while.
Tickets might be tight with CBP in only it's second year. But I'd like to see a game of that series in Philly as well.
Sorry this post contains too much factual information for the MLS Offseason. Please report to Huss' office right now for your lobotomy. Thanks.