Ok, so here is the thread for those who are ball busting...HAHAHAHAHAH.... coming off that win on Wednesday...I expect everyone to be riding high...especially Pocho...what better way to celebrate than to score another for this game...maybe two!
Do you rest Cavani or not? I would no doubt! bring in Masacara !! Have him fresh for Bayern! Catania will be using the 5 3 2 3 points are within our reach!!
yeah...i agree...but who to bring in? Lucarelli? Chavez? Mascara? Cavani needs to sit one out...not for nothing but just to rest.
i read that either Lavezzi or Cavani will be out of the game and Mascara in. This game is going to be very very hard but if Montella has the B@lls to play football and not park the bus we should do some damage.
Thanks If they play park the bus, I hope Mazzari comes up with a different strategy. Every time we're faced with that we've come away with garbage.
has Mazzari ever changed strategy ? we might as well pray for a long distance goal from Captain Morgan...
I doubt Catania will park the bus tomorrow especially since they are playing home! They will test our Def, Fernandez and Fiddelf should be sitting in for Aronica and Campagnaro... Maggio and Marekiaro will be resting apparently!! Our turnovers haven't been successful so far!! Inler is hoping for his first goal!! would be nice if it comes tomorrow!! Dzemali also seems to have some offence in him! Sir Walter not talking much lately wonder why? sick? upset?........ in love????? On this note you all have a nice weekend now!!!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsD2hQVFutg"]SALVIO MERICANO: Al Grande Fratello con San Gennaro - YouTube[/ame] un po di San Genna
i don't get it...i could have sworn this match was going to be televised but then again, seeing the other matches in store, it doesn't have that kind of a draw maybe...still....could have sworn I say a station was going to broadcast it...i must be dreaming... forza napoli!
At least we'll be home today to watch it - I'd be ticked if I had to go out and couldn't tape the game
in 40 mis .... how about RAI INT pull their ass out and give us more channels eg. 1,2 & 3 then we could have the two BIG games televised Berlusconi is an idiot hes Gadaffi without the sensless murders...not really a 'good' man or leader!
ok, who's got early streams so I can set it up and go do other stuff for 30 min? I've got this site - http://ilemi.me/
gollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll matador!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! decent stream http://calcion.eu/live16.htm
PLEASE which english stream is good?? which number? I tried 1 thru 5 and they all stink for me this is so #$%#@$%^&* frustrating
Cavani got the goal. we got the best keeper in Serie A he gives everyone confidence and acts as a general buffon who?