I noticed, in another thread, that someone referred to Buck Shaw Stadium as "the Shaw"....a name that has been used elsewhere. I don't care for it, but it was not until a couple of days ago that it dawned on me about why I don't like it. In fact, it was another post that got me thinking. Someone used a term like "152 freeway" (I don't know that it was 152, but it was a state highway that is not a freeway). On Friday, I was watching the local evening news (I live in Clovis, so it was a Fresno station), and the traffic reporter used the term "the 168" (state 168 is a freeway in Fresno and Clovis) and it hit me. In recent years, I have been hearing traffic reports in the Bay Area from time to time that referred to "the 680", "the 101", "the 280"......you get the idea. I hate it because IT IS SO LA. For years, the traffic reports on LA broadcast stations identified the freeways as "the" followed by the number. The reality is that using "the" is appropriate when identifying the freeways by their names, like "the Bayshore", "the Nimitz", etc. I identify the inappropriate use of the word "the" as part of a shortened name to be Los Angeles slang.
Pretty much the same way. At least, in same way it makes a little more sense, as Candlestick is not someone's name, Candle Stick.....
I can't help but think the desire to give Buck Shaw Stadium a nickname by Quakes fans is in order to somehow take ownership of it. The fact is, the Quakes are going to be guests at their own home games. Buck Shaw Stadium belongs to Santa Clara University and was named for their legendary football coach. If we call it "The Shaw" or something akin to an EPL stadium nickname, it would seem less alien. This, of course, goes along with most MLS fans' need to be more fantasy than reality when it comes to our league because it's nothing compared with the soccer we watch on TV. I neither favor nor oppose calling that little berm with planks on it whatever anyone likes.
I think it has more to do with the desire to become familiar and friendly with the stadium. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are being asked to become accustomed to a new venue. This is a way, however trivial, of trying to come to terms with that a bit - to make it sound like something that's very familiar. Besides, I think references to "The Shaw" are somewhat tongue-in-cheek, making the little amenity-challenged college stadium sound like some like of hallowed, historic ground. Why try to deny a little fun? People will call it what they want, and we'll see how it plays out.
Sorry, I went to SCU. Anything other than Buck Shaw will seem alien to me. If this was the Quakes permenant home, I could maybe warm to the idea. However, since it's a temp, I will stick with Buck Shaw.
Not like it is something we're not used to as Quakes fans. They've been guests in someone else's stadium for 30 years. Also it is Buck Shaw, period. Has been for 40 years. As guests I don't feel we have the right to give it a new nickname. Plus as QuakeAttack said, as an SCU alum, anything other than Buck Shaw is just alien.
Not bad. Shaw 'nough. The Shawster. All fine alternatives. a68, you are being paged in the Super Bowl prediction thread in San Jose OT.
Sorry, but athletics68 can't come to the thread right now. Please leave a message after the beep. *beep*....
That's a good point about having always been a guest. I don't recall anyone every saying the Quakes played at Sparta or The Spart. I've actually seen a couple of football games at Buck Shaw (along with plenty of SC soccer) so I can't think of it as anything else.
The Shaw-shank Redemption. I like it. A fan base, wrongly accused of being inadequate, tunnels its way to a new life, and then redemption over its rivals and their seedy overlords...at The Shaw-shank!
Buck Shaw, making copies. The Buckmiester. The Shaw The Quake Game Live. Bucky "The New Captain America" Shaw. Buck Buck Buck Bashaw! Featuring Buck and the Shawtones. Buck Shaw.... Nicknames are stupid.
Oh for crying out loud! It was a joke!! Joke! OK! This nonsense started when several of us were complaining about how lame we thought Buck Shaw would be. I was trying to persuade people that it would be OK for a few years and that at least we wouldn't be giving any money to SJSU. (As an alum, I have every right to be really pissed off at SJSU!) As with most soccer discussions, the subject of beer was introduced. Someone confirmed that there would indeed be beer at Buck Shaw. At that point, FUAEG said something nice about "The Shaw." And we joked that the stadium had just changed from "crummy buck shaw" (or words to that effect) to "The Shaw" in an eye blink. Now some of you SCU alum have gotten testy with my continually calling YOUR stadium "The Shaw." NOTE: I am yanking your chains. I do it to be a pest. As far as giving the stadium a nick name or changing the name or some such absurdity, I am 100% confident that what I, or a handful of soccer fans, call the stadium here on BogusSoccer will not make one whit of difference anywhere else. Chill my friends. Relax. Es tranquilo. Now, back to our regular soccer discussions and enough of this name of the stadium nonsense. GOOOOOO QUAAAAAAAKES!!!!!!! - Mark
I take it in the spirit in which it was meant, but it is still so EL Lay sounding.....so much so that even in jest, I find it hard to believe you said it.
Or it could happen this way................... https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12805483&postcount=83
Dude you outed me! Now they're really going to hate that name. BS will get a lot of nick names but they won't be positive. "Buck Shaw ... It's name is ... Buck Shaw" - A68.