national league for scandinavia

Discussion in 'Scandinavia' started by DJ_CooLiGaN, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. DJ_CooLiGaN

    DJ_CooLiGaN New Member

    Nov 24, 2001
    Stockholm, Sweden
    DN, one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, writes today that the scandinavian clubs will create an own big tournamtent called Royal League and that the best 4 clubs of Denmark, Norway and Sweden will fight for the trophy and 10 million swedish kronor.

    The new league will start on november 4th 2004 with 3 groups which consist of the 4 best teams of every league. The first and the second of every group will go to the next stage where there will be 2 groups with the remaining teams of each country. This stage will start in the middle of february.

    The groupwinners will then meet in the final some weeks before allsvenskan starts. Just like in the Champions League clubs will get money for every point and taking part in the tournament.

    Here is the link:

    Post your thoughts!
  2. SportBoy333

    SportBoy333 Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    what about Finland they should be included.
  3. Nacional Tijuana

    Nacional Tijuana Custom Titleist

    May 6, 2003
    San Diego, Calif.
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Accoring to a friend of mine in Sweden, they don't consider Finland to be part of Scandinavia. Not sure the history behind that fact, but I've heard it elsewhere, as well.

    As far as the competition, sounds interesting, but with all the debate about a crowded soccer calendar worldwide, it kind of surprises me. It would sure be fun, though!

    Kinda scared me for a minute, though. I thought you were implying an end to the Allsvenskan :( and all the other premierships in Scandinavia. This is more a tournament, like the Champions "League" I suppose.

    I like the idea, but again, we'll see what FIFA has to say about this all, if anything.
  4. aloisius

    aloisius Member

    Jul 5, 2003
    The Fins speak a language completely different from the rest of Scandinavia, similar to Hungarian. I guess that’s the reason they’re not always considered part of Scandinavia.

    The reasons for and against keeping the traditional link between nations and leagues have been discussed in a couple of threads. If someone wants I can find them for you.
  5. Bauser

    Bauser Member+

    Dec 23, 2000
    Fredrikstad FK
    This tournament idea has come up to shorten the off-season in Scandinavia which is much longer than anyhwere else in Europe. Our season goes from mid-April to early November due to our cold climate. I have no clue where these games are going to be held. Outdoor soccer in Norway in January-February is impossible.

    PS: Nordic countries - Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.

    Scandinavia - Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
  6. panicfc

    panicfc Member+

    Dec 22, 2000
    In my chair, typing
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  7. pro_euroleague

    pro_euroleague New Member


    This certainly is a good idea, hopefully this will get a BENELUX, IBERIAN and AUSTROSWISS following.

    But for me it must be a first stap to a real Scandinavian League.
  8. panicfc

    panicfc Member+

    Dec 22, 2000
    In my chair, typing
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I think they stand a better chance of a Scandi league then any other league.

    I noticed your location as Rotterdam...come on over and join us in the Netherlands boards as well.
  9. picaraza

    picaraza New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
    I thought that the union of the Swiss and Austrian leagues was a done deal.
  10. aloisius

    aloisius Member

    Jul 5, 2003
    UEFA doesn’t allow joint leagues. If you want to have a national team, and if you want your clubs to compete in Europe you have to have a national league.
  11. urtel

    urtel Member

    Jul 16, 2003
    Rochester Rhinos
    Nat'l Team:
    Everyone's got the skinny about Scandinavia/Nordic.

    It seems like a good idea, but the money involved? If they win that, they can buy an aging Brazilian.
  12. Mefisto

    Mefisto Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Århus, Denmark
    If there is interest in the scandinavian countries the money will go up. The real question is weather or not fans want to see FC København vs Djurgården or people would rather see brøndby vs Esbjerg. And do swedish fans really care when their club is playing a danish or norwegian club?

    Time will tell but I think it is a good idea. I for my part will do anything to support whatever swedish or norwegian club playing against FC København ;)
  13. Mattbro

    Mattbro Member+

    Sep 21, 2001
    I know what you mean - I look forward to watching FC Basel trounce Austria Wien!
  14. bkn0528

    bkn0528 Member

    Aug 2, 2003
    i bet they do - big rivalries between those guys, isn't there?
  15. Mefisto

    Mefisto Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Århus, Denmark
    On a national level yes- but this is club football. More rivalry within the country. But maybe the Denmark Sweden game in Portugal will make the interest grow
  16. RobtheAggie

    RobtheAggie Member+

    Sep 10, 2001
    Middle Georgia
    Rochester Rhinos
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The so called Alpine League is basically dead. The interest was much more Austrian than Swiss and UEFA/FIFA would not have allowed it. There is talk of a Cup format like the one that will happen in Scandanavia.
  17. Adrian P.

    Adrian P. New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
    Copenhagen Denmark
    Well I think most danish fans are talking about it would be so cool to trounce a swedish team.... but when thay are played I think not many cares.

    I think the big question will be how people are gonna find out about the matches. I don't know how it is in sweden and Norway but in Denmaerk you have no chance of hearing about the matches before after they are played unless you are a core fan (and thats one of the main reasons of the low gates in Denmark, from my point of view)
  18. urtel

    urtel Member

    Jul 16, 2003
    Rochester Rhinos
    Nat'l Team:
    In my eyes, a Danish club will never trounce a Swedish team. I think the Swedes have a stronger league, Norway even stronger than that.

    Perhaps a tournament like this can spark a rivalry?
  19. Adrian P.

    Adrian P. New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
    Copenhagen Denmark
    I don't know much about the swedish league or Norwegian but from a Danes view it somehow seems that the we aim to atract swedish and Norwegian stars at our league. Look at Martin Eriksson just bought to Aab, The swedish champions Djurgården couldn't match the danish offer. Considering how many Swedish and Norwegians nationals played in Danish league the last 5 years compared to danish nationals playing in sweden or norway the past 5 years I would say that theoretically the danish league should be much stronger but I know that somehow when danish teams play international matches they don't manage well (besides when playing german squads).
  20. Mefisto

    Mefisto Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Århus, Denmark
    I think the leagues are pretty equal- Only Rosenborg is better than the rest
  21. Adrian P.

    Adrian P. New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
    Copenhagen Denmark
    Well Rosenborg has a class for themselves, the problem is just that it makes the Norwegian league totally boring. Lets hope that Brann from Bergen and the Oslo clubs learns to be more consistent.
  22. Ceres

    Ceres Member+

    Jan 18, 2004
    Aarhus, Denmark
    AGF Aarhus
    Nat'l Team:
  23. Adrian P.

    Adrian P. New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
    Copenhagen Denmark
    Well one thing is sure and that is Swedish clubs have higher attendances. But i must partially agree with Ceres. Danish clubs are somehow not able to show their true potential in international matches (maybe it's somekind of complex) but Look at the players in the Danish League. Magnus Jonsson, Alvaro Santos, Erik Mykland, Martin Eriksson and really many others. At least on the paper the danish league are stronger than the other Nordic leagues.
  24. Adrian P.

    Adrian P. New Member

    Jul 2, 2003
    Copenhagen Denmark
    Hey i'm a Brondby fan and I called Mattias Jonson for Magnus Jonson (I'm an idiot!) :)

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