National team jersey wearers

Discussion in 'USA Men' started by BenfromUSA, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. BenfromUSA

    BenfromUSA Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    Minneapolis/St. Paul
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Weird topic... Who do you think holds the record for wearing the most styles of national team shirts? I'm thinking Jozy Altidore and Freddy Adu will wear plenty in the years to come because they got their first caps wearing the 06 national team shirt, and they will probably be playing in at least three world cups down the road. The first field player that comes to mind would be cobi jones, seen below wearing the 94 and 04 jerseys. Does anyone know if he played in the jersey prior to that?


  2. CMeszt

    CMeszt Member+

    Farewell Sweet Prince
    Jan 9, 2004
    Gentrification's Apex.
    Philadelphia Union
    according to the always correct wikipedia, he earned his first cap in 92, so that would go back to the adias days with the three big stripes over the shoulder.

  3. Zathras

    Zathras Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Freddy Adu's first cap was prior to the 06 shirts.


    Furthermore, anyone who played through the early 90s has the advantage of having played in those three-stripe jerseys in TWO forms. The Crest was changed in 1992/3 and you could consider that a different jersey.

    On the other hand, the team did NOT change jerseys from early 1995 through when they started wearing the 1998 jerseys.

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