Review: Napoli 2023/24 Champions League Thread

Discussion in 'Napoli' started by Ciro Di Marzio, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. SF19

    SF19 Member+

    Jun 8, 2013
    Natan has to start now.

    Real look beatable, but we need to find our groove again.
  2. CarecaNapoli

    CarecaNapoli Member+

    Jul 5, 2007
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Based on what does Natan have to start other than Jesus being horrible? Natan’s tackle in the box was moronic. I don’t think he is that good.

    But the biggest problem is Garcia.
  3. CarecaNapoli

    CarecaNapoli Member+

    Jul 5, 2007
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    They are bad. But you did not see horrible positioning and the lack of a game plan? I barely could watch it was so bad.
  4. SF19

    SF19 Member+

    Jun 8, 2013
    Juan Jesus isn't in great physical condition. For the goal, he tried to play the offside trap because of his physical limitations.

    IMO Natan starts next game next to Juan, who at some stage will get subbed by Ostigaard. Juan can't compete in full 90s every 2-3 days. I don't think Natan is really ready, but like Cajuste, he'll need to adapt by playing here and there. It will take time for him to settle into the first eleven. I don't really know what to make of him yet. He is thought of highly in Brazil it seems. I think Juan will be a good influence on him.

    We all talk about the defense, but Braga almost won because they started to keep the ball more and that allowed them to sustain defensive pressure on us. We need to keep the ball to keep the pressure off the defense. We need to score more than one goal to kill off games properly. We could have done this.


    Who do you want as manager?
    Euphorius Thor repped this.
  5. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Italians defeated the Portuguese
  6. Sacki

    Sacki Member+

    Aug 23, 2015
    SSC Napoli
    #56 Sacki, Sep 21, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
    I dont understand people questioning kvara. Yes he isnt in top top form, but he assisted twice where osimhen hit the bar and almost scored a header. And it was his cross that created the first goal.

    I saw kvara for georgia and he is still a top top player, imo one of the best in the world. The team is not working to set him up. Evidently he finds himself as the only player setting others up, so who will set him up?

    Garcia nees to find a way to grant kvara more time and space to work his magic, because I think he can walk into any other starting 11 in the world. I haven't seen a player that can do what he does since messi - it's not for nothing he was the first player to reach 10 goals and 10 assist in Europe's top leagues last year, usually Messi is the first one.

    Based on his abilities he should be winning the balon d or at least once, because who is better? Who is as complete? Messi? but he is old now.

    This is not a player who is just fast, just a good dribbler, just a good passer or just has great vision or can finish well... he excels in all of them, just like Messi.

    Once he came out Braga started dominating us. Elmas and raspadori don't belong on the wings especially when there is chance to counter
    Ciro Di Marzio and SF19 repped this.
  7. Sacki

    Sacki Member+

    Aug 23, 2015
    SSC Napoli
    Natan looked like Simple Juan Jesus out there... very rough.

    He needs playing time, the guy is a monster if to believed rumours. Reminiscence of K2
  8. Sacki

    Sacki Member+

    Aug 23, 2015
    SSC Napoli
    Regarding Lindstrøm, don't count him out yet. He has been injured and not fit for more than a year. Also needs time
  9. SF19

    SF19 Member+

    Jun 8, 2013
  10. SF19

    SF19 Member+

    Jun 8, 2013
    ^ The price we paid for failing to sign a couple of quality CBs and CMs.
  11. tripwire

    tripwire Member+

    Sep 23, 2012
    SSC Napoli
    Kvara has 1 official assist on the season so I'm not sure why some are adding stats that don't exist. He hasn't scored a goal in Serie A in his last 14 appearances now, and has been easily erased by many teams over that span of matches.
  12. indestructible

    indestructible Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Jan 14, 2007
    Mercato Professor
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    I feel like we're back in the post Sarri era when we hired Ancelotti. Wrong coach comes in to replace a highly stylized manager. It's obviously not going to work well. You can lament Garcia all you want, you should be lamenting the guy who hired him. If ADL wanted continuity in the style he should have paid to break Italiano's contract. But because he thinks he's a genius who can outsmart reality he decided to save money and went for Garcia. There are very few managers in the world that can come in an replicate what Napoli had last season and it's very naïve for the fans to think that Garcia could.

    That said, people are discounting the poor performances on the pitch. We have players that are just playing bad. The level of imprecision is the highest I've seen in a long time. It reminds me of Spalletti's first year where we just fell off the face of the earth in the final months of the season. Kvara does not seem like the same player. Last year it was looking like he was going to be a future ballon d'or top 10. This year that aura is gone completely. I hope it's due to injury and nothing else. And for the CBs, what a disaster. In a team that is hoping to fight for a trophy, Ostigard is a 5th CB at best. I've said this before on this forum, but having a demon like Kim ALLOWS THE TEAM TO PLAY HIGHER up the pitch. We simply do not have that ability anymore. It's a failure of scouting.

    If Garcia cannot make this thing work, then he needs to bring new ideas. This 4-3-3 is Spalletti's team. He needs to dream up something else
    tripwire repped this.
  13. CarecaNapoli

    CarecaNapoli Member+

    Jul 5, 2007
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Anyone questioning players and not the coach is an idiot.

    That said Jesus does not belong in this team.
  14. CarecaNapoli

    CarecaNapoli Member+

    Jul 5, 2007
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Pitch? We had 5 games so far. You are making it about the pitch every time?
  15. CarecaNapoli

    CarecaNapoli Member+

    Jul 5, 2007
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    The issue is far bigger than a dip in Kvara’s form. Only idiots make it about players in this environment. I know that is not you. I meant in general.
  16. CarecaNapoli

    CarecaNapoli Member+

    Jul 5, 2007
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    We need to be united and get this piece of shit out of our club and things will improve. But a repeat of the title this year will lo longer happen.
  17. indestructible

    indestructible Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Jan 14, 2007
    Mercato Professor
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    What does the number of games have to do with anything. There are poor performances on the field.
  18. Euphorius Thor

    SSC NapoliS
    Jul 14, 2017
    Yes, the consistent guy here calling us idiots. The very man who claimed, in a paroxysm of anger and despair, that last year's team is barely good for the 2nd half of the table. The same guy who put great emphasis on CBs last season suddenly believes that with the right tactics, even 14-year-olds will perform like gods. I am actually quite surprised that Garcia is trying to do his job without complaining, some other coaches would already have criticized the market and the president 4 or 5 times. Mourinho would have said that with these CBs, we are aiming for the 3rd spot in the CHL group, for EL in the league. No doubt about that.

    You talk about positioning. What I have been watching this season, I had already been seeing last season, with Kim. Furthermore, likewise, we had been pretty godlike in our 1st halves against Lazio or Braga, but we simply fail to finish the games off and then struggle. Obviously, there are other issues, and not all of them are on the coach. To the contrary, I see no reason to just criticize Garcia so far.

    You are like kids, even on the official Napoli fb page. Garcia out. It would seem like people just want someone to blame, so let us go and blame the coach for everything, especially the things that have already started last season. Just like the journalists. Kvara has not scored or assisted for 15 matches? OOOO, let us blame the guy who has been here for 3 or 4. Let us show people how he was substituted and angry.

    This world is nuts, even if Garcia is the problem, he does not deserve this amount of stupidity, superficiality, superfluousness, and ignorance.
  19. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Kvara and Messi? What
  20. Ciro Di Marzio

    Ciro Di Marzio Member+

    SSC Napoli
    Jun 28, 2019
    Nat'l Team:
    Kvara is the least of our problems. He's a world class talent who's being double team'd and hasn't figured it out yet. He doesn't turn 23 until February and has only 1 year of experience in a top flight league.

    This kid is the best thing that's happened to us post-Maradona. Please stop using goals/assists when you can see with your eyes that he's our most talented player (along with Zielinski - who's also criminally underrated).
  21. SF19

    SF19 Member+

    Jun 8, 2013
    Garcia just passed the test against Braga. Just passed. He has to really get on the players to not only dominate early, but finish chances. If we can get 2-0 over Bologna in the first half, that makes our life much easier. There is no pressure to gamble on the ball and we keep possession, kill off the game, maybe even have a little fun.

    Let's see what Natan can do. It seems he will start against Bologna. If Garcia can avoid getting outwit by Motta, then we stay the course. I have a lot of confidence in Garcia, but Motta is a very good coach and Bologna are no pushovers. They can win this kind of game. It's a big test for Garcia and Natan. It will say a lot about ADL's strategy.

    ADL has been very cheap. Not just in terms of lack in signings. He hasn't signed key men to improved contracts. This game against Bologna I believe is make or break. It wouldn't shock me if Osimhen and Zielinski leave in January if we fail to renew them and fire Garcia. I don't even expect us to sign replacements. Raspadori and Simeone fill that void.

    Maybe we hire Motta. I think Almeyda of AEK is a serious option, too. Today de Zerbi's Brighton lost to AEK. Probably between those two as a replacement for Garcia at the minute.
  22. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    I would put him below cavani and pipita for Napoli. Possibly hamsik.
    Retrosword repped this.
  23. Mean Machine

    Mean Machine Member+

    May 23, 2018
    What about Insigne at his prime?
  24. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Sep 9, 2010
    AC Milan
    Him too. Plus I insigne from Naples
    Too bad he missed out on winning the league
  25. CarecaNapoli

    CarecaNapoli Member+

    Jul 5, 2007
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    It means these are not one offs.

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