Seriously though - it might be the opposite problem. If you assume that most top players are doping in some way - then the problem might be that the drugs are not helping him as much as others. This is one of the underlying philosophical arguments against legalizing doping
I KNEW once you were in here you were going to find a way to make this crooked. My god. Don't ever have kids or if you already do, stay away from them. You are the most cynical person I've ever come across!
I was being deadly serious though. Do you really think players at all the big clubs are not in to their pharma? I was doing some reading about cycling after the Armstrong thing and one of the problems you can have as a pro (similarly in athletics) is that people respond to the meds differently. So doping might not work for you. Anyway - it was just a minor point in response to the idea (a joke I know) that he needed better drugs. From what I can see - the best 'stamina' is available at Barca
Your baseless assumption was based largely on the assumption that everyone assumed that everyone is on it?
Yes. DeShawn Jackson is definitely doping. RGIII is doping too. Andrew Luck? Doping. Peyton Manning? Doping. Tom Brady? Doping.
Notice how he didnt name the big 6'7 defensive ends who are about 275 to 300lbs and they run 40 yard dash in times ranging between 4.5 and 4.75. Sure they dont ALL do it. But 95% do. I wouldnt be surprised if they caught Brady doping as well.
It is sarcasm. Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are slow, and relatively weak. If they are on super steroids, it must be for their brain. DeShawn Jackson is tiny. RGIII has been an elite athlete most of his life and got his start in a sport with probably the most stringent drugs screening process in existence. Bronaldo if you think Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are juicing, we don't need to have this conversation.
You are damn right I didn't name those guys because the assumption that was made was that all pro athletes dope. That's simply not true and anyone with half a brain can tell you that. I also seriously seriously doubt United have a doping routine as Jitty suggested. If Ferguson found out about that, he'd murder someone. I'm not joking either, he'd probably kill someone.
Steroids don't have to be for improved strength, improved speed etc. A player could be using steroids to help recovery, and you wouldn't notice any distinct changes in attributes. When someone on a forum makes a universal statement, "All X are Y", it is assumed that the universal quantifier is actually existential, and the person means to say "most".
The point is not to find one player and say he's doping. The assertion was that they all dope. Also, Usain Bolt is 210 lbs and he runs faster than everyone else on the planet. For DEs that are primarily muscle, having great times over short distances is understandable given that speed over a short distance is primarily about power. Once you get past a short distance though, it becomes equally about maintaining that speed for which you need to be streamlined, steady and smooth. It is why Bolt who isn't as powerfully built as most elite sprinters will catch/beat them at or about the 50 metre mark. They're powerful so were able to achieve max speed quickly, but he had a higher max speed and a longer arc.
Why are you aruging over something so little like how he threw ALL in there? So if he said most, would you have left it alone or agreed with him? The point is there, no need to drag this out over nothing.
Anyone who is not being a kunt realizes that Benni means "most" and not exactly 95%. This isn't a serious argument. It's an argumentative discussion. ********ing Bertrand Russell over here. Jeez.