Napoli Serie A 2023/24 - defense of the Scudetto!

Discussion in 'Napoli' started by Jeremy Goodwin, May 4, 2023.

  1. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    Yeah, expecting to stay being the pivotal character of the team because of 1 season is unthinkable...
  2. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Kvara handled it wrong.

    His reaction crossed the line. I watched the match. Simeone made comments recently thay he wanted out but did you see when he and Calzona were speaking before coming on? He had good body language and receptive to his last minute instructions. Here is Napoli's chance for their FINAL fresh start of the season and Kvara did this. Not correct. When Osimhen was removed from the match I was looking to see what kind of reaction he was going to have but his was excellent.
    Euphorius Thor and SF19 repped this.
  3. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It was a great season. But he's also had 2/3rds of a season where if he had come in the door playing like this, he'd have Lindstrom's minutes.

    Maybe they need to move him around or something (not that he was effective as CF). For sure for him to go "I played great why are you subbing me" is nuts.

    It sounds like Calzona might give Zielinski a fresh start in the league.
    Euphorius Thor repped this.
  4. SF19

    SF19 Member+

    Jun 8, 2013
    Kvara is left with too much to do. Was double teamed all night against Barca.
    Sacki repped this.
  5. Sacki

    Sacki Member+

    Aug 23, 2015
    SSC Napoli
    True, but he did also make some dumb decisions trying to show himself of because he knows the world is watching. We need to give him better working conditions so he knows the chances to show his qualities will come
  6. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    That is true, but not exactly objective. Osimhen came back, scored, and he might have thought the coach took him off to rest him.

    Kvara disappointed, and he might have thought he deserved another chance or two to show himself. It is a wrong attitude, I agree, but the psychology is there.

    Are you sure Osi would have reacted like that, had he been in Kvara's position?

    But Kvara's attitude also shows he is too centered on himself, trying to shine individually. He needs to learn to understand that sts it is better to just play like another cog in the wheel. Not even Maradona was the star of the show every game.
    AGomes and Sacki repped this.
  7. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Kvara is turning into Milos Krasic.
  8. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
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    United States
    Don't dispute it Osi plz
  9. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Holding shape, changing speeds, defend en masse. Much better so far
  10. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
  11. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    Or not, good decision though.
  12. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't like the way Meret came down on that shoulder.
  13. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    He'll be fine, I do that all the time when I am drunk.
  14. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Z has been good, Lobotka not so great. Mazzochi needs to work on where he puts his clearances.
  15. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    Ha, the linesman is also drunk, that was no corner there. So far, we lack precision especially. The only player whose passing I approve of today is Meret.
    SF19 repped this.
  16. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    My thoughts exactly, Ziel is the only player in the midfield that shows some hope. Lobotka needs to either step the ******** up, or step the fck off this game. He misplaced some easy passes there.
  17. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Wtf was that. Roid rage.
  18. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Raspa is getting manhandled. I wonder if he could gain like ten kilo over the summer.
    SF19 repped this.
  19. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Rapsadori and Osimhen! He saw Politano on the sideline and had to get a hit in.
  20. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  21. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    Osi showed positioning worthy of a top striker, but Raspa showed the tenacity that we needed. Now they will have to open up, finally.
  22. Jeremy Goodwin

    Jeremy Goodwin Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Feb 16, 1999
    Montreal Impact
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Politano for Kvara. Interesting
    SF19 repped this.
  23. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
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    San Jose Earthquakes
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    Zito Luvumbo ties it up!

    I knew Napoli was in trouble when they hit two consecutive posts on the same play.
    SF19 and Euphorius Thor repped this.
  24. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Cagliari have scored late at Home a few times this year. Recalling that thrilling comeback against Frosinone.
    SF19 repped this.
  25. AGomes

    AGomes Member+

    Aug 29, 2023
    Did Politano screw that shot wide or did Scuffet get fingertips on it?

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